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Good afternoon we've got a rainy day here which is ideal for our PJ day! 

Bramble decided she wanted to go out so I walked her just up the street to my friends house and back, she makes a little groan when she needs some medicine but other than that, she is doing very well. The wound looks clean but I can see she is getting itchy now it's healing. 

I've got all my craft stuff out (well, not ALL of it- that would be ridiculous) and am going to work on my Xmas tree ornaments while the freezer defrosts  


how are the rest of you today? 

Yogi i'm pleased the market was good, and that your son enjoyed his night out  

~Sparkling Summer~

I see that this evening on Channel 4 at 7pm there's a  documentary "Virginia McKenna's Born Free". Title is self explanatory. It's a new documentary though she has made not dissimilar documentaries over the years either about the film or endangered animals or about the Born Free Foundation which she, her husband Bill Travers, and their son Will set up about 30 years ago.

El Loro
velvet donkey posted:

Me too  


Only been about two days - if that - of rain here in the past fortnight. I'll see if I can get a final cut in tomorrow to lift the leaves otherwise I won't see four-paws' no. twos all winter  

 Hubby is hoping to get a final cut of the back grass for the same reason - although I'm the one who picks up!

El Loro posted:
Yogi19 posted:

I've had a lazy afternoon. I started a book and I'm going to go off and finish it.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Velvet and Summer.

Night owl hug for Ros.




Good morning all.

Weather is chilly, and feels damp but no rain. If it brightens up, hubby is going to cut the grass.

I'm popping to the charity shops with some books and other bits and pieces from the loft clearing.

Have a good day everyone 


Good morning everyone, a very grey day here and feels very damp, the only sunshine around is the sunshine in my heart   I hope everyone who is trying to get the grass cut today is successful.


Is it just me or are plasters almost impossible to get out of their packaging when you're standing there bleeding to death?  Well a slight exaggeration, wrestling with my vitamin tablets the razor sharp edge cut my thumb which then bled for all it was worth.  I swear the plasters were even more impossible to prise out of their neat little nests than usual, so c'mon is it just me or is there a knack which everyone knows and I don't?


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I remember cutting the tip of a finger at school with a sharp knife back in September 1964, dashing to the sinks in the toilets to hold my finger under cold water, then going to the headmaster's secretary to get a sticking plaster on it as it was still bleeding. It's easy to remember when as it was on the annual Speech Day and it was the one and only time I got a prize. I've still got the prize (a book) and the scar is still visible.

El Loro
Garage Joe posted:

Does anyone know to which CS Yogi will donate?


The Boss has democratically decided that I will do the bins, cut down the large fuchsias, make marmalade and then write if there is any time left.

i would rather be code breaking.

There are two charity shops in the next town. We donated the books etc to one which supports a local hospice. I wasn't sure they'd want 40+ books but they were happy to take all of them.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, a very grey day here and feels very damp, the only sunshine around is the sunshine in my heart   I hope everyone who is trying to get the grass cut today is successful.


Is it just me or are plasters almost impossible to get out of their packaging when you're standing there bleeding to death?  Well a slight exaggeration, wrestling with my vitamin tablets the razor sharp edge cut my thumb which then bled for all it was worth.  I swear the plasters were even more impossible to prise out of their neat little nests than usual, so c'mon is it just me or is there a knack which everyone knows and I don't?


Enjoy your day everyone

Squiggle, I hope your finger is okay, and you are not the only one to struggle with plasters.

squiggle posted:

Well I did something similar EL.  It happened in the sitting room so I got a clean tissue - with flowers printed on it of course, I'm very girly and rushed out to the kitchen and used scissors to get the plaster out.  Mine was the girly version of GJ's method.

 We have Disney princess ones for PB - Mr Yogi refuses to use them for some reason.


Moin! It's very foggy here but once it burns off we are promised a sunny day.

We both have official BP tests early on today. The pharmacist carried out my last one so I hope she knew what she was doing. I read something yesterday that put me off using lemon peel in my marmalade so I may search for organic ones and just juice the ones I have!

Since we will be in town I'll visit Lidl!

Those who find themselves with grandchildren - good luck!

Those who are working with sharp objects - be careful.

I hope the good weather visits you all!

Garage Joe
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