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Good morning sunny and bright here but I do think the early morning winds have an autumnal feel about them. It makes me quite excited! 


Haha El luckily she's not a digger, but she seems to enjoy sniffing out the woodlice. She doesn't eat them or anything, but she loves finding them 


I hope you all slept well and will have a lovely day. My colleague is on holiday so I'm working solo today, but I will pop in when I can 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, again grey skies this morning, definitely not what the forecast was earlier on in the week.  Makes you wonder what all the Met Office's super duper computers are there for!  Think I'll go back to the seaweed


I hope your customers are pleasant and don't come all at once Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

The go ahead given for the first commercial exploration of the moon late 2017.

What has been a standard of science fiction for a long time (since Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon in 1865) is about to become reality. Until now, it's been done by government organisations.

I don't want anyone exploring me, commercial or not  

You could email a complaint to Larry Scott

El Loro
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

The go ahead given for the first commercial exploration of the moon late 2017.

What has been a standard of science fiction for a long time (since Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon in 1865) is about to become reality. Until now, it's been done by government organisations.

I don't want anyone exploring me, commercial or not  

~Sparkling Summer~

Afternoon all

One minute it's sunny and the next it is threatening to rain.

El, your councillor seemed to have given a lot in the service of his community. May he rest in peace.

Squiggle, I think you'd be better off with the seaweed.

Summer, I hope you aren't run off your feet.

Moonie, I can understand why you don't want to be explored.

Have a good day everyone.

El Loro posted:

Sad news today that my local city councillor has died.

I knew him quite well as he was a regular at our church and I had known that he had been seriously ill for the last year.  Far too soon to know any details of his funeral but I think it more likely to be at the cathedral rather than at the church due to capacity.

That very sad El 


El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

The go ahead given for the first commercial exploration of the moon late 2017.

What has been a standard of science fiction for a long time (since Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon in 1865) is about to become reality. Until now, it's been done by government organisations.

I don't want anyone exploring me, commercial or not  

You could email a complaint to Larry Scott

*gets email off straight away*

Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all

One minute it's sunny and the next it is threatening to rain.

El, your councillor seemed to have given a lot in the service of his community. May he rest in peace.

Squiggle, I think you'd be better off with the seaweed.

Summer, I hope you aren't run off your feet.

Moonie, I can understand why you don't want to be explored.

Have a good day everyone.

Hi Yogi  

We have had only a few spots of rain here so far but the heavier variety is forecast for later 

One line of washing dried. One washer full in now 


Have a good afternoon Yogi and everyone and Sweet, don't work to hard


Moonie, I hope you don't get heavy water raining on you. Deuterium oxide, although not radioactive, would increase your circadian cycles, but protium oxide wouldn't.

(in plain English, deuterium oxide is heavy water, and deuterium is a heavier type of hydrogen compared to the ordinary type which is called protium. Protium oxide is pure water. Circadian cycles are the body clock cycles controlling things such as your sleep cycle)

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I hope you don't get heavy water raining on you. Deuterium oxide, although not radioactive, would increase your circadian cycles, but protium oxide wouldn't.

(in plain English, deuterium oxide is heavy water, and deuterium is a heavier type of hydrogen compared to the ordinary type which is called protium. Protium oxide is pure water. Circadian cycles are the body clock cycles controlling things such as your sleep cycle)

Glad you put it into plain English El 

El Loro posted:

And in "The Mouse that Roared" satirical novel they gave the name quadrium to the fourth isotope of hydrogen The novel was filmed in 1959 with Peter Sellers. the Grand Duchy of Fenwick declares war on the US.

The writer of that novel was incorrect in calling it quadrium. Strictly it should be called tetartoium. Prot, deuter and trit are the Greek ordinal suffixes for first, second and third followed by tetarto for fourth. Quad comes from the Latin for 4. Leonard Wibberley had a wobberley

El Loro
El Loro posted:
El Loro posted:

And in "The Mouse that Roared" satirical novel they gave the name quadrium to the fourth isotope of hydrogen The novel was filmed in 1959 with Peter Sellers. the Grand Duchy of Fenwick declares war on the US.

The writer of that novel was incorrect in calling it quadrium. Strictly it should be called tetartoium. Prot, deuter and trit are the Greek ordinal suffixes for first, second and third followed by tetarto for fourth. Quad comes from the Latin for 4. Leonard Wibberley had a wobberley


velvet donkey posted:

Evening Yogi     


Hope all is okay with the squad    


Yep...I'm hoping for some friction    

Hi Velvet 

All is well, thanks. Hope all is well with you?

lol You certainly got your wish.


~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Evening night owls I'm in the CBB thread too  


 I see that El-cyclopedia has been doing what he does best  

El is our wise owl.


Got to be up early tomorrow for a delivery and then it's a PB day, so I better say goodnight and sweet dreams Velvet, Summer and Ros.


Following on from yesterday's quadrium, there have been other fictional elements, the best known probably are mithril from Lord of the Rings (and since in other fictional material) and dilithium from Star Trek.


Then there's the element called phlogiston. But that's not fictional. For over 100 years that was thought to be a real element. Any material which could be burned contained phlogiston and that was released in flames on burning. The air didn't catch fire because the phlogiston was absorbed by plants. Eventually scientists realised that there was no such thing.

El Loro
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