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A warning on my local news website. There's a fake BBC webpage circulating about a brutal shooting in Cheltenham on the 14th with 16 dead including children and 31 injured. That's totally false and is intended to trap anyone who goes to that webpage with popups (and I suspect malware). The webpage is not on the BBC site and the web address refers to ratxunews rather than bbc.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, we have a huge rain cloud just going over but after that it looks like blue skies again.


My goodness EL I remember seeing something about that in Cheltenham, I didn't click for further details. Sadly it's another shooting here, another atrocity there nowadays, becoming the norm so I suppose that's the reason I didn't bother to find out more, just as well.


What a bother Ros, I dread having to ask BT to sort out a problem, in my experience you are passed from pillar to post and once you are told that it's down to Open Reach you reach the valley of despair.  Keep on and on and try to get the number of someone who can sort out the whole thing.  Good luck.


That does sound dodgy Velvet, shame you can't get your money back, not worthwhile getting them to come and fix it if they're cowboys but maybe someone else could look at what has gone wrong with the temperature regulator thingy (I am so knowledgeable )


Enjoy your day everyone


Hollywood musicals from the 30s tend to be lighthearted and escapist when you think of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers or the dance routines of Busby Berkeley.


The one musical routine I remember which is totally different to all the others is Remember my Forgotten Man from Gold Diggers of 1933 which is set during the Depression. It was directed by Mervyn LeRoy, staged by Busby Berkely, words initially spoken by Joan Blondell then sung by Etta Moten.

It's powerful and serious.

El Loro

Good evening  


aw how is son & PB yogi?  


that surfers proposal was lovely, it's a shame we didn't get to see when he put the ring on her finger but it was still fabulous! 


Ive been like calamity Jane today, very embarrassing. 

I spent 5 (intermittent) hours trying to comprehend the instruction manual, which baffled me, only to then get to the near end to learn that the automatic default settings are what I actually wanted to programme in  

then, i met a very old lady in the street on my way to the bank, who was just lovely, but I was mortified to see we were wearing the exact same jumper!! I need a makeover 


I also dropped my keys, tripped over several times and my hair just would not behave. But at least I can laugh at myself  


i hope youve each had a smoother, less embarrassing day

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good evening  


aw how is son & PB yogi?  


that surfers proposal was lovely, it's a shame we didn't get to see when he put the ring on her finger but it was still fabulous! 


Ive been like calamity Jane today, very embarrassing. 

I spent 5 (intermittent) hours trying to comprehend the instruction manual, which baffled me, only to then get to the near end to learn that the automatic default settings are what I actually wanted to programme in  

then, i met a very old lady in the street on my way to the bank, who was just lovely, but I was mortified to see we were wearing the exact same jumper!! I need a makeover 


I also dropped my keys, tripped over several times and my hair just would not behave. But at least I can laugh at myself  


i hope youve each had a smoother, less embarrassing day

Evening Summer, I've been in the Victorian Slum thread.

Son and PB are good, thanks.

I assume it was the instruction manual for the new till you were struggling with? @ The jumper. Maybe she just dresses very young for her age?

I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you tripped?

I'm minding tomorrow so won't be around until evening.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.


Night owl hugs for Ros and Velvet.


Ooh *wonders what a Victorian slum is* hope it's been a fun thread though  

sweet dreams and have a wonderful day tomorrow  


yes it was that manual- badly written IMO  

she must dress young, I got the jumper in next a couple of years ago. Time for some new ones now I think though  

and no I'm just fine thank you, I frequently trip over my own feet

~Sparkling Summer~

Moin! I have no idea what will happen today. However I need to go and have a look at the Christmas hotel and probably pay a deposit, take Mrs Jer to the crem and look at the book - it's the anniversary of her mother's death, pick up the Youngest and do tea. Everything's in a different direction.

My tickets for Manchester City and travel have arrived although this should be in the footie thread. I'm taking the elder grandson. I've no idea what the weather will do but I hope it's kind to everyone!

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, we have a very cold wind blowing at the moment, I hope it dies down soon.


What a day you had Summer Just look at it from the other direction, I bet you made that old lady's day, she is obviously still fashion conscious.  I hope you have a good hair day today.


I am glad you got to see PB yesterday (and your son of course) Yogi and I hope you all have a lovely time today.


I thought Tutankhamun showed promise.


