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*night owls*  

good evening all, and sweet dreams to those who have turned in and a get well soon hug for Moonie  


how typical- I actually had moments where I could pop in here today, but the network decided to drop out and couldn't get online  

ive been to a lovely yoga class tonight and had a friend round after for a cuppa. It's been lovely. 

When I first moved in here, I frequently found cat poop in my garden, but I think Bramble has scared off the culprit(s) because it's stopped happening. 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning and happy first day of Autumn I hope the summer has given you each some lovely memories, and that the new season brings you much joy. 


Good luck on your course today El, I hope it's not too taxing  

what are the rest of you doing? 

Bramble and I are going on the snowdog trail and then looking forward to the bake off tonight  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, it's quite a nice morning, a mackerel sky this morning!  Good luck with your snowdog hunting Summer, I hope all goes well with the weed zapping Yogi.  What a lovely advert EL, it sums up parenthood, the joys the terrors, the whole complex swirl of emotions, in fact it sums up grandparenthood and greatgrandparenthood too!  It's quite a weird feeling when discussing the little one's first temper tantrums - he seems to be starting early and his daddy is very firm with him and takes him outside for a 'man to man talk' and talking about it with my daughter that not only can I remember her sons' tantrums but also her's too!


Well done Miss Bramble on chasing away those cats, and Keira too.  They tend to get short shrift here too although there's only me to chase them away and I'm not very good at barking.  They are natural predators of my lovely birds and I like the birds to feel (relatively) safe.  I say relatively because of course those birds include carrion crows and magpies.  I see buzzards circling every day but they never land here.


I hope you feel better soon Moonie   Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Back from that tax course, enough going on to justify a week's course rather than a half day so very crammed. Got the course booklet though to go through.


Squiggle, that's exactly what I felt about thar advert not that I've been a parent but it felt so true and from the heart. I think I've seen that orchid/dove before somewhere  - it is amazing


Yogi, I hope your gardening has been successful

El Loro

Moin Moin ! 

After all the rain it looks like a few days of decent weather. Before it started yesterday lunchtime was balmy and we were able to cycle in summer clothes. Otherwise we've been looking through the wardrobes and drawers for more autumnal togs to refresh. A week today I'm off to the Fatherland.

I hope everyone has decent weather today and enjoys their day.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, what a gorgeous morning, hardly a cloud in the sky, and a beautiful big yacht with white sails gleaming just sailing down the Bristol Channel.  The snowdogs are very inventive, how long are they going to be on display?


I dreamt I was ploughing through a great mountain of ironing last night Yogi, I hope your pile diminishes quickly and you have something nice to listen to or watch while you are doing it.


Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, what a gorgeous morning, hardly a cloud in the sky, and a beautiful big yacht with white sails gleaming just sailing down the Bristol Channel.  The snowdogs are very inventive, how long are they going to be on display?


I dreamt I was ploughing through a great mountain of ironing last night Yogi, I hope your pile diminishes quickly and you have something nice to listen to or watch while you are doing it.


Enjoy your day everyone

I watched Sunday's episode of Poldark.

El Loro posted:

Yogi, there was a news item on my local news website yesterday about Poldark but I decided not to post a link here to it as really is a spoiler though it might have got out already.


I've seen the original series and read the books so you won't spoil any storyline for me. As far as anything else is concerned, I like spoilers.

Last edited by Yogi19
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