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velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Oh no Velvet, that's not good news about the wheels. I don't suppose there is any chance of the garage admitting liability and stumping up for the new wheels?

I doubt it Yogi   


Paid ÂĢ500 for two new alloys and bolts to be told they won't bolt on safely. RAC gave a full condemnation report when they were called out as the car failed north of the Forth Rd Bridge. Said the driver was lucky to be alive.


All problems are solvable though.


Catch you after The Apprentice  

It's not fair that you should be out of pocket through the garage's negligence but I guess it's difficult to prove. Thank goodness nobody was badly injured.


*night owls* sorry to have missed you yogi, I hope your day was a good one sweet dreams  

I love that PB is a happy little gardener she's going to have some great life skills before she's even old enough to know what that phrase means  


i loved rubix cube as a child! I only managed 3 sides, but I still enjoyed trying. My mum had an uncle who taught me how to do it, but I have long since forgotten 


I've been a busy bee tonight, getting the house ready for my friends arriving this weekend. We've all got Xmas bedding, my Xmas trees are up and I've made them a Xmas wreath. They are going to be surprised or may not, they say I'm the "most Christmassy person we know" so they'll probably suspect my tree will be up. The wreath will be a complete surprise to them though  



~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.

It's a very frosty start to the day. Brrrrrr!

Summer, you are right about PB. She loves to help, no matter what we are doing - and is picking up life skills along the way.

Good luck with the boiler, Joe. Your son will certainly appreciate a new boiler now winter is upon us.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm.


Good morning everyone


Frosty sunny start to the day here.


Yogi, I hope you don't freeze solid


Velvet, that's atrocious work by that garage, yoo won't be going there again


Summer, so you are the "most Christmassy person" they know


GJ, good luck with the boiler. I assume you are getting a registered heating engineer to do the fitting unless you are one yourself.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

There's a couple of tax questions today on one of the accounting websites. One is asking if a cricket umpire can be regarded as self employed. The other is asking a capital gains tax question on a violin bow which the client has sold and it had been given to him by his mother. The people who have been replying have been making somewhat humourous comments. There's no point in providing a link as you would need be be registered to see the comments but you can guess the sort of things they've been saying like "I'm stumped for an answer" and " hope they aren't on the fiddle".

El Loro

Sone quite extraordinary findings by researchers into flu, specifically influenza A. Although there are 18 strains of this, there are only two types of hemagglutinin receptors. The researchers decided to call them blue lollipops and orange lollipops.


The findings are that people who have already had flu are less likely to be as badly hit by a subsequent flu infection if the receptor of that is the same as that of the first. What is more extraordinary is that people born before the late 60s are likely to have been first hit with a flu with the blue receptors but those born in the late 60s with one with the orange receptor.

(by the way the annual flu jab contains one to combat a H1N1 strain (which would have a blue lollipop), a H3N2 strain (an orange lollipop) and an influenza B strain)

El Loro
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

*night owls* sorry to have missed you yogi, I hope your day was a good one sweet dreams  

I love that PB is a happy little gardener she's going to have some great life skills before she's even old enough to know what that phrase means  


i loved rubix cube as a child! I only managed 3 sides, but I still enjoyed trying. My mum had an uncle who taught me how to do it, but I have long since forgotten 


I've been a busy bee tonight, getting the house ready for my friends arriving this weekend. We've all got Xmas bedding, my Xmas trees are up and I've made them a Xmas wreath. They are going to be surprised or may not, they say I'm the "most Christmassy person we know" so they'll probably suspect my tree will be up. The wreath will be a complete surprise to them though  



Summer, you definitely qualify for the title of Miss Christmas.

We were in Costco earlier today and saw a young couple wearing Christmas jumpers - I immediately thought of you.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, bright and a little bit warmer here.  Velvet that's rotten luck with the car, and yes definitely incompetence I hope you can get it all sorted


Summer what a lovely surprise that will be for your friends, enjoy your weekend.


Enjoy your day everyone

Your weather sounds nice, I hope you are warm and cosy, Squiggle.