Enjoy your day everyone


I keep on getting flyers, letters and phone calls from Thaxen Developments which is based in Kingswinford in the West Midlands. They specialise in replacing concrete guttering. I've no intention of ever getting any work done by them as they seem to work on bombarding me with stuff which really puts me off. The company director, Lucy Hurst, lives in Kidderminster about 10 miles from Kingswinford.


There is of course no connection with various concrete guttering companies which were run by a Paul Hinton from Kidderminster which have ceased for some reason.
Watchdog had an item about Paul Hinton.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Film director Ken Loach has criticised the current crop of TV period dramas for indulging in "fake nostalgia".

In response to a question about Downton Abbey in a Radio Times interview, Loach said: "This rosy vision of the past, it's a choice broadcasters make.

"'Don't bother your heads with what's going on now, just wallow in fake nostalgia'. It's bad history, bad drama. It puts your brain to sleep."

Loach said nostalgic dramas were "the opposite of what a good broadcaster should do, which is stimulate and invigorate".

The filmmaker also said broadcasters should "diversify" so regions could create their own dramas.

"The directors I know in television say it's a nightmare. That's true for all the broadcasters, but the BBC is a rotten place for a director."


Not surprsingly, the BBC doesn't agree.

El Loro

If any of you want to know what the music is for the current Ikea advert, it's Lighthouse by Patrick Watson. The complete track can be heard on Youtube:

It does have the lyrics on screen. The nature of the music does change after a while and I didn't like the result.


He's been compared with Nick Drake. The start of the Lighthouse track maybe, but not the rest of it.
For comparison, Nick Drake's Riverman:

El Loro

Velvet, thanks for posting that clip of Trevor Morrison. It might interest you to know that when Michael Powell, the film director, heard of the evacuation of St Kilda he decided to make the film "At the Edge of the World" about such places in 1937. It's a drama rather than a documentary and was filmed on another island Foula in the Shetlands. If you haven't seen it on television it's on the DailyMotion site:


Many years later he and John Laurie returned to Foula to make a short documentary about what had happened on Foula since called "Return to the Edge of the World". It's available on the DVD or BluRay of "At the Edge of the World". I did find the first part of it on Youtube but it's only the first half.

El Loro

Thanks Velvet I've admired Michael Powell's film work over the years. I consider him to be Britain's best film director as he had a much wider range of films compared to Alfred Hitchcock and more creative than David Lean (who although highly regarded mainly made adaptations of books rather than new work.


He does appear at the start of "The Edge of the World" as Mr Graham, the man in the yacht with the while cap.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here but some showers are forecast.


Velvet, I hope your oven problems get sorted out quickly

Ros, I hope BT sort things out for you quickly


I hope everyone has a good day

thanks EL taken many phone calls ,Emails and texts but have actually gone an evening without  a flashing router- keeping fingers crossed

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry and cloudy atm.

Joe, I hope you and Mrs Ger feel better soon. 

I had a good day with the children. BB still has the cold but was still smiling. I hope his nature stays the same as he gets older, as he really has the sweetest nature.

PB managed to get to the park, with the aid of a roll of kitchen paper to dry off the slide and swings. We made buns and gingerbread hearts too. Luckily, she likes cooking and baking on rainy days.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, lots of blue sky today.  I am glad you made the most of the day Yogi, baking on a rainy day is definitely the way to go.  I hope that you and your wife soon feel better GJ and that the fresh air will do you both the world of good.


I think Ros's internet trouble must be catching as our internet has only just appeared, don't know why.


Enjoy your day everyone


Well we did today all the things we couldn't do yesterday. I had the menthol crystals and China Oil out early doors! There was a bit of warmth in the sun although the ambient temperature was 9. The North wind must have brought it down.

We then inspected and booked our Christmas hotel.

I going to do a little writing and then tomorrow it will be marmalade time.

Good luck with any remaining internet issues.

Garage Joe

Good evening it's been a chilly but beautiful autumnal day here. 

I'm snuggled up warm with Bramble, she has been speyed today and is looking rather pitiful. I felt utterly horrible taking her but the vets were super nice, and it's in her best interests so it just had to be done. 

I'll make sure I do everything I possibly can to make her comfortable and aid her recovery. It'll also give me time to binge watch some tv, I have lots of stuff recorded and am starting with Victoria. 


I hope you're all warm, cosy and have had a good day each  

~Sparkling Summer~
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