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When we have to log in on the BBC next year to be able to use the iPlayer I wonder if we will have to log in to see what's there. Obviously one would to watch something. We'll see in due course. As it is I've already got a BBC log in. I've had one for ages. I think it was because I wanted to post a comment about something.


The main change is that you have to supply your post code in the registration details. BBC says so that they can provide a more localised service though some might wonder if that's the way they'll eventually check to make sure you have a TV licence.

El Loro

Velvet, all is well here, at least according to the routine ECG I had this morning, still ticking along nicely. I never bothered to register with the ITV player. I think I looked at the registration process once and decided not to bother.


There was lots of stuff on that Presidential Debate on the radio news this morning. I agree with you about Clinton and Trump,

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good afternoon everyone  

*    * <-- me 


Remember, I told you I saw 5 cygnets fly off the other evening?

I did, I saw them at tree top height. I even went up that end of the pool they had flow over. No cygnets 

 Well, today, 5 days later I have been up the park and guess what?

8 cygnets and two swans 

It seems they didnt like it away from mum and dad 


Oh well, you can't get it right all the time I guess 


Evening all 

Squiggle, I'm very fond of Danish dramas but I've never been to Denmark. Your trip sounds lovely.

El, I'm glad the check up went well and thanks for the info about BBCiplayer. I think I'm already registered on the BBC site for SCD voting.

Velvet, I agree with you about the Clinton/Trump debate. All is well in East Renfrewshire, thanks.

I once was going to watch something on STVplayer but the registration details were OTT so I didn't bother.

Moonie, maybe the cygnets are boomerang kids, like my boys.

Summer, I hope you've had a good day at work and not been too busy.

Joe, I hope the lady in question comes across well. I'm looking forward to The Apprentice.


squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, still drizzly but a bit brighter than yesterday morning.  The Danes are lovely people, similar sense of humour to us.  We went on a holiday with a school group when I was young and there were Danes and Germans too.   The Germans spoke better English than us!  And the Danes were the loveliest people, I have had a great affection for them ever since.  They are very proud of their Viking ancestors.  We visited a museum full of medieval homes - it was an outdoor museum - and these buildings had been moved there to form what an ancient settlement would have looked like.  I remember I bought a little carved amber heart from a guy who said he was one of the last who could carve amber.


That sounds a lovely dream Summer, I am still wandering around Ren Dullem trying to piece the puzzle together.


Enjoy your day everyone

That's lovely Squiggle what a wonderful experience, and do you still have the amber heart? 


Aaaah- all will be revealed in good time  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning all sorry I didn't get back last night, I finished work late, dashed to yoga, did some grocery shopping, ate some tea and went to bed  


all is well in Durham thank you Velvey with all those beautiful snowdogs up the road, how can it not be


im not on the trail today because some friends of mine are holidaying on the Yorkshire coast, so I'm off for a pretty drive to go meet up with them. We are all keen walkers so no doubt it's going to be a fun day  


have a lovely day everyone  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fairish weather here at present.


Re Squiggle's post about the man being one of the last who could carve amber. Gloucester Cathedral, being many hundreds of years old, has always been a place where the art of stonemasonry is still needed and so they always have had to have a team of stonemasons. Those are hard to find and they had to look elsewhere for a master stonemason, Pascal Mychalysin has been the master stonemason for quite some time and he was born in Burgundy. He also trains people to become stone masons so that the work can carry on.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

A dry and cloudy start to the day. 

Was wakened by my neighbours gardener (before 8am!), who is obviously trying to get his work done before any rain appears.

Summer, have a lovely day with your friends.

El, my eldest son studied architectural conservation. Although he still has a keen interest, he ended up doing something completely different!

Joe, I hope you have a good day. Do you have any bike rides planned?


Those of you who are interested in antiques might want to try a new 3 part series starting tonight on BBC4 at 21.00 called Britain's Lost Masterpieces. It sounds a bit like the series Fake or Fortune but looking at items hidden away in museums. There's no Fiona Bruce, the presenters are Dr Bendor Grosvenor (he does feature in Fake or Fortune) and Jacky Klein.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, could be that they came back so that you could take more pictures & videos if they realised your battery had gone flat

I think you are right El 

I had a beautiful display of "water diving" by the cygnets 

They go under water, turn over on their backs and pop up flapping their wings. Probably a away of getting rid of unwanted feathers after preening 

Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

Squiggle, I'm very fond of Danish dramas but I've never been to Denmark. Your trip sounds lovely.

