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Good morning everyone.

Another dreich day, weatherwise.

Sorry you've been ill, hope you feel better soon, Joe.

Velvet, what's happened to your laptop?

Apologies Ros, I meant to post in here after Strictly. Do you have anything planned with the choir this year?

Hubby and I are going to brave the shops today to get some Christmas gifts. Wish us luck!

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone


Sunny here ay present, a lot better than yesterday.


Velvet, that's bad news about your laptop I prefer desktops as I obviously do a lot of accounts work on them, but they also have the advantage that they are easier to get repaired than laptops as they have separate components.


GJ, I haven't been washed away. I know the football commentator on the local radio described the rain at the Cheltenham match as biblical (I assume like that of Noah's flood) but although it was raining for much of the day, the total was 14 mm so a very wet day but nothing exceptional. It's expected that there will be a lot of transfer activity at Cheltenham next month otherwise they are going straight down.


Yogi, I hope you don't get squished in the shopping today


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning an overcast but dry day here this morning. I went out last night for a meal with friends, and that's the last of my Christmas parties complete unless something else pops up, I should be able to relax and concentrate on work when the rush starts. 

Oh no velvet! what happened? And how old was it? 

Yogi, good luck out there I hope you find parking spaces just when you need them  




~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a much brighter morning this morning with even a hint of sunshine.


Both my computers, desktop and laptop have been fully re-built and are working fine.  My laptop is 8 years old and was in for repair a couple of weeks ago, the screen had failed and had to be replaced.  The computer guy said the laptop was still very responsive and quick, and as the guy said it's very much greener too!  My desktop is actually 16 years old - the sound quality is brilliant.


I hope you find exactly the right gifts Yogi and that the shops are not too crowded.


Enjoy your day everyone


Well done Yogi

By the way the computer I use on a day to day basis is only 3 and a half years old so it is one of the younger ones.


I still have my previous year which is about 8 years old. It's working OK but is Windows XP and it would have been too slow to upgrade to a newer version of Windows. It's not connected to the internet, and I switched off any attempt to get Windows updates (as Microsoft stopped issuing them for XP). As a result it boots up and switched off fairly quickly. The only thing I use it for is on that huge job where their accounts data works on that but wouldn't on my newer computer.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Well done Yogi

By the way the computer I use on a day to day basis is only 3 and a half years old so it is one of the younger ones.


I still have my previous year which is about 8 years old. It's working OK but is Windows XP and it would have been too slow to upgrade to a newer version of Windows. It's not connected to the internet, and I switched off any attempt to get Windows updates (as Microsoft stopped issuing them for XP). As a result it boots up and switched off fairly quickly. The only thing I use it for is on that huge job where their accounts data works on that but wouldn't on my newer computer.



Hope you've had a good day, El.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
velvet donkey posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Aw velvet, you're a real trooper you certainly deserve a sweet mince pie and a cup of hot chocolate  

Get the tree on. I'll be down the morra     

It's on, the trainset is running and I've got the marshmallows I ate the mince pies though

velvet donkey posted:

Evening troops   


Well in the words of Andy Williams' Love Story - Where do I begin?


The skinny latte is Norton wasn't responsive on the sis's lappy. After much effort and a re-install - still nout, couldn't activate it. A few liquers later someone comes up with a help number for Norton. Phone it in good faith, agree to some Indian dick trying to resolve it via remote access. One hour later we get the punchline - $120. Then I know we're fecked. A couple of piss orfs later I realized the error of my ways. Business lappy with a lot of private detail.


New lappy purchased today so fingers crossed all goes well when someone gets home. Five hours I was at that last night. Norton's helpline is just a money spinner with no response and avoid  GuruAid at all costs. I'm wound up like a coiled spring. 


I still love you all though    

Aww Velvet, there are so many of these rip off "helplines".


We love you too.


Good morning everyone


Very cloudy here and likely to be drizzle at times today.


