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Good morning everyone


Generally cloudy here and fairly mild for November.


Yogi, I hope ypu have a good couple of days and GJ, success with your search for wardrobes


One of the earilest radio programmes for children was called Toytown (from 1929 to 1932). The lead character was Larry the Lamb. It was very popular at the time and it's quite possible that that is why Larry Lamb's parents called him that. There was also a television series made many years later in the early 70s.


If' it's a clear night tonight it's a super moon. The full moon is at its closest and brightest for 70 years. It doesn't mean that it will be spectacular and it won't be massiviely bigger than normal - it will be about 14% larger compared to the full moon when it's furthest away.


I hope everuone has a good day

El Loro

I watched a 1943 film called Government Girl. It was an American comedy which I hadn't heard of and I thought I would watch it as it starred Olivia de Havilland. It was not a good film. I would have expected her to be better so I looked the film up on IMDB and saw this on the trivia page.


Leading lady Olivia de Havilland absolutely hated the role. She had not wanted to do the picture in the first place, but was forced into it by an arrangement whereby Warner Bros. loaned her services to David O. Selznick, who turned her over to RKO. Her distaste for the arrangement is evident in the wide variety of grimaces, smirks and other expressions she used to avoid creating a character of any depth or credibility.

El Loro

^ who can blame her really, that's a terrible way to treat someone  

I'm right in the mood to watch an old movie  


good evening! At last! I've been here several times today but every attempt at completing a post has been thwarted by RL  

I hope you're all well and have a clear view of the moon, it's partially cloudy here tonight but I've seen it several times 


moonie, this is the last week of the snowdogs (they have brought the end date forward) so I will be completing my adventures this week. I do believe that I have saved the best until last thumb: 


i hope yogi's sleepover & babysitting adventures are going smoothly

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here today, tomorrow may be showery. The Met Office website is showing thunder symbols from Thursday afternoon throughout Friday, some on Saturday, and much of Monday with colder weather than at present so not nice weather.


GJ, I'm glad your water stop cock and road tap are going to be sorted out The split of the costs is what I would expect as it would be the same as if there was a burst pipe.


Summer, I wish you success on your hunt for the last of the snowdogs The treatment of Olivia de Havilland by the film studios was typical of how studios treated their contracted actors and actresses even if they were stars.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, really miserable here, misty and drizzly.  The valley looks very dramatic this morning, slightly misty and with the last few trees with leaves looking very autumnal.


I wonder what sort of snowdogs you dreamt about Summer, those you'd seen or fantastical ones your mind dreamed up.


I hope all is going well with Yogi's babysitting and that the weather is good for getting out and about and scuffling through piles of leaves.


Enjoy your day everyone


My accountancy institute emailed me with its regular digest of tax news. As usual it will make a commentary on next week's autumn statement from the chancellor. The email says that they will be poring over the documents issued by the treasury and HMRC departments.


I would have expected better from my institute. Poring

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here at present though showers forecast this afternoon. Much colder and very unsettled weather takes over tomorrow onwards.


Woken up in the early hours by a phone caller who left an incoherent message on the answerphone. I've barred the number.


My brother's computer is having big problems - he can't get into Windows and the safe mode isn't working. It's not a new computer. Although he took out an extended warranty it doesn't cover software issues, just hardware. I have given him a bit of info which might work but we think it's a job for a computer engineer. He's using a small Windows 10 laptop at present.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

We survived the sleepover.

BB slept for 12 hours on Monday night. DiL said I was lucky but I prefer to think it was Granny's magic touch.

PB asked everyone to please be quiet - as she wanted to make a conference call on BB's chatter phone. Can you tell that DiL sometimes works from home?

El, I hope your brother's computer is easy and inexpensive to sort.

Wll done on getting the big job done, as far as you can for now.

Summer, happy snowdog hunting today.

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, still cloudy but much brighter than yesterday.


Of course it was Granny's magic touch Yogi!  I have to smile at PB's conference call Ditto on the snow dog hunting Summer


Did your brother try system restore from the safe mode EL?  If that doesn't work I hope your brother has backed up everything because it sounds as if he will need to reinstall Windows.  You've done very well on that huge job, well done


Enjoy your day everyone


GJ, I think the rain you've got at present will arrive here sometime tomorrow.


Yogi, I'm glad you survived the sleepover


Squiggle, my brother did try getting in via safe mode but was unable to. What I suggested was to see if he can use the Windows startup repair tool (Windows 7). If that works that would be the easiest option. The alternative is probably a Windows reinstallation. He would lose some things which would be annoying for him but nothing critical. He does not have the installation discs so unless there's a shadow copy on the hard drive he would not be able to do that.


Yogi, if he did have to get a computer engineer to try to get things working, that would be an expense. He does have an extended guarantee. Although that wouldn't cover this he might see if the computer manufacturer would sort it out for him as a cheaper option than refunding the premium which he had only recently paid.


So I think it's firstly try to see if that repair tool sorts it out and if that doesn't then contact the computer manufacturer support people.

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

Shopping and banking  all done. Just in time too. Light rain has arrived but set to get worse later. Quite a bit colder than yesterday and again set to get even colder 

Sweet, good luck with snowdogs hunting. Look forward to seeing this batch 

Yogi, pleased the sleepover went well 

PB is a gem  @ The conference call 

Joe, happy dusting 

Squiggle, I hope your day continues to stay bright 

Velvet, hellloooooooo to you if you should pop in 

 El, good luck to your brother with his computer. Not a Windows user myself. I have Linux Mint on my laptop. Not as comprehensive as Windows I will grant you but it works for me. I use my IPad Pro as a rule 

Have a great day Buddies 

Last edited by Moonie

Good afternoon Moonie As you say, it's set to get colder from tomorrow. The Met Office keep on changing their minds over my local forecast - the thunder symbols have gone (covering tomorrow evening and Friday) at present, The symbols have been changing several times over the past couple of days for the forecast for Thursday and Friday.


I thibk my brother will be lucky if he can get his desktop computer sorted out. I've always used Windows since I started my accounting practice as my computer needs to be able to handle clients' data and so I went for the operating systems most used by businesses.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Good afternoon Moonie As you say, it's set to get colder from tomorrow. The Met Office keep on changing their minds over my local forecast - the thunder symbols have gone (covering tomorrow evening and Friday) at present, The symbols have been changing several times over the past couple of days for the forecast for Thursday and Friday.


I thibk my brother will be lucky if he can get his desktop computer sorted out. I've always used Windows since I started my accounting practice as my computer needs to be able to handle clients' data and so I went for the operating systems most used by businesses.

Let's hope he doesn't lose any important files El 

It's fair enough to stick with the OS that suits you best, especially as it's your business and livelihood 

The last time I used Windows was with Vista. I had a lot of problems with viruses even with antivirus software so went to Linux. This latest version I have is Linux Mint which is great for me 


Moonie, my brother was saying that it would be more annoying rather than catastrophic if he does lose the data on his computer. I've had relatively few viruses on my computers over the years but then I've tended to be careful with the websites I go on and when it comes to emails very cautious if they've come from an unknown source particlarly those with an embedded link or an attachment.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, my brother was saying that it would be more annoying rather than catastrophic if he does lose the data on his computer. I've had relatively few viruses on my computers over the years but then I've tended to be careful with the websites I go on and when it comes to emails very cautious if they've come from an unknown source particlarly those with an embedded link or an attachment.

I don't do emails now tbh El. Haven't for years  

Have never opened attachments but it's was probably a dodgy website 

Link copied to your clipboard.