El, I'm glad the check up went well and thanks for the info about BBCiplayer. I think I'm already registered on the BBC site for SCD voting.

Velvet, I agree with you about the Clinton/Trump debate. All is well in East Renfrewshire, thanks.

I once was going to watch something on STVplayer but the registration details were OTT so I didn't bother.

Moonie, maybe the cygnets are boomerang kids, like my boys.

Summer, I hope you've had a good day at work and not been too busy.

Joe, I hope the lady in question comes across well. I'm looking forward to The Apprentice.


Yogi, I think you maybe right

velvet donkey posted:

The ITV or should I say STV player is a right palaver. And the registration process was so intrusive I nearly gave up on it. I needed Emmerdale for the gaffer though.


Turned out quite pleasant - bit of a wind though so changeable. Don't know if anyone caught any of the Presidential Debate last night but it is worrying how dumb Trump is. I'm far from a Clinton fan but she wiped the floor with him - or more accurately he wiped the floor with himself.


Hope all are in fine fettle from Devon to Gloucester to Brum to Durham(?) to East Renfrew. Moons - hope you made it down to the lake this afternoon    

I did fankoo Velvet. Had a lovely couple of hours down there 

El Loro posted on 20 October 2015

I have to have professional indemnity insurance and there's been a broker who has been emailing me to see if I was interested in getting a quote from them. I wasn't and have recently renewed the policy for the coming year.

The broker rang me the other day so I told him that I had already renewed the policy with the exisiting insurers.


Got an email this morning from the broker with a quote for the next year. I'm not impressed and replied accordingly.

(in any case their quote was higher than what I'm paying )


That's from a year ago. The same broker sent me a letter a few days ago for this next year's insurance and sent me an email just now. I've sent a strong email back telling them that any further communications will be ignored and to remove me from their database,

El Loro

*night owls*  

I've had a lovely day, the Yorkshire coast is stunning and it was great to see my friends

joe, I thought of you as I drove by your neighbourhood

squiggle, I can't wait to see what you think of the book, it was her most mysterious one to date. I still haven't read her new one yet. 

Do remind me how the horrible lady was connected to the story, I have forgotten the details but I know I disliked her 


leaving sweet dreams hugs for everyone  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone  

I am up early this morning as the council inspector is coming to look at my back kitchen door. It's leaking and draughty. As it's an "all day visit," anytime between 8am and 5pm, I could be here for some time 

It's been wet and windy overnight and is in fact still the same now.


Sweet, I'm glad you had a lovely day with your friends  


Yogi, I hope you have a lovely day with PB and BB. I shall look forward to reading all about it  


Have a lovely day everyone no what the weather chooses to throw at you 


Good morning everyone, we had a lot of rain overnight too EL, it's dry now but lots of rain from tomorrow onwards.


Summer that odious woman is trying to get her rich employer to marry her, she is busy trying to get to the bottom of the Ren Dullem mystery at the moment.  I hope Raine gets to go back home (you will know what I mean) but can she - still - that is the question.  I am enjoying it, as I have all her books.  She does get variety into her writing, some authors seem to write virtually the same book over and over but not our Milly.  I am glad you had a lovely day out with friends, enjoying some of the stunning scenery.


Moonie I hope your visitor comes sooner rather than later, then, weather permitting, you can visit the cygnets again.  I suppose they are literally spreading their wings and getting used to being more independent.  The description of their diving was eye opening.  I always think we know so little about the lives of the birds who we see every day.


Enjoy your day everyone, and your journey GJ


I think this website will be of considerable interest to anyone who likes swans.


Sacha Dench is paragliding with Bewick swans as they migrate from Northen Russia to the UK (Slimbridge being the expected destination).


It's early days but the website will have video diaries. I don't know if there will be television programme(s) on this or eventually DVD(s) but I would think it likely.


If you look at who some of the patrons are, it's clear this is a major mission. (Sacha Dench and Judi Dench are distantly related)



El Loro
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