Velvet, I don't use Norton as I had heard that it was a nightmare to reinstall if things went wrong. I would guess that there's an issue with the system registry. I assume that you used the Norton Remove & reinstall tool.


Ros, O Magnum Mysterium is a beautiful piece of choral music


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, not too bad a morning dry with a few clouds.


I don't use any of that expensive Norton, McAfee stuff.  On the recommendation of my computer guy I use the free stuff backed up with Malwarebytes.  McAfee - pressure sold to my computer phobe hubby when he took our first computer in for repair - wiped the hard drive when I tried to uninstall it.  I was a bit green in those days and that was before we moved and met the computer guy who re-built our machines.


All seems to be going well with your Christmas Summer, keep that hot chocolate on standby for Velvet now


Yogi I do believe that they are intending to steal Strictly away from the only deserving winner - Danny - and give it to one of the frightful Cliftons.  I feel for Danny he has put his heart into this and by comparison Ore and Louise are standing still while the showboating Cliftons dance around them.  A slight exaggeration I admit, but not much.  Certainly in the Latin dances.


Enjoy your day everyone


I have AVG Cloudcare on my computer. That's not the free one but is the one got through my local computer shop. The scans work in the background (when set at dynamic mode). That means that the scan rate adjusts depending on the resources being used during the scan to minimise the effect for the user. Although I pay for it, it's not expensive.  It is a cloud product intended for outfits to use for their customers so it's not something you would buy direct for your own use. There's also the advantage that if something goes wrong, my local computer shop can sort it out from their premises directly.

El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, not too bad a morning dry with a few clouds.


I don't use any of that expensive Norton, McAfee stuff.  On the recommendation of my computer guy I use the free stuff backed up with Malwarebytes.  McAfee - pressure sold to my computer phobe hubby when he took our first computer in for repair - wiped the hard drive when I tried to uninstall it.  I was a bit green in those days and that was before we moved and met the computer guy who re-built our machines.


All seems to be going well with your Christmas Summer, keep that hot chocolate on standby for Velvet now


Yogi I do believe that they are intending to steal Strictly away from the only deserving winner - Danny - and give it to one of the frightful Cliftons.  I feel for Danny he has put his heart into this and by comparison Ore and Louise are standing still while the showboating Cliftons dance around them.  A slight exaggeration I admit, but not much.  Certainly in the Latin dances.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning everyone.

Weather is grey but quite mild.


Squiggle, I agree with everything you said about Strictly.

I actually believe they intended to have all three Clintons in the final but Will Young scuppered that when he quit. 

I'll be giving my free votes to Danny and I hope all the other Claudia and AJ fans do the same.

Rocking Ros posted:

yogi-performed in the church last night  -O Magnum Mysterium-Lauridsen+ loads of various carols/Christmas hymns /songs/ welsh hymn/readings/ tenor solos-fantastic church and vicar -it went really well

I'm glad it went well, I'm sure you all sounded great.

I hadn't heard of O Magnum Mysterium but checked it out on Youtube and it is a lovely piece of music.

squiggle posted:

One thing I noticed Yogi, especially from Len, I think he was talking to Louise, it may even have been Ore as well.  He said 'you put such a lot of content into that'.  Well no they didn't, it is the professional who choreographs, is he watching the Cliftons more than he is watching the celebs?

 Spot on, Squiggle. 

I read somewhere that Len is the Godfather of Kevin and if it's true, it would explain why Kevin has had four celebs with potential (not a single duffer) and found himself in four consecutive finals.

Last year, the judges pushed Kevin and Kellie to a ridiculous degree but Jay and Aliona still won, so I am keeping my hopes alive that the fantastic Danny and the wonderful Oti can still win.


Good morning everyone, very cloudy with fast moving heavy clouds, quite gloomy.


I hope your day with the littlies is really fun Yogi, I bet the Christmas excitement levels are building.  I hope Bramble enjoys her walk in fresh pastures Summer and that your person that your friend is visiting will be on the mend soon.


Enjoy your day everyone

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