Summer, I think you've missed the bus, it looks like Dame caught it again.
Me thinks Summer got highjacked by a customer . When the bus thread was in the lounge, I did once win, and I asked what the prize was. It was a magical mystery tour, so I went on it, and found that it went back to my house

Because they are trying to tempt you into the ways of wickedness - you must find the inner strength to resist, and give the cake to the poor and needy.
Oooooh, are you giving out cakes too - gets in the queue.
Thank you Summer, it goes well with the coffee I'm having at present.
In the office I used to work in, in the week when I had my birthday, at one time there were 4 of us with birthdays in the same week, so there were a lot of cream cakes then.
In the office I used to work in, in the week when I had my birthday, at one time there were 4 of us with birthdays in the same week, so there were a lot of cream cakes then.
Not the best week to start a diet.

Me too.
Thanks for the cake.

Nothing special planned yet. Hubby and sons are having a boys day out tomorrow, so I might wander round the garden centres and spend some money have a look.
A nice relaxing weekend sounds good.
Off to the shops, will be back later.

The weather brightened up, so I took the dog for a nice, long walk. That's my exercise for the day.
Summer, for lunch, I ate a strawberry tart after my ham salad sandwich - does that count towards my five a day?
The weather brightened up, so I took the dog for a nice, long walk. That's my exercise for the day.
Summer, for lunch, I ate a strawberry tart after my ham salad sandwich - does that count towards my five a day?
It's quite warm and sunny here as well, but I wouldn't rule out a sudden shower.
The strawberry tart make count towards your 5 a day, but the sugar would make this a less healthy option. The salad in the sandwich would count, but it would depend as to how much, as a single leaf of lettuce and a slice of tomato would be less than 1 unit.
1 150 ml glass of unweetened fruit juice in 1 day counts as 1 unit.
5 150 ml glasses of unsweetened fruit juice in 1 day counts as 1 unit.
And that's not a typo as fruit juice has less fibre in it than whole fruit. Smoothies, on the other hand may be 1 to 2 units depending how they are made.
The weather brightened up, so I took the dog for a nice, long walk. That's my exercise for the day.
Summer, for lunch, I ate a strawberry tart after my ham salad sandwich - does that count towards my five a day?
It's quite warm and sunny here as well, but I wouldn't rule out a sudden shower.
The strawberry tart make count towards your 5 a day, but the sugar would make this a less healthy option. The salad in the sandwich would count, but it would depend as to how much, as a single leaf of lettuce and a slice of tomato would be less than 1 unit.
1 150 ml glass of unweetened fruit juice in 1 day counts as 1 unit.
5 150 ml glasses of unsweetened fruit juice in 1 day counts as 1 unit.
And that's not a typo as fruit juice has less fibre in it than whole fruit. Smoothies, on the other hand may be 1 to 2 units depending how they are made.
I was kidding myself about the strawberry tart, El - but I did have lots of lettuce and four slices of tomato.
This is becoming a nutritionally informative thread
This is becoming a nutritionally informative thread
Who says forums aren't educational?
This is becoming a nutritionally informative thread
I am a mine of totally useless information most of the time, but of very very rare occasions I might have some useful bit of information. I leave it to you to decide which bits are useless and which are useful
This is becoming a nutritionally informative thread
I am a mine of totally useless information most of the time, but of very very rare occasions I might have some useful bit of information. I leave it to you to decide which bits are useless and which are useful
I am also a collector of useless bits of information - you never know when they might come in handy.
Hubby is convinced I make them up.

I like the sound of your imaginary nutritional world, Summer.
What's kettlebell, I've never heard of that?

