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*night owls*  

thanks yogi & Ros, sweet dreams both of you fill us in with the latest PB update tomorrow yogi


ive been out for a meal with the girls from yoga, thoroughly enjoyed it  



squiggle- what was your best job then?


My worst was a little cleaning job that I had as a teenager. The lady started off lovely but then kept adding more & more jobs for me to do within the hour, and it became an unrealistic task and she wasn't very nice about it.



~Sparkling Summer~

Moin! We've had a busy time. A nasty bug has swept through the opposite camp, my son and grandsons. He had to take a day off work - the first time I can remember. We had the youngest for twenty four hours.

I suspect that normal service will resume tomorrow assuming Mrs Jer and I remain well.

Another cold icy start. I hope you all remain well too and have a pleasant day.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone.

Weather is damp and cold - not frosty like yours El.

Joe, I hope your family get well soon and you and Mrs Ger don't come down with the bug

Summer, apart from visiting her great grandparents, PB and I made gingerbread christmas trees which she decorated with green icing and tiny edible baubles - she also decided to add pink foam shrimp sweeties for some random reason.

We also made a "countdown to Christmas clock". It is a Santa face and the clock has numbers 1-25 instead of the normal 12 and only one hand instead of two - so a sort of advent calander. She took it home with her to hang in her bedroom.

BTW, she got the part of Mary in the nativity. There is only one fly in the ointment, she doesn't like Mary's costume, as the boy who is playing the star has a sparkly costume and she prefers that. My mum and I persuaded her that playing Mary was very special indeed and much better than having a bling costume.


Have a good day everyone.



Good morning and get well soon Joe's family I hope you don't catch it too 


oooh well done PB we always knew she was a special young lady! And lol at the shrimp- maybe it's a forest grump theme?  


what are you all up to today? I'm going to the cinema! Not something I do a lot these days, so I'm really looking forward to it. A friend and I are going to watch fantastic beasts 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, another frosty start, a nice early winter morning, and the sea is a silvery blue this morning, very pretty.


I hope your client visit goes well EL, the countdown to Christmas clock sounds like a lovely idea Yogi, I did wonder how many edible decorations had to be 'tested' before they went on the gingerbread Christmas trees


Enjoy your trip to the cinema Summer, I have heard that people like the film so I hope you will too.  I suppose my best ever job was when I worked for the first time for a patent agent.  There was just him and me and he was a real sweetheart.  Very complex work but I enjoyed it and it was good to have so much responsibility.  I was engaged to my future husband and was married while I worked there.  Funnily enough my last job, also for a patent and trade mark agent, was in the same building, different floors.  The London Silver Vaults was in the basement so if you know the area at all then you know which building it was.


A hug for Velvet just because.


Enjoy your day everyone


Thank you Squiggle

That does sound a nice job. My mother's favourite job was at the Performing Rights Society. That's the organisation which distributes royalties to musicians etc. Her department dealt with South America. She would have dealt with once of the countries there. Work out how much royalties received and how much to pay to each person. And that was right at the start of the 1950s so no such thing as computers. That's in London and she left when she married and moved here.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Weather is damp and grey atm.

Velvet, when is your tree going up? Edit: I should have read properly, I see your tree is going up on Friday.

I'm going to wait until PB and BB are here next week - PB says she is going to help hang the decorations, like last year.

Have a good day everyone.

Last edited by Yogi19

Evening all 

Squiggle, I think I will have to be very careful which ornaments I let BB "help" to put on the Christmas tree.

Summer, I love the twinkly December pic.

El and Velvet, someone is going to be in big trouble for leaving that bucket unattended.

I'm giving IAC a miss tonight and will be in The Apprentice thread at 9pm.

IAC hasn't really gripped my interest this year - which may be down to the producers pushing their chosen one.


Good morning everyone.

Apologies for diappearing last night. The site was playing up for me - posts wouldn't go through and pages wouldn't load or would crash - so I gave up.


