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Good morning everyone, blue sky this morning, hardly any clouds at all.  That cake did look gorgeous and I am glad you are both enjoying it EL, have a great weekend.  Well done on finding the birthday gift Yogi and it does make me smile to think of Keira enjoying her meals so much now that she is feeling better, sweet girl.


Enjoy your day everyone


It's been very chilly here today but no rain or sleet.

We had a visit from middle son in the morning, then eldest son, DiL and the children in the afternoon and Mr Yogi has gone to the airport to pick up youngest son and his fiancÃĐe and take them home - they've been on a trip to London for a few days. What you might call, a family day!


Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

*night owls*  


yogi your day sounds lovely, I hope everyone's enjoyed themselves and that Keira has enjoyed some attention too. 

I enjoyed strictly and came straight to bed after because Bramble was unsettled with the fireworks going off. She's fine in bed and we've got the radio on  

Sweet dreams everyone  

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry and very chilly.


Poor Bramble, I hope she settled down once the fireworks stopped.


Keira had a good day. She ate well, took her meds and enjoyed the visit from the grandchildren. She even stayed close to PB's side when she was eating a sandwich, in the hope that her best buddy would share with her. She did!

We normally discourage this but it was so good to see her return to her typical, greedy, retriever self.


Youngest son and his fiancÃĐe are coming for dinner today. Youngest has requested lamb! Yogi's CafÃĐ is still open for business.

El, I hope you are having a good weekend with your brother and Squiggle, I hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend.


Good morning everyone


Frosty sunny start to the day here though there's some showers forecast for mid-afternoon.


Togi, I'm glad you had lots of family visits yesterday


Summer, I'm not surprised that the fireworks upset Bramble


Yesterday we completed the rest of the adventure game Broken Age. The second half was considerably harder then the first and many people have to resort to a walkthrough to be able to do it. We've started on another game Anna's Quest which shows promise.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, again a lovely blue sky and quite sunny, although obviously quite chilly, but I'm not intending to venture out.


Good to hear that Keira is back to her old self Yogi, enjoy your roast lamb lunch.  It's nice to know that Bramble is so happy and secure when you are there Summer and no longer afraid of the nasty bangs in the sky.


I hope the new game proves very enjoyable EL and the rest of your weekend together goes well.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good evening I hope you're all warm and cosy. Bramble and I did an independent walk and then I went to meet my walking group for a cuppa as their walk ended. I've missed the merry bunch lately and was thrilled to catch up with them all  


lamb sounds delicious! I think I need to get some lamb chops at some point this week I'm really pleased to hear that Keira is recovery so well, I bet PB's visit was fun for her  


El I'm glad you've had a lovely weekend with your brother, how is he? 


Squiggle, have you had a nice weekend? 

~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all.

We had a nice visit from youngest son and his fiancÃĐe.

Squiggle, it's great to see Keira getting back to her old self.

Moonie, good to see you back.

El, I look forward to seeing your brother's pics and hope the engineering work doesn't interfere with your Christmas plans.

Did Bramble enjoy her walk, Summer? I bet it was nice to catch up with your walking group.


Aw get well soon yogi I hope your cold breaks soon 


lol yes indeed, Bramble was a distant blur of fur for quite a lot of the walk, she is clearly very happy to have her freedom back! I don't even mind that she got caked in muddy water, it came off easily  


moonie it's lovely to see you pop in, I hope your team did you proud this weekend  


leaving goodnight hugs fir you all

~Sparkling Summer~

Moin! After such a hectic weekend I'm hoping for a restful day at least before we pick the youngest up from school! I'm finding these quick trips out increasingly tiring yet full of material for another article. 

There seem to be two types of infection; sinus type colds, and bad coughs. I find menthol or peppermint oil relieves the first, and boiled sweets or honey the second. Either way I hope you feel better soon Yogi.

Garage Joe

My brother have me some biscuits which he had bought while on holiday. They were from Papagena Fine Bakeries. I knew what Papagena comes from though he didn't have a clue. Famous duet from Mozart's The Magic Flute with the leads Papagano (the man) and Papagena (the woman)

And they are wearing bird costumes - their names derive from the German for parrot

El Loro

The last three are all interior of La Sagrada Familia (Sacred Family) a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona. It has been being built since 1882 with the main design being by Gaudi. It's now 70% complete. Not surpringly it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It's not a cathedral as Barcelona has already got one.

Barcelona Holiday October 2016 127Barcelona Holiday October 2016 132Barcelona Holiday October 2016 138



Images (3)
  • Barcelona Holiday October 2016 127
  • Barcelona Holiday October 2016 132
  • Barcelona Holiday October 2016 138
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Aw get well soon yogi I hope your cold breaks soon 


lol yes indeed, Bramble was a distant blur of fur for quite a lot of the walk, she is clearly very happy to have her freedom back! I don't even mind that she got caked in muddy water, it came off easily  


moonie it's lovely to see you pop in, I hope your team did you proud this weekend  


leaving goodnight hugs fir you all

Fankoo Sweet 

Yes, my team won for a change 


Have a great evening everyone  


*early birds* good morning and belated goodnight I've been a busy bee  


El, those pics are stunning, no wonder people say Barcelona is so beautiful thank you for sharing. Was it the first time your brother has visited the city?


no snow here, but rumour has it that they some further west of here last week. I've yet to see a frost, still! 

Yogi I hope that you had a good night's sleep last night, and are feeling brighter today. Did some P&BB cuddles help?  

I have the day off work today and now that Bramble is rested & recovered, I'm happy to report that I am resuming the snowdog trail I will post pics later  



~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Getting cloudier here, not warm, rain forecast by late afternoon when it will be warmer so no snow expected.


Those stained glass window photos were the standout I think. Summer, my brother has visited Barcelona before. He told me that when he visited La Sagrada Familia church at the previous visit the ceilings were not in place. I think that was some 6 years ago. Construction continues and is planned to be completed by 2026 which is the centenary of Gaudi's death.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB & BB


Summer, I wish you success on the hunt for the snow dogs. They may get some snow this evening or overnight.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
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