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~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

*wafts garlic smells through thread* oh my word! Delicious  


i hope you all had a nice tea too, I bet the celebs leaving the jungle enjoy their first decent tea after

 Sounds yummy!


I had lasagne for tea.

The celebs have had more food this year, than ever before. I'll be glad when it finishes on Sunday, it has not been a good series.


Good morning everyone, the weather here is grey and dull just like yours Summer.


I've been busy buying extra presents - I thought I was all sorted but 2 extra people are now turning up for Christmas dinner and then I've got to start making a list - not a naughty or nice list but a grocery list for those Christmas essentials that could easily be overlooked.


Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, the weather here is grey and dull just like yours Summer.


I've been busy buying extra presents - I thought I was all sorted but 2 extra people are now turning up for Christmas dinner and then I've got to start making a list - not a naughty or nice list but a grocery list for those Christmas essentials that could easily be overlooked.


Enjoy your day everyone

naughty or nice list! 


How many are coming for Christmas? 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, the weather here is grey and dull just like yours Summer.


I've been busy buying extra presents - I thought I was all sorted but 2 extra people are now turning up for Christmas dinner and then I've got to start making a list - not a naughty or nice list but a grocery list for those Christmas essentials that could easily be overlooked.


Enjoy your day everyone

naughty or nice list! 


How many are coming for Christmas? 

1002, that's why there's no room at the inn.

El Loro

Afternoon all. 

Summer, the weather is cloudy and cold up here. 

Squiggle, is someone helping you with the cooking for Christmas?

Mr Yogi and I might actually be on our own for Christmas Day this year, as youngest son is trying to get time off work to go to England with his fiancee to visit her sister and family (they spent last Christmas with us).

If it does happen, it will be the second Christmas Mr Yogi and have have spent alone together in 35 years.

Boxing Day will not be so quiet, as that is family day.

Will your brother be visiting for Christmas, El?


Yes Yogi, my family all pitches in (a bit) but it's my daughter who bears the main load nowadays.  I don't think I could do it all by myself any more.  I'm sure Boxing Day will be a great day for you all.


I hope there won't be any disruption to the railways EL and that your brother can get there without problems.  Will he be leaving to get to you earlier this year as Christmas Day is on a Sunday?

velvet donkey posted: 

This might be hello and goodnight Yogi   


I'm sniping tonight. Hope all is well and I'll be over on Christmas Day for a cheeky Baileys whilst the taxi is running    

 I'll tell Mr Y to make sure we've got some Baileys for you.

I didn't sleep well last night so I'm offski too. Goodnight and sweet dreams Velvet.

Night owl hugs for Ros and Summer.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning I've just caught up on the thread, I've really enjoyed reading all your Xmas plans. 

Squiggle I hope someone can bring a chair and you can squeeze in the 9th person, it all sounds fun

yogi, it must seem a little strange when you do have a quiet Christmas Day, I dare say Boxing Day will more than make up for it! 

My mum is arriving on the 23rd, and we'be opted to eat out this year. We found a nice pub with a good menu, and she's even bought herself a dress to wear! And a Christmas jumper for later!  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny and frosty here.


I once had a Bailey's icrecream in a restaurant, rather nice it was.


Velvet, I hope you are back here before Christmas


Yogi, I'm glad you had a better night's sleep 


I see that Film4 is showing Miracle on 34th Street (the original one with Edmund Gwenn) today at 13.00 and then Channel 4 is showing Miracle on 34th Street (the Richard Attenborough one) at 17.35.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good evening I've been somewhere very special today- the snowdogs farewell event  


Although I found the podium & unlocked the code, there was one special dog that was absentbon the day I was there. He had to be repaired after being damaged. So, after a long wait, I'm pleased to show you the very cool Aerodog...  

The aerodog looks great. Well done on seeing all of them, Summer.

velvet donkey posted:

Did you have any troops round today?     

Sorry Velvet, I was speaking to my DiL. She and my son had taken the children to have tea with Santa today and she'd sent me a pic.


Yes, I had middle son, and youngest son and his fiancee for a visit.

Middle DiL had a Christmas lunch with her staff today.



velvet donkey posted: 
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Just had the three rings   

 I hope you've had a good weekend too?

I got tag teamed at trivial pursuit and lost.


Always great to see the sis though  -  so yep, pretty decent          

 I'm sure you put up a good fight.


 Have you got the Christmas presents sorted?

velvet donkey posted:

Bought the boss a keyboard, back scratcher, fancy tattie peeler for apples and a walking stick rubber end. The other has the portable DAB, Roja Amber Aoud perfume, back scratcher, tweezers and UB40's Present Arms in Dub. We might go halfers on some decent binoculars for the boss too for print on the telly. I bought a pair earlier but they're rubbish    


Have you got me anything yet?      

Well done, you're very organised.


What could I possibly buy for the man who has everything?!


IAC time (aka The Scarlett Show).

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