Summer, I hope you had a good day yesterday.


Well done on getting the tree up, Velvet.


Joe, I hope you haven't got the nasty cold bug that has been doing the rounds - it lasts three weeks or more!


Have a good day everyone.



El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


A very cloudy day here, cold but no frost.


I've asked Lori about the cogs problems last night via EC's thread.

I know nothing, I'm not from Barcelona


I hope everyone has a good day I'm steadily working through all the info I was given by the huge client.

Good morning El.


Sad new about Andrew Sachs.

Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Apologies for diappearing last night. The site was playing up for me - posts wouldn't go through and pages wouldn't load or would crash - so I gave up.


Summer, I hope you had a good day yesterday.


Well done on getting the tree up, Velvet.


Joe, I hope you haven't got the nasty cold bug that has been doing the rounds - it lasts three weeks or more!


Have a good day everyone.



That hasn't made me feel any better! I'm on my way back to bed after a late breakfast. I'm hoping to do some more work this afternoon.

I ache a bit and my head symptoms don't deserve a run out on a family forum such as this one.

Garage Joe

Thanks, Squiggle


I rang the huge client earlier this morning to go through some queries on the information they passed to me on Monday only to find that one of them was off poorly and the other taking the day off. I've still got some work today on that which will take quite some time so I'm hoping that they are back on Monday for me to make more progress - it is coming towards the end now.

El Loro

Ta squiggle! I'm hot but not in that way. I'm burning up which is probably a good sign.

as if things were not bad enough ..... Tuesday, the youngest's school was shut down at very short notice due to a gas leak and that was the day he was ill carrying through until Wednesday. His Mum picked him up yesterday and he was sad. Eventually he volunteered that he was no longer a King in the nativity play because he missed a rehearsal on Wednesday.

a shame because he has been word perfect and acting it out for a long time. Mrs Jer has just set off to pick him up and "liase" with his teacher.

Part of me thinks it wise that he realises life can occasionally disappoint.

I remember aged 8 being let go from the school choir just before Christmas because the teacher's son had been turned down for the Church Choir! Believe it or not I spent a decade in the church choir as a boy soprano and then tenor.

i can still make a better job of singing MacArthur park than Alexander Armstrong!

(but I'm not as amusing)


Garage Joe
Garage Joe posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Apologies for diappearing last night. The site was playing up for me - posts wouldn't go through and pages wouldn't load or would crash - so I gave up.


Summer, I hope you had a good day yesterday.


Well done on getting the tree up, Velvet.


Joe, I hope you haven't got the nasty cold bug that has been doing the rounds - it lasts three weeks or more!


Have a good day everyone.



That hasn't made me feel any better! I'm on my way back to bed after a late breakfast. I'm hoping to do some more work this afternoon.

I ache a bit and my head symptoms don't deserve a run out on a family forum such as this one.

Sorry Joe! 

Garage Joe posted:

Ta squiggle! I'm hot but not in that way. I'm burning up which is probably a good sign.

as if things were not bad enough ..... Tuesday, the youngest's school was shut down at very short notice due to a gas leak and that was the day he was ill carrying through until Wednesday. His Mum picked him up yesterday and he was sad. Eventually he volunteered that he was no longer a King in the nativity play because he missed a rehearsal on Wednesday.

a shame because he has been word perfect and acting it out for a long time. Mrs Jer has just set off to pick him up and "liase" with his teacher.

Part of me thinks it wise that he realises life can occasionally disappoint.

I remember aged 8 being let go from the school choir just before Christmas because the teacher's son had been turned down for the Church Choir! Believe it or not I spent a decade in the church choir as a boy soprano and then tenor.

i can still make a better job of singing MacArthur park than Alexander Armstrong!

(but I'm not as amusing)


Seems harsh to lose his part due to missing one rehearsal. I wish Mrs Ger luck with changing the teacher's decision.

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