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Evening all.

Moonie, you have been very lucky with your swan and cygnet watching.

El, there seems to have been some really dangerous crazes happening in recent years.

I'll check out that ad link. There were quite a few Christmas related things in Costco today. I didn't buy any.

Summer, I hope you aren't too tired tonight.

I'm going to get off and read. Have a good weekend everyone



Last edited by Yogi19

*night owls*  


ugh that clown craze is senseless! It's been going on around the north east this week too. 

Yogi I hope you've had a good day and are enjoying your book. Did Costco have their winter throws in store? I'm reeeeeally hoping they have some like last year as they make gorgeous gifts


work was busy and I remained short staffed all day, the weak link in the team has made a miraculously recovery this evening though and says she will be in work tomorrow. I'm quite baffled tbh 


I hope you've each had a good day  

~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

Moonie, you have been very lucky with your swan and cygnet watching.

El, there seems to have been some really dangerous crazes happening in recent years.

I'll check out that ad link. There were quite a few Christmas related things in Costco today. I didn't buy any.

Summer, I hope you aren't too tired tonight.

I'm going to get off and read. Have a good weekend everyone



HI Yogi 

i have indeed. Some of the cygnets are more white than the browny colour they have been so I guess it won't be long before they all leave  


Good morning everyone, still cloudy but somehow not as gloomy as yesterday, the forecast is dry.


No more 'ugly ducklings' then Moonie, but beautiful new white swans. I came across this little clip this morning, poor little duckling seems to have got 'imprinted' on this guy as his mum aww!  I remember one of our teachers at school used to read excerpts from King Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz where I first learned about this fascinating subject.


I hope your 'weak link' gets her game together today Summer, maybe problems at home if she has been reliable in the past?


Enjoy your day everyone


Back from shopping, nothing particilarly interesting bought but I see that M&S have a new hot dessert chocolate spomge with a melting middle but the middle being jaffa rather than chocolate. It's possible I may buy some sometime to try out. Major assault in the early morning in Cheltemham's High Street meant that the main entrance from the Regents Arcade on to the High Street was closed though should open fairly soon.


That's a nice video clip Squiggle I wonder if the duck followed the man home.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Pleasantly sunny here, a considerable improvement over the last couple of days.


Not the usual communion service this morning at church. Parade service with the local guides, brownies and rainbows attending and when I say that one of the hymns is "We plough the fields and scatter" that's a sure sign that it's the annual Harvest Thanksgiving. (Over the years we've had things like pasta and even a tin of custard powder )


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry, cool and bright.

El, I hope you enjoy the Harvest Thanksgiving service. 

PB's nursery had a Harvest Thanksgiving service and the children were looking forward to making their donations. All goods were going to a local sheltered housing complex and they specifically asked for non perishables - so a strange harvest, with tinned and dried goods.

lol Joe, I can relate to that sleepy smiley.  I'm having PB and BB tomorrow and they are on a sleepover - cue a shattered granny!

Have a good day everyone.

El Loro posted:

It was an enjoyable Harvest thanksgiving service and nice to see a full church. Yogi, although we get some fresh produce we do get a lot of tinned and dried goods as well.


Yogi, I hope you don't get too shattered tomorrow and Tuesday with PB and BB

That sounds like a very nice service, El.


lol I'm going to try to have an early night, I'm going to need lots of stamina to keep up with my Duracell Bunny granddaughter. Thank goodness her baby brother is a lot quieter and more placid.


Good morning everyone


A fair amount of sunshine here but chilly outside at present.


Yogi, I hope you have a good couple of days with PB and BB


Summer, I hope you've had a nice time on "tour"


Ros, I hope your internet problems can be sorted out quickly


GJ, I hope you get everything done


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry but cloudy.

Summer, I hope you are fully staffed today. 

Moonie, I wonder when the other cygnets will take off?

El, anything that prevents credit card fraud is a good thing but it seems like we are always one step behind the fraudsters

Have a good day everyone.

Hi Yogi  

I'm not sure to be honest. I was up the park the other day and the 7 cygnets that where there last time are still there 


Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

It was an enjoyable Harvest thanksgiving service and nice to see a full church. Yogi, although we get some fresh produce we do get a lot of tinned and dried goods as well.


Yogi, I hope you don't get too shattered tomorrow and Tuesday with PB and BB

That sounds like a very nice service, El.


lol I'm going to try to have an early night, I'm  going to need lots of stamina to keep up with my Duracell Bunny granddaughter. Thank goodness her baby brother is a lot quieter and more placid.

I think you are going to need a LOT of stamina 


Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Yogi, may be you can take out one of PB's batteries

 I wish I could, El.

I recently asked her if she ever got tired and she replied, "No Granny, I have LOTS of energy!". 

She is very honest

Good luck

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