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Summer, I hope your secret mission is successful


Yogi, yes, I had those sponge puddings over the weekend (they go in the oven rather than being steamed) and they are nice. The compote is a blend of plum, blackberry and damson. Although I could detect each flavour none of them dominate over the others. I hope your carpet fitters arrive on schedule and fit your carpet without too much chaos

El Loro

I think our driver must be in a hurry  since we are hitting speeds in excess of 200kph (125mph) on our way to Bielefeld!

Those of us of a certain age will remember Family favourites. Here is a request for Sergeant Tommy Atkins in BFPO Bielefeld. Please play, "It might as well rain until September!" and the message is in the song.

That was their catchphrase!

see also GÞttersloh and OsnabrÞck.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, another beautiful morning here, I hope it is wherever you are too.


Ooh a secret mission - can we be told later - on a 'need to know' basis, as I definitely need to know!  Yes book all finished, I was hoping that Raine would be able to go home (don't want to spoil the book for anyone who hasn't read it yet) but I was pleased with the ending.  I am in Italy now with Nicky Pellegrino.


I hope all goes well with the carpet fitting and you are pleased with your new carpet.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone  

Dull and overcast here we are supposed to get some descent weather later 


El, I hope the sun shines for you today 

Sweet, skiving off work? 

*puts tracker on Sweet* 

Yogi, I hope your carpet forties are here sooner rather than later 

Joe , have a safe journey home 

Do train drivers get speeding tickets? 

 Velvet, if you pop in today "hi" 


I am current waiting in for the council to come and effect/repair the metal box that encloses my gas meter 

Don't ask, my repairs are getting like a soap opera 


Have a great day everyone  

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, another beautiful morning here, I hope it is wherever you are too.


Ooh a secret mission - can we be told later - on a 'need to know' basis, as I definitely need to know!  Yes book all finished, I was hoping that Raine would be able to go home (don't want to spoil the book for anyone who hasn't read it yet) but I was pleased with the ending.  I am in Italy now with Nicky Pellegrino.


I hope all goes well with the carpet fitting and you are pleased with your new carpet.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning squiggle  

I hope you and Nicky enjoy yourselves 

Yessss, I am aware she is an author  

Have a great day


The worker from the council had just been. He said "sorry mate I can't do anything about that. You need a brickie out to repair it. We aren't alllowed to do that type of repair now 


So, two visits and still no repair. That is so typical of my council 

The workman is going to report that a brickie is needed. So another wait for another repair. I said above that this was getting like a soap opera. I think it's well past that now 


"takes deep breaths" 


On my way off to the large client to collect the boxes of records and the accounts data. I'll be working on their accounts over the next few weeks and hope to have them done by the end of November. Not working on them the entire two months as I have other clients to deal with and there's always gaps between me asking them for further information and them getting it for me.

El Loro

Evening all.

El and Moonie, I wonder if you are correct about Summer's secret mission.

Joe, I am glad you arrived safely despite the speeding train driver. Have a safe journey home tomorrow.

Aww Moonie, how annoying that the council guy couldn't fix the meter box. I hope it isn't too long before the bricklayer comes out and sorts it.

Gosh El, that sounds like a lot of paperwork to wade through. 

I have noted your verdict on the sponge puddings.

The carpet was fitted around noon and it looks fine.


Good evening!  


you were all correct, and I can reveal that my secret mission was successful...! 


Today I drove to the remotest snowdog, the poor fella is far away from the rest of the pack, all by himself! 

I'm glad I've found him, but I think it would have been more worthwhile to place 4 or so dogs at Keilder forest. 


Yogi I hope the carpet looks beautiful and your effort has been rewarded  


squiggle, aw! I'm pleased you like the book, I thought the same about Raine and I loved the couple'S happy ending- especially as he has a dog 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


A pleasant sunny day here.


Off to drop my car off for the annual MOT and service.


Moonie, I hope you don't have to wait too long for that work to be done.


GJ, I hope your train journey runs to time safely.


Yogi, I'm glad your carpet fitting went well.


Summer, congratulations on finding the rarest of the snow dogs. It might be that he was having a bad influence on the others which is why he had to be isolated.


I hope everyone has a good day



El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

So far, sunshine, cloud and very breezy. No rain forecast through 


Yogi, it was a shrewd guess by myself and El 

We know Sweet well now 

Knowing my council it could be a while so I am not holding my breath 

I'm so glad your carpet was ferried andwhen promised too


Sweet, I love that dog 

But fancy putting him out there all on his own  

The workman was here before 10am, which surprised me so not a long wait this time 


Hi Joe, I hope you have a safe journey 


Good morning El, squiggle and Velvet 

I hope your days go well 


Have a great day everyone

Last edited by Moonie

So far so good. I'm sat sitting in the Eurostar terminal. It has all changed since  July. Different entrances and different security and baggage checks. I do love to people watch, especially the ones who walk around in earphones talking as though they are doing the biggest business deal ever. By the looks of it the diamond trade is doing better than ever. I have very much enjoyed my long weekend- travelling by train across the countries really gives you an idea of what it's like and I am now able to reveal that it's different to how the papers would have you believe.

 Lovely day - I'm still wearing sandals without socks!

I hope it is as nice for the rest of you!

Garage Joe
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

A chilly and bright morning.

lol El, do you think that snowdog is on the snowdog equivalent of the naughty step?

Well done on finding him, Summer.

Moonie, maybe your council will surprise you and the bricklayer will be out soon.

Safe trip home, Joe.

Have a good day everyone.

That would be a pleasant surprise for me Yogi  


Good morning everyone, just what I was thinking Yogi snow dog naughty step.  How frustrating Moonie, reminds me of that Flanders & Swann ditty 'It all makes work for the working man to do".  My goodness EL you will certainly be busy, I hope it all goes smoothly and you have all the paperwork you need and no frustrating phone calls to the client over a missing invoice or whatever.  Safe home GJ.


Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, just what I was thinking Yogi snow dog naughty step.  How frustrating Moonie, reminds me of that Flanders & Swann ditty 'It all makes work for the working man to do".  My goodness EL you will certainly be busy, I hope it all goes smoothly and you have all the paperwork you need and no frustrating phone calls to the client over a missing invoice or whatever.  Safe home GJ.


Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

That sounds about right 

So far 5 visits for 3 jobs. Not one completed, though the back door is on order 

My own little soak opera, isn't it? 

Have a lovely day 


I spotted something the other day which hadn't dawned on me before then. The four gospels have been in the New Testament in the order Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ever since the 5th century. That's the traditional way though Mark was written before Matthew. What I spotted was that in an alphabetical order they would then be in the exact reverse order.

El Loro
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