El Loro posted:

There's a couple of tax questions today on one of the accounting websites. One is asking if a cricket umpire can be regarded as self employed. The other is asking a capital gains tax question on a violin bow which the client has sold and it had been given to him by his mother. The people who have been replying have been making somewhat humourous comments. There's no point in providing a link as you would need be be registered to see the comments but you can guess the sort of things they've been saying like "I'm stumped for an answer" and " hope they aren't on the fiddle".

What are the correct answers to the questions? 


Yogi, as far as the cricket umpire question is concerned, I can't give a definitive answer as it depends on the business relationship betwen the umpire and who is paying the umpire. At its most simplistic, it's a case of financial risks and rewards. The closer the umpire is towards accepting a greater share of those than the payer is more like self employment, conversely employment. There's a huge number of factors to be taken into account and it's no one factor but the overall picture which decides. It keeps employment solicitors busy.


The violin bow question is easier to answer. It can't have been an ordinary bow as he sold it for ÂĢ55k so presumably was one which had been used by one of the major violinists of the past. As he had been given it by his mother, the market value at the time of the gift would need to be established (probably by a specialist valuer). Then the gain would be ÂĢ55k less that value less any annual CGT exemption not otherwise used. (That's elementary knowledge for any accountant, why the accountant asked in the first place is a bit odd - he asked as the mother was foreign and had always lived abroad, but that has no effect on the tax as the son was a UK resident),

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, as far as the cricket umpire question is concerned, I can't give a definitive answer as it depends on the business relationship betwen the umpire and who is paying the umpire. At its most simplistic, it's a case of financial risks and rewards. The closer the umpire is towards accepting a greater share of those than the payer is more like self employment, conversely employment. There's a huge number of factors to be taken into account and it's no one factor but the overall picture which decides. It keeps employment solicitors busy.


The violin bow question is easier to answer. It can't have been an ordinary bow as he sold it for ÂĢ55k so presumably was one which had been used by one of the major violinists of the past. As he had been given it by his mother, the market value at the time of the gift would need to be established (probably by a specialist valuer). Then the gain would be ÂĢ55k less that value less any annual CGT exemption not otherwise used. (That's elementary knowledge for any accountant, why the accountant asked in the first place is a bit odd - he asked as the mother was foreign and had always lived abroad, but that has no effect on the tax as the son was a UK resident),

I'm glad I asked.

Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Hsve any of you noticed something slightly different in appearance on the forum compared to a day ago? It's not that interesting so it would be very easy not to spot it

The only difference I have noticed is the little icon in my favourites has changed from a G to an H.

That's not it though is probably connected - it's on the forum pages

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Hsve any of you noticed something slightly different in appearance on the forum compared to a day ago? It's not that interesting so it would be very easy not to spot it

The only difference I have noticed is the little icon in my favourites has changed from a G to an H.

That's not it though is probably connected - it's on the forum pages

I'll have another look 

velvet donkey posted:

It's on Yogi but I wasn't paying attention till England just scored.

I can take or leave football really - the standard isn't what it used to be and they're all overpaid.


I might be flicking now        Hope you're picking up some tips from the naked chef. Should be a cookery fest from now till Christmas on the box       

I heard hubby roar so I guessed England had scored. 

I'd flick too, if I were watching. I love the Christmas cookery shows.

velvet donkey posted:

I remember about 30 years ago we had a family Christmas do where I was cooking and turning the turkey upside down to cook was trendy. Well about four hours later when it was ready and after a good few I got set to carve it and couldn't understand why all the knife was hitting was bone.


I had completely forgotten it was upside down and yes with a full dining room I was in full panic mode for a few minutes   

 That's the sort of thing I would do.


Good morning everyone


It's been raining here, not as heavy now as it was.


GJ, well done on getting the boiler installed


Summer, I hope you are having a nice weekend with your friends


Yogi, that Standard order/Most active option has been around for a couple of weeks. No prizes for guessing which forum is shown at the top with most active The very trivial change I was referring to was that the Hoop,la logo shown right at the bottom had been changed.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, sounds like we all have similar weather this morning, it has rained and now it's dry.  Quite heavy cloud overhead but not black rain clouds, they still look a bit menacing.


I'm with you on the observational front Yogi, do you remember The Krypton Factor, the observation round?  Me and my husband used to concentrate like 2 cats watching a mouse and still missed half of what we were supposed to see


Enjoy your day everyone, especially you Summer, hope your friends are liking your surprises

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