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Good evening I have missed you lot today! Our phone coverage went off around 10am and I haven't had it back yet- thank goodness for wifi  


yogi i hope mr Y soon feels better  


squiggle, thanks for the garlic capsule tip I occasionally get sinus trouble but I haveva friend who gets it something terrible, I'll be sure to tell her 


I'm just waiting around for any more trick or treaters, I've had 4 lots so far  

~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all 

Summer, you seem to have quite a few problems with phone coverage. I hope it gets sorted soon. We haven't had any trick or treaters tonight.

El, I saw that app mentioned on Politics today but didn't hear what it was called -so thank you for the link,

Mr Yogi is back to normal tonight. I'm pretty sure he felt ill because he had taken his diabetes meds but hadn't eaten and then went out to cut the grass. 

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Oh silly mr yogi, I hope he's bounced back well and had a proper meal tonight. 

I think the phone problem is to do with the local mast, the weather was gorgeous today so it can't have been that causing it. 

Ive almost finished my Xmas tree decorations  

He's fine tonight, thanks Summer.

Well, I hope they sort out that stupid phone mast for you.

Well done on getting the decorations done.

I've got the grandchildren tomorrow so I won't be around until evening. 

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.

Hug for the night owls.


Good morning everyone


A bit foggy here but not as dense as yesterday. Forecast is for a cloudy day and it's not going to be as warm as it was yesterday afternoon.


Summer, I hope the phone problem is sorted out


Yogi, I hope you have a nice day with PB and BB


GJ, I hope you have a good time in Whitby


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry.

We had a lovely day with the grandchildren yesterday.

Squiggle, we definitely need a wagging finger smiley.

Joe, enjoy your trip to Whitby. I hope the weather stays dry for you.

I hope the big job is going well, El.

Velvet, hope all is well with you.

Summer, is there anyone you can complain to about the phone problems, or at least find out when things will be sorted?

Keira has been a bit off colour for a couple of days, so I'm taking her to the vets this afternoon. I'm a real worrier, and as she heads towards 12, I feel panic rising every time she is unwell. 

Have a good day everyone


Good morning everyone, a lovely pale blue sky this morning.  I hope Keira is just a little under the weather Yogi, I can understand you panicking It's such a nuisance Summer and I hope they can get the problem sorted quickly.  EL I am glad you are right on schedule with your huge job. 


Have your grandchildren seen any fireworks yet Yogi.  My grandson has taken his son to see some being let off - not a formal display I don't think - probably people celebrating Halloween.  But with 5th November coming up there will be loads about.  It's so lovely seeing these things through the eyes of a child.  I hope Bramble and Keira (and Dolly) will be OK with them though.  If I remember rightly Keira is bomb proof.


Enjoy your day everyone


Apparently there's a series coming on Netflix called The Crown which is about the Queen's early years as Queen. The IMDB cast listing is very confusing as it had Clare Foy as the Queen for 10 episodes, Jared Harris as George VI for 7 episodes, Jeremy Northam as Anthony Eden for 10 episodes, and John Lithgow as Winston Churchill for 2 episodes. No mention of Clement Atlee in the cast who was PM to October 1951. Churchill was then PM to April 1955 with Eden as the foreign secretary and Churchill's deputy, then Eden became PM. So it's difficult to see how George VI can be in 7 episodes.


Oh, and Daniel Betts is Prince Enrst von Hannover (the IMDB spelling, not mine as it should be Hanover) who is in 10 episodes?


Meanwhile Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh gets 2 episodes. He's played by Matt Smith.


So we have an ex Doctor Who as above and an ex Doctor Who companion as Victoria in that series of the same name. It could be that the Tardis is being used to explain the rather confusing cast for The Crown

El Loro

Good evening apologies for my absence today, I unexpectedly had not 1 but 3 friends in need of my ears today. Hopefully I have helped each of them a small amount just by listening. 


Yogi i hope kiera is alright bless her  


Squiggle I hope the little one isn't fazed by the fireworks, bramble is fine with them but I still wouldn't leave her home alone on bonfire night. 


El, there's been lots of media hype about the crown, and it does sound good so I'm going to give it a go. My friends have granted me free access to their Netflix account so I'm a very lucky girl  

~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all, and thank you so much for caring about Keira.

By the time we got to the vets, Mr Yogi had to carry her up the stairs as she was so wobbly. We saw a lovely young lady vet who gave her a really thorough examination. My girl has a nasty upper respiratory infection which seems to be mainly affecting her throat. She had a very high temperature which was making her feel terrible. She got an injection to bring down her temperature and is now on antibiotics and anti inflammatories for a week. Mr Yogi did voice the question which should no pet owner wants to ask but thankfully the vet said we are not at that stage. I am so relieved and might actually gets some sleep tonight.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, a lovely pale blue sky this morning.  I hope Keira is just a little under the weather Yogi, I can understand you panicking It's such a nuisance Summer and I hope they can get the problem sorted quickly.  EL I am glad you are right on schedule with your huge job. 


Have your grandchildren seen any fireworks yet Yogi.  My grandson has taken his son to see some being let off - not a formal display I don't think - probably people celebrating Halloween.  But with 5th November coming up there will be loads about.  It's so lovely seeing these things through the eyes of a child.  I hope Bramble and Keira (and Dolly) will be OK with them though.  If I remember rightly Keira is bomb proof.


Enjoy your day everyone

PB doesn't like really loud fireworks but likes "pretty ones". BB hasn't seen any yet.

Son and DiL have bought some "family fireworks" for the children to watch, so no loud, screechy ones included.


A couple of years ago, Keira and Harvey stood in my garden watching the fireworks - didn't faze them at all.


Good morning everyone.

A damp start to the day.

Keira slept well and has eaten some porridge.

She is on a soft food diet until her throat is better - so, porridge, scrambled eggs, and diced chicken breast with rice or pasta. She usually gets fed twice a day but the vet suggested smaller portions four times a day until she is better.

Off to tackle a pile of ironing. Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, cloudy and dull today.  Good news about Keira and I am glad she is able to enjoy her breakfast.  The soft food should be very soothing on her throat.  Good on Harvey and Keira taking fireworks in their stride.


I hope the 3G service is OK today summer, is it BT who is the service provider for the network? 


Enjoy your day everyone

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