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squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, you are having a good clear out this week Yogi.  My goodness Summer is going to be busy picking up all those dogs to be walked, maybe Dolly could help with the driving

Image result for driving car smiley gif
Enjoy your day everyone

 Love it.

El Loro posted:

Sends some brightness and a small bedroom extension to Yogi

lol An chance of a big extension, please?

Moonie posted:

Hi Buddies

Just another brief visit to make sure you are all okay

Cool and windy here but at leas the occasional burst of sunshine

Sweet, you seem to have a new vocation
Happy pooch walking. Glad Bramble is making good progress 

See you all again soon

Hi Moonie, good to see you posting again. Come back soon.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Hi Buddies

Just another brief visit to make sure you are all okay

Cool and windy here but at leas the occasional burst of sunshine

Sweet, you seem to have a new vocation
Happy pooch walking. Glad Bramble is making good progress 

See you all again soon

Hi Moonie, good to see you posting again. Come back soon.

Fankoo Yogi


Good morning everyone


Some brightness here but forecast is a for another cloudy day.


There was something (I can't call it music) on Radio 3 last night by Ian Vine. It was painful. I can't finf it on Youtube but this is another something by him. It's so much painful as painfully slow,


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Squiggle and Yogi, that's why I can't think of it as music.

If any of you want to try more of his work he's got a website:

Just a warning that I cannot be responsible for any damage that his compositions do to you either pyhsically or mentally

 Thank you for the kind offer but I think I'll pass.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good afternoon


busy busy here today, just grabbing a cuppa! Hope you're all having a good day  

Hope you've got your feet up by now.


Good morning everyone


Extremely cloudy here - my local weather site is showing 0% solar - sunrise was half an hour ago. GJ, if it's as cloudy where you are as it's here, take care when out on your bikes.


Yogi, I don't watch The Fall but I assume you know by now that the final episode is tonight.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Yogi, that goes to show how little interest I had in The Fall


I think there may have been a poltergeist in M&S this morning. A couple of packs of vegetables fell from a shelf to the ground when no-one was by the shelf. That in itself is nothing but later I was near the shelves of cakes (I didn't get any) when a shelf fell down on to the shelf below. I was 2 feet away so it cannot have been because I accidentally touched something.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, that goes to show how little interest I had in The Fall


I think there may have been a poltergeist in M&S this morning. A couple of packs of vegetables fell from a shelf to the ground when no-one was by the shelf. That in itself is nothing but later I was near the shelves of cakes (I didn't get any) when a shelf fell down on to the shelf below. I was 2 feet away so it cannot have been because I accidentally touched something.

The first series of The Fall was great, the second series was meh and the third series was pants, so I don't blame you for your lack of interest. The acting was good but there were some ridiculous scenes in the third series.


Ooh, spooky! 

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Maybe that was the ghost of Halloween cakes telling you to buy some  


good morning it's overcast here today, let's hope the sun starts to shine through later 

I like your explanation of El's spooky happenings.


Good morning everyone, very cloudy here too EL.  Funnily enough I woke up about an hour later than I normally would, although right on time with my bedside clock which changed the time automatically in the night.


I hope you enjoyed your party Summer.  Yes thanks Yogi, not a drop of rain so far this weekend.


Enjoy your day everyone

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