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velvet donkey posted:

Join the club Yogi     


I'm often awake till 7 am  -  just can't get over. At least I can catch Steve Allen at 4 on LBC though.


Glad all is well - same here I hope    

We posted at the same time. 

I have a few night where I hardly sleep at all, then I conk out for few nights and it goes round in circles.

Night night Velvet.


*night owls*  


sweet dreams gang, yogi I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight


you are right, I love Kirstie's homemade Christmas! I didn't realise it was on though so will record the repeat or get it on catch up thanks for the pointer 


I've been out (again) tonight, catching up with a friend, it's been a lovely evening. I am home the next couple of nights though  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, very rainy here too Summer, I'm planning to stay in.  I'm glad you were so happy on the way to work, I hope everyone appreciated your singing as they went on their way.


I'm glad you slept so well Yogi, just bad timing from that postie.  I hope you slept better too Velvet.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Generally cloudy here.


Summer, I had a suspicion that "Singin' in the Rain" was going to be one of the songs you sang


The next stage of the roadworks at the Elmbridge Court roundabout on the outskirts of Gloucester starts today. That's the one I've mentioned before. For the next 2 weeks during the weekdays the westbound route of the A40 will be closed between 6.30 am and 3.30 pm.


I think that will mean chaos as vehicles will have to find an alternative route through the streets of Gloucester. It's just as well that I've finished the huge job.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
velvet donkey posted:

Disappointed the Met Office have been binned El  -  they're my go to weather site and I have found them pretty much as spot on as you can be over the years   


Anyway, hope all is well Buddies. Bit of a tidy up today  -   hopefully on schedule. Shall have a freezer clean out later to make way for all the goodies that await    


Enjoy your weekend ye all    


I hope you have a good weekend too, Velvet.

velvet donkey posted:

I might be sniping again over the weekend but I hope it's still Plan A. Hope the shoppin is going well     

 Fingers crossed for Plan A


I got gifts for one DiL today and have ordered something for future DiL.

I made some mince pies but I couldn't find my cutters so they ended up rather "rustic" looking.

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