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~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Hopefully Sunday, but that depends on what time my visitor leaves. I should make a plan A and a plan B  


how was poldark? 

 Always good to have a back up plan.


Poldark was good, thanks.

I hardly slept last night and now I'm getting sleepy, so I better say goodnight and sweet dreams before I nod off. 


Good morning everyone


Some sunshine here at present.


Yogi, I hope you got a better night's sleep last night
Here's a link to that local news story about Poldark
It is a spoiler so don't click unless you want to, and if you were to hover over the above hyperlink, there is a partial spoiler in the web page hyoerlink.


Summer, I hope you have a good time with your visitor


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Sometimes I despair of our friends the HMRC. Just over a month ago I got a couple of HMRC tax calculations for 2015/16 for clients that I haven't had any contact for some time. The tax calculations would be from their PAYE system, not the self assessment system. The clients no longer have self assessment tax returns and typically these PAYE calculations are in respect of their employment and/or pensions.


The style of these calculations have changed as their is now a requirement of me to notifiy HMRC of any error. As I have no contact with the client, I can't sat if there's any errors or not. So with those 2 I rang HMRC, told them and I asked them  to remove me as agent which I think they did.


So I thought I would go through my list of clients on the HMRC website and remove myself as agent for those who I've had no contact for some time and I've no reason to think that they will need my services again. (If they do, it's easy enough to reregister as their agent), I think I may have posted about this at the time.


So today I receive another tax calculation in respect of one of those clients I removed myself as agent some 5 weeks ago.


I rang HMRC about this. It turns out that although I can remove myself as agent from the self assessment system I can't from the PAYE system. Whenever I get such a tax calculation I will have to ring HMRC and tell them to delete me from their PAYE system - that's the only way.


Very silly of HMRC, wasting my time and their time when they are under pressure to reduce costs.



El Loro

Afternoon all 

Weather was dry and bright this morning and is clouding over now.

Thanks everyone, I slept better last night.

Enjoy your bike ride to Whitby, Joe. Will you have fish and chips while you're there?

I hope you have a lovely weekend with your friend, Summer.

El, what a palaver with HMRC. The right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing!

Thank you for the Poldark link.

Last edited by Yogi19
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good evening I hope you've each had a lovely day 


my friend has had to cancel her visit as both the baby and her husband are unwell. Hopefully we can do it another time 

Aww Summer, that's a shame. I hope you can reschedule it soon.

I thoroughly enjoyed Strictly tonight and now I'm going for a bath and then a read before bed.

Goodnight and sweet dreams Summer, Velvet and Ros 

Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

Good evening I hope you've each had a lovely day 


my friend has had to cancel her visit as both the baby and her husband are unwell. Hopefully we can do it another time 

Aww Summer, that's a shame. I hope you can reschedule it soon.

I thoroughly enjoyed Strictly tonight and now I'm going for a bath and then a read before bed.

Goodnight and sweet dreams Summer, Velvet and Ros 

night yogi summer velvet

Rocking Ros Rose
Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all 

Weather was dry and bright this morning and is clouding over now.

Thanks everyone, I slept better last night.

Enjoy your bike ride to Whitby, Joe. Will you have fish and chips while you're there?

I hope you have a lovely weekend with your friend, Summer.

El, what a palaver with HMRC. The right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing!

Thank you for the Poldark link.

I'm carp at explaining things 

we went out for a long bike ride and then set off by car for Whitby at about mid-day. It would take me several hours to cycle there. Oddly enough we had a small plate of fish and chips each - normally we eat Turkish. At the end of our visit we bought a Chinese meal and ate it 80 mins later back home.


Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, a hint of blue sky and quite a few clouds this morning.  Disappointing about your visitor Summer, I hope her family recovers quickly.  Enjoy your cosy Strictly Saturday night in.  Hot chocolate is called for definitely.


The plan for today is to take my grandsons and his two little ones swimming, definitely for the first time for our wee boy and I suspect it is the first time for his big sister too.  It's a local fun pool at Croyde, a famous surfing beach.  Its a very shallow pool - the babies section is only ankle deep, and the deeper section is still shallow with a river rapids part where you float through.  I've made sure they've both got little rubber rings, a Frozen rubber ring and a little boat thing for the baby where his legs dangle through and he has a steering wheel and a honker.  Should be fun.


Enjoy your weekend everyone, whatever you're up to.

El Loro posted:

Squiggle, I hope you and everyone has a great time at the pool. It's a good idea for your wee boy to be introduced to swimming at an early age

Such a shame EL but big sister has decided she's frightened of going swimming so we've had to cancel for now.  My grandson tried to explain how shallow the water was but she had got herself in a state by then.  Hopefully we can re-schedule for another day.

Last edited by squiggle

She has been a little spoiled EL.  My grandson's partner tells him he is too tough with both of them but he has the right idea and sets boundaries.  The little girl is only just 5 but, as you say, she should have been taken swimming earlier on so that she can see it's fun and not at all frightening.  I'm just sad that my great grandson has had to miss out - for the moment.


I love Bakewell tart  


good evening all I've been pottering around/watching strictly/doing laundry. I hope you all had a good day  


squiggle what a shame! I hope big sister changes her mind- perhaps get her watching the little mermaid  

my friend's 10 year old daughter is about to start swimming lessons- I can't believe she has never been before  

~Sparkling Summer~

If you have seen the current Gucci Guilty advert and wonder what the beautiful music is, it's from the adagietto section of Gustav Mahler's 5th symphony. It was also used by Radio 4 yesterday on the Today programme as background music to an article Meet the Author (Rose Tremain) about her fiction novel Gustav's Sonata (not the same Gustav though).

The complete adagietto:

The pictures in the clip of Venice are a strong clue as to why you might recognise the music as it was used in Death in Venice (Dirk Bogarde).

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a very changeable morning, blue sky now but now and then we get some rain clouds.  I hope the rain stays off for everyone, although the forecast for our area is not too good.


A good idea about watching The Little Mermaid Summer.  I hope you slept well and have lots of energy for your busy day.  I need a quiet day today so I will be trying to rest and recharge my batteries.


Enjoy your day everyone

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