Good morning everyone.
Squiggle, I had a lovely time with the grandchildren but was shattered by the time they went home last night and went straight for a bath then bed.
Poor BB had a cold but was still happy and smiley. He is now clapping hands and trying to do a baby version of "high 5" and saying "dada".
PB fell out with grandad when we arrived at the park because she didn't want to hold his hand as we crossed the carpark - grandad sensibly insisted and PB went in the huff. She stayed in the huff all the way to the duck pond but decided to apologise on the way to the swingpark - I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact she wanted grandad to carry her on his shoulders and he is best at pushing her on the swings.
Moonie, PB fed the ducks, swans and cygnets with special food (sold in the garden centre) and at one point she was surrounded by them on the path. She has no fear of birds and animals, even though the swans and cygnets are bigger than her. No photos unfortunately as she was still in a huff at that point and didn't want pics.
Summer, I hope your cold gets better soon. I hate having the cold and always end up with a nose like Rudolph. I'm glad you are enjoying your tour.
El, I know a little girl who might like the Dr stories.
Talking of stories, guess which story PB chose as her bedtime story?
PB and the pumpkin!
Although she has heard it a few times, this time she got really excited about the fact that she was in the story and afterwards, she had to go tell grandad all about it.
Ros, I hope you get your internet problems sorted out. I noticed you had been missing.
Velvet has also been missing. Come back soon, Velvet!
Joe, I hope you got your gardening done. Do you have any minding duties this week?
Have a good day everyone.