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Good morning Buddies  

Cold and wet start here. Not looking good for the rest of the day either 


Yogi, it was a shame that you couldn't go Bramble picking 


Sweet, well done on finding your first snowdogs 

How many are there all together?


Rossss, well done on your jam and chutney making skills 

I dread to think what the result would be if I was to try 


Good morning El, squiggle and Velvet 


Have a good day everyone  


Good morning everyone, similar weather to yours I think EL, we have had a lot of rain overnight by the looks of it but the garden is looking very grateful for the drenching.


I had to look up the snow dogs as I hadn't seen anything about it before, just the film which I enjoyed.  Well done on spotting some already Summer.  Yogi I think I remember my friend's mum telling me that you have to add apple as blackberries do not have enough pectin on their own to set the jam.


Enjoy your day everyone


Moonie, they might have taken the slow train which reminds me of the Flanders and Swann song of the same name. They wrote it in July 1963 as a lament for the railway stations being axed as a result of the Beeching cuts. Some of the stations mentioned weren't closed and some did eventually re-open.

They were very popular in their time (50s & 60s) with their songs being a bit like some of Noel Coward's or Joyce Grenfell, in more recent times the late Victoria Wood would be the nearest in style. They were cruelly and unneccessarily parodied in The Armstrong and Miller Show.

El Loro

*night owls* good evening everyone, I hope you've had a good day. My mum has arrived home safely and I've been pottering about the house tidying up etc. My best friend should be coming up this weekend, so I must get the laundry turned around fast. I've never had so many visitors as I have done these last few months, and more scheduled this autumn too! 


Thanks for sharing the snowdog info, I'm glad you can all see what I'm excited about. I don't know the city areas of Newcastle & Sunderland very well, but I'm determined to find them all anyway


Yogi your evening sounds like jolly good fun  


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


As GJ says it's a but dull here and cooler. My central heating came on for a short time for the first time this autumn (Met Office autumn is Sep=Nov, though the astronomical autumn starts in 2 days time)


Yogi, I'm glad you had a good day yesterday with your planned and unplanned visitors


Thanks Summer I wonder how many people will try to spot every one of those snow dogs.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Evening all.

We had a good day with the grandchildren. It was a bit cooler here today but we still managed to take the children to the park for a while.

Joe, I hope you managed to get the bikes sorted.

El, that's not good news for your hospital trust.

Squiggle, I hope you enjoyed your time out and about.

How was work today, Summer?

No Moonie today?

Last edited by Yogi19
velvet donkey posted:

Funnily enough I was out with the mower today. Not growing as fast now although the front lawn serves as the local cat litter tray       Bit of moss in it which they like. Other than that just pottering around   

I feel your pain about the cat problem. When we came back from London, there was cat poo on the top of my raised bed. Normally, cats avoid my back garden because Keira chases them but they must have realised she was away.

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