Ah, I think I know what it is now, I just didn't know what it was called.
Enjoy the exercise and if you could do a few repetitions for me, I'll be very grateful.
Off to pick up hubby's prescriptions, catch you later.
This is becoming a nutritionally informative thread
I am a mine of totally useless information most of the time, but of very very rare occasions I might have some useful bit of information. I leave it to you to decide which bits are useless and which are useful
I am busy compiling (OK cheating and using the internet ) quiz questions so if anyone has any ones they would care to share - ranging from easy peasy to the more intellectually challenging - bring 'em on

Yes I agree about strawberry tarts and surely by all that is right chocolate must be very nutritious, full of natural goodness
I have just cleaned my wooden hall floor by hand with wood cleaning wipes, it certainly made me puff a bit so that must have worked off a few calories

Yes I agree about strawberry tarts and surely by all that is right chocolate must be very nutritious, full of natural goodness
I have just cleaned my wooden hall floor by hand with wood cleaning wipes, it certainly made me puff a bit so that must have worked off a few calories
I need to do my hall floor, too. Luckily it isn't a big hall, so I might do it later.
Then again, I might not.
squiggle, you wanted quiz questions. This is one I made up myself:
What is the first film in which both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee appeared?
No marks for one of the Dracula or Frankenstein films. The correct answer is Hamlet (1948) directed by Laurence Olivier.
Who invented the ballpoint pen? Answer is Laszlo Biro.(that's a fairly easy one).
As asking who were the two first men to walk on the moon would be too easy, instead I'll ask who were the 3rd and 4th men to?. Answer is Charles ("Pete") Conrad and Alan Bean (Apollo 12).
Which American actress tried out for the US Olympic archery team? Answer is Geena Davis (in the trials she was placed 24th out of the 300 contestants).
Probably too tough is this one. Which film actress invented frequency- hopping? She originally invented this to help the Americans in WW2 to use torpedos which could avoid radar detection. Frequency-hopping is used now for many things including mobile phones and internet communication. She never made any money from her invention. Answer is Hedy Lamarr.
Hi everyone My diet is going well, just had a Kit Kat
Hope you are all well this evening, no sign of Joyron yet. She more than likely has had a stream of visitors.
My son has gone out under a cloud of Lynx deoderant, i can hardly breathe! What a laddie!
Hope the weather keeps for Sunday El x
Hows the quiz going squiggle?
Hi everyone My diet is going well, just had a Kit Kat
Hope you are all well this evening, no sign of Joyron yet. She more than likely has had a stream of visitors.
My son has gone out under a cloud of Lynx deoderant, i can hardly breathe! What a laddie!
Evening Skylark. Your diet is going better than mine - I can't even get started.
Your son had better watch out for that Lynx effect.
Hi everyone My diet is going well, just had a Kit Kat
Hope you are all well this evening, no sign of Joyron yet. She more than likely has had a stream of visitors.
My son has gone out under a cloud of Lynx deoderant, i can hardly breathe! What a laddie!
Evening Skylark. Your diet is going better than mine - I can't even get started.
Your son had better watch out for that Lynx effect.
He has half the tin on, so must be a girl somewhere! Dont know if my diet is going to be successful, i like my food too much !
Hi everyone, thanks for the quiz questions EL. I am making a file so that when I am asked to do another one I will have loads to choose from. The quiz on Thursday went well Skylark, its a bit confusing with which team has which question and then throwing it over to the other team if the first team get it wrong and I am easily confused, but it was a good laugh.
I had to smile at your son, there has to be a lass he has his eye on And I am the same, I love my food and all the wrong stuff as well.
Signing out now catch up with you all tomorrow
Hi everyone My diet is going well, just had a Kit Kat
Hope you are all well this evening, no sign of Joyron yet. She more than likely has had a stream of visitors.
My son has gone out under a cloud of Lynx deoderant, i can hardly breathe! What a laddie!
Evening Skylark. Your diet is going better than mine - I can't even get started.
Your son had better watch out for that Lynx effect.
He has half the tin on, so must be a girl somewhere! Dont know if my diet is going to be successful, i like my food too much !
Me too, Skylark. I will need to get started on a diet soon - I can't fit into anything.
Squiggle, I'll ask youngest son if he can think of any good quiz questions, he used to be on a quiz team. Goodnight for now.
Well done squiggle ! I am easily confused too ! Goodnight squiggle x
May start a diet thread, so we can all support each other. But then again will probably get told off for being boring !
May start a diet thread, so we can all support each other. But then again will probably get told off for being boring !
I've just found out that ITV have been showing the new series of Midsomer Murders on Wednesday nights - but as usual, STV haven't been showing it. I'll need to catch up on iplayer.