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Evening all 

Ended up quite mild and bright up here.

Squiggle, it was PB's nativity at nursery today. Son and DiL were able to get a couple of hours off work to attend. It was parents only viewing but DiL said PB was word perfect and thoroughly enjoyed it. Son dropped off PB at ours after nursery, DiL had dropped off BB first thing.

BB is fascinated with my new Santa, which runs as it plays the Benny Hill tune.

He sits on the floor laughing and bopping along, as Santa runs around him.

Summer, I'm glad the hospital visit went well.  I agree with Velvet's eloquent description of you.

Velvet and El, I'm glad you've managed to keep your feet on earth.



Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning. Off to buy crackers and last minute things this morning.


Well said Velvet, a very good description of Summer's kind and caring nature.  Yogi I am so glad PB did well in the nativity, I had no doubts she would be word perfect.  I can just picture BB being so entranced by the musical Santa running around.


There was a lovely moonset this morning.  The only time I have witnessed it, it was a supermoon and you could see the craters with the naked eye.  The moon was very bright and then turned orange as it began to set and sank behind the trees.


Enjoy your day everyone


My ex-girlfriend who was Irish once gave me a cassette of the best of Daniel O'Donnell on the basis that her mother liked him and his songs were sometimes played when I was at their house. I know he's very popular for some but his music was unlistenable to me.

Though I could easily forgive her as she also gave me this.

That's the full length version - there is some flashing lights though as a warning to anyone who suffers from photosensitivity.

El Loro

I hope you've all had a good day, mines been lovely;  I've treated myself to a manicure and Bramble got a 100% score at the vets for her health check I'm relieved because a few people have recently criticised me for her being "too thin" but the vet says she's perfect. It seems to be far too common for dogs to be overweight these days, so a healthy one would appear skinny in comparison 

~Sparkling Summer~
velvet donkey posted:

Here's one for Yogi and squiggs...


squiggle posted:

Thanks Velvet I love that one. Here is another of his that I love. Hope it works as I'm on me phone

Thanks Velvet, I do like John Denver  and Sunshine On My Shoulder is lovely - and (as you know) I had Annie's Song played at my wedding because I love the lyrics.

Another lovely one, Squiggle.

Last edited by Yogi19
El Loro posted:

My ex-girlfriend who was Irish once gave me a cassette of the best of Daniel O'Donnell on the basis that her mother liked him and his songs were sometimes played when I was at their house. I know he's very popular for some but his music was unlistenable to me.

Though I could easily forgive her as she also gave me this.

That's the full length version - there is some flashing lights though as a warning to anyone who suffers from photosensitivity.

Dire Straits over Daniel O'Donnel for me, El.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Lovely pics Joe it's just my opinion of course, but give me the countryside over a city centre any day of the week! 

Evening Summer, you know I'm with you on that one.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

I hope you've all had a good day, mines been lovely;  I've treated myself to a manicure and Bramble got a 100% score at the vets for her health check I'm relieved because a few people have recently criticised me for her being "too thin" but the vet says she's perfect. It seems to be far too common for dogs to be overweight these days, so a healthy one would appear skinny in comparison 

My vet has said the same to me - so many overweight dogs out there, it has become the norm.


Glad you've had a good day.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

4 bowls! Crikey velvet it must have been tasty what flavour? And do you deliver?


hi yogi have you had a good day?

 Count me in for the soup delivery. It's ages since I ate any soup I haven't made myself.


My day has been good, thanks. 

I'm hoping to finish my Christmas shopping tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

velvet donkey posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

4 bowls! Crikey velvet it must have been tasty what flavour? And do you deliver?


hi yogi have you had a good day?

Scotch Broth    


Evening Yogi         Hope all is well. Watching Manuel on ITV.

Evening Velvet  I love Scotch broth.


I'm watching Manuel too. What a brazen and evil man he was.

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