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Good morning a beautiful foggy into sunny start to the day here I hope you each have good weather today too.,


my boiler service engineer is due momentarily and then I'm going to take Bramble on a very short walk, before dropping her off with a friend so I can take another friend shopping for a couple of hours 

Joe I hope your search is successful and that your marmalade would be Paddington approved


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, wall to wall cloud this morning but dry.  My grass hadn't grown much so I was surprised when my gardener cut it this morning, that will probably be the last cut I should think.


I hope the weather is better where you are Yogi so you can have a good day with the little ones and get out and about. 


Enjoy your day everyone


The web address gives it away - Victoria Derbyshire.

I scored 120/78 quite good!

Our Doctors won't give out pills unless I've had bloods and BP. Because I spent a bit of time on the mainland I couldn't attend. So one morning I cycled down as fast as I could. There was a queue for bloods so instead of waiting I rushed upstairs and tried to make an appointment and was given today. I then ran to the pharmacy and explained my predicament and she offered to do it. I was quite exhausted 175/105 (she didn't enter that one) 2. 150/90 3. 140/85

Our Nurse said the little electric ones are notoriously unreliable!

Garage Joe

Evening all.

Squiggle, the weather was chilly and bright, so we managed to get to a park where PB could play in the play area, feed the ducks and swans and go for lunch in the cafe.

Good luck with your grandsons tomorrow and Thursday, Joe.

BTW, what's the problem with lemon peel? I only ask because I was thinking of making lemon curd.

Summer, I'm glad the boiler servicing went well.

Off to watch El's link for a spot of culture. I used to do ballet when I was young.


~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

I didn't know you were a ballerina yogi  

im glad you had good weather and could enjoy the park 

 I wouldn't go that far, but I did go to ballet lessons for around 5 years.


It's always good to let PB burn off some of that endless energy.


I'm wilting so I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.

Hugs for the night owls.

Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

Squiggle, the weather was chilly and bright, so we managed to get to a park where PB could play in the play area, feed the ducks and swans and go for lunch in the cafe.

Good luck with your grandsons tomorrow and Thursday, Joe.

BTW, what's the problem with lemon peel? I only ask because I was thinking of making lemon curd.

Summer, I'm glad the boiler servicing went well.

Off to watch El's link for a spot of culture. I used to do ballet when I was young.


yes so did I

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
El Loro posted:

30 years ago today a computer game was released featuring the debut of probably the most famous female character in the history of computer games. No prizes for guessing who:

my son played this  when young about 8 he is now 26-I used to sit with him -happy days

I played it as well when the original game came out not that I ever completed it. I know that there's a much more recent addition to the series but wouldn't get it as it would be much too graphically violent for me to want to play it.

El Loro

Next week from Monday to Friday at 2.15 in the afternoon BBC1 are showing an adaptation of The Moonstone. The novel by Wilkie Collins was published in 1868 and is regarded as the first detective story. Sergeant Cuff i(John Thomson) s the detective though I don't think he appears until the second episode.


Definitely one to watch.

El Loro

Sweet dreams lovely friends, I hope you've all had a lovely day especially you Ros 


bramble got the thumbs up from the vet, she is a bit swollen but everything is healing nicely. I can take her on very short walks on the lead, and can't let her off for another week at least. It's got to be another relaxing weekend I'm afraid- oh no lol 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Sweet dreams lovely friends, I hope you've all had a lovely day especially you Ros 


bramble got the thumbs up from the vet, she is a bit swollen but everything is healing nicely. I can take her on very short walks on the lead, and can't let her off for another week at least. It's got to be another relaxing weekend I'm afraid- oh no lol 

glad bramble is ok

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone.

It's raining! El, could you please send some of your brightness up here?

lol Velvet, if Summer pops in to walk Dolly can you ask her to swing round and pick up Keira too.

I'm glad Bramble is recovering well - you have taken very good care of her.

I've got some running round to do today and need to tidy up my small bedroom which also stores the grandchildren's toys and "baby equipment". It's bursting at the seams!

Have a good day everyone.

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