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Good morning everyone.

It's very chilly up here but no snow.

Summer, the hugs and kisses from PB definitely made me feel better.

El, I agree about the stained glass windows, they are beautiful.

I've got to wait in for a parcel but hope to nip to Tesco at some point for some Christmas ornaments, and a reindeer throw which is only available in store.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone.  What stunning photos EL, the stained glass windows are lovely.


I'm glad you had a lovely day with the little ones Yogi, nothing like a hug from a little pair of arms to restore the world to what it should be.  I hope you don't have to wait in too long and can snap up a reindeer throw. Happy snow dog hunting Summer. Nice to see you back posting Moonie.


Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone.  What stunning photos EL, the stained glass windows are lovely.


I'm glad you had a lovely day with the little ones Yogi, nothing like a hug from a little pair of arms to restore the world to what it should be.  I hope you don't have to wait in too long and can snap up a reindeer throw. Happy snow dog hunting Summer. Nice to see you back posting Moonie.


Enjoy your day everyone

That's so true, Squiggle.


I got the throw - they only had two left and I got a Santa scene bauble which is pretty.

El, the parcel came at noon, which was lucky.

It's definitely soup weather, Joe.


Good morning everyone.

We've got snow! Will send you a pic, Summer.

I love the snowdogs! My favourites of this group are the wildlife one and the patchwork one.

I can't believe the news I woke to. Heaven help us all, with Trump's hand hovering over the button as soon as someone annoys him.

We are dropping off my youngest and his fiancÃĐe at the airport this morning. They are off on holiday to celebrate her birthday. 

Have a good day everyone.


squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, we just had a shower but now it's brightening up well with lots of blue sky.  7 or 8 RAF fighter jets just screamed over one by one, noisy morning.


Hi again Moonie nice to see you. You might be interested in this, it was on our news, not sure if it was on your's


Enjoy your day everyone

 That's very interesting, fankoo squiggle  


Re flying with swans. Back in May the BBC released a short Youtube clip which is in 360 degrees. It shows 4 swans flying almost at ground level besides the vehicle. It's filmed from the vehicle to try to give you the impression that you are flying with the swans.


If you are using a computer you can either move around by clicking on the direction arrows in the top left or by pressing down the mouse button whilst on the screen and move the mouse.


I'll post the link and the clip here as it may be easier to do via the link rather than here on the clip. Best to be at full screen. Unless you move to the right initially you may not see the swans at first.

El Loro

*night owls* evening all, I hope you're all warm & cosy. I awoke to find snow on my car this morning it all melted by lunchtime though. I met a friend for brunch, different friends for a walk and then made a Xmas wreath for some different friends! I'm surprising them when they come to visit this weekend  


what I've been seeing from American's on Twitter is that they refuse to give up hope, many are tweeting inspirational messages about striving to be good people and looking towards a brighter day 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good morning a bright & cold morning here today. 


Squiggle, that's very helpful what a great wind. Are most of the leaves off the trees now? 

Hi Summer, no some stubborn ones are still clinging on.  If the wind keeps on I might get really lucky and it will blow them all down the valley, I like it when it does that

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone.

It rained overnight and most of the snow has been washed away.

Squiggle, you need a visit from PB. Last time she was here, she helped grandad pick up all the leaves which had blown into our front garden. She used one of those "grabber things" and loved it.

El, I was rubbish at doing Rubik's Cubes (no surprise there!) and could only get one or two sides done at most. 

Summer, has your snow disappeared too?

Moonie, good to see you posted yesterday.


Yogi, I thought it likely that your snow would be temporary. It would be a bit concerning if you had lying snow there for the next 4 months.


Although quite a lot of leaves have fallen down in my area there a lot still to fall. There's not much breeze here at present.


I was useless at Rubik's Cube as well, possibly because I wasn't interested enough to persevere

El Loro
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