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A close up clip of a volcano in Hawaii:


The bit of the clip showing the lava reminded me of something I saw on television many years ago. I and my parents were watching a documentary about volcanoes. There was a scene showing lava inside a volcano rather like the clip above. Both I and my father commented on the vivid red of the lava.


We were watching it on our black and white TV

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a beautiful morning here, hope it is where you are too.  I was watching that volcanic eruption the other day somewhere EL and it was mesmerising.  Amazing to think that is rock you are watching, melted rock waiting to harden again.  I thought your Dad's remark was very amusing, but I understood exactly what he meant.


Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


A bit foggy here, forecast to lift and some sunshine.


Moonie, as you say, that baby rhino is cute. That's why I posted it as a rhino isn't thought of as being cute.


I hope everyone has a good day

Hi El 

I have seen a video somewhere o line of a baby elephant doing exactly the same. That too was so cute 


El, I have been watching Select Committee Rooms on the Parliament channel. Sir Vince Cable is annswering questions on Industrial Strategy. Not a good way to start the day I agree 


It was the young lady who is sitting behind him and on camera when he is, that I was drawn too. It seems to me she has spent more time texting on her mobile and rearranging her clothes than she has doing whatever it is she is supposed to be doing. It must be cold in there because she keeps pulling her sleeves down over her hands 


Good morning everyone.

Squiggle, I had a lovely time with the grandchildren but was shattered by the time they went home last night and went straight for a bath then bed.

Poor BB had a cold but was still happy and smiley. He is now clapping hands and trying to do a baby version of "high 5" and saying "dada".

PB fell out with grandad when we arrived at the park because she didn't want to hold his hand as we crossed the carpark - grandad sensibly insisted and PB went in the huff. She stayed in the huff all the way to the duck pond but decided to apologise on the way to the swingpark - I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact she wanted grandad to carry her on his shoulders and he is best at pushing her on the swings.

Moonie, PB fed the ducks, swans and cygnets with special food (sold in the garden centre) and at one point she was surrounded by them on the path. She has no fear of birds and animals, even though the swans and cygnets are bigger than her. No photos unfortunately as she was still in a huff at that point and didn't want pics.

Summer, I hope your cold gets better soon. I hate having the cold and always end up with a nose like Rudolph. I'm glad you are enjoying your tour.

El, I know a little girl who might like the Dr stories.

Talking of stories, guess which story PB chose as her bedtime story?

PB and the pumpkin!

Although she has heard it a few times, this time she got really excited about the fact that she was in the story and afterwards, she had to go tell grandad all about it.

Ros, I hope you get your internet problems sorted out. I noticed you had been missing.

Velvet has also been missing. Come back soon, Velvet!

Joe, I hope you got your gardening done. Do you have any minding duties this week?

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, it's been very cloudy but the clouds have just parted to reveal an amazing stretch of blue sky.  The clouds are moving very quickly and it's lovely to see, quite a huge sky this morning.


I am glad you had a lovely time Yogi, we've reached the time when my daughter reaches for my hand when crossing the road, got to look after mum   It's lovely that PB is so thrilled with her book   Get well soon Summer, I know you won't let a little cold hold you back


Enjoy your day everyone


I remember getting into a bit of a huff many many years ago when my father decided to hold my hand when we were crossing a road. I can't remember how old I was at the time but was at junior school rather than infants. It was local and by then I was used to walking to and from school with my brother without either parent.

El Loro

Thanks yogi!

The Gardening has merely been maintenance. I am trying to time when to cut everything back. Our roses, fuschias, and others are all in full flower and it seems wrong to do it yet. 

However that's irrelevant at the moment due to the rain. So as a wet weather programme I'm collating and reviewing my book.

I'll be picking the youngest up later on.

i hope you are all having better weather than us!

Garage Joe
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, it's been very cloudy but the clouds have just parted to reveal an amazing stretch of blue sky.  The clouds are moving very quickly and it's lovely to see, quite a huge sky this morning.


I am glad you had a lovely time Yogi, we've reached the time when my daughter reaches for my hand when crossing the road, got to look after mum   It's lovely that PB is so thrilled with her book   Get well soon Summer, I know you won't let a little cold hold you back


Enjoy your day everyone

lol Squiggle, I still tend to put my hand out to stop my boys from stepping out onto the road. Youngest recently said to me, "Mum, I'm a big boy now, I can cross the road by myself".

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good evening I'm safely back at Summer HQ my cold has fully come out,   But I do feel better than I did yesterday. I'm going to get an early night and catch up with you all properly tomorrow 


have I missed anything good..? 


Wishing you all very sweet dreams  

Glad you are safely home and hope the cold disappears soon.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.


Good morning thank you yogi I do believe I'm over the worst of it now 

how are you? And have you & the family had a good week?


its been lovely to sleep in my own bed I'm usually very keen to get back home but this time I found myself wishing I could have stayed with my friends a while longer. It's been lovely  


what are everyones plans today? 

~Sparkling Summer~
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