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Thank you El Loro. Moin! After another hot night the good weather appears to be continuing! I've been planning my next trip to Germany for Oktoberfest. Should be interesting.

Otherwise the battle against bindweed continues. I think I will have to have a root and branch campaign in November and December. The front garden looks wonderful. The winter flowers - mainly pansies have grown almost bush like. With the Mock Orange, roses and geraniums we have an absolute riot of colour and smells. 

In the best possible taste.

Garage Joe
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Glad the result was good yogi when does bb end? 


Sweet at dreams and have a lovely Saturday  

BB ends on Tuesday and CBB starts on Thursday!


Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry but cloudy atm. El, if you would like to send me some of your sunshine, it would be much appreciated

Joe, your front garden must look and smell very pretty indeed.

Good luck with your battle with the bindweed.

I think I'm having middle son and DiL visiting today and youngest son tomorrow.

Have a good weekend, everyone.



Good morning everyone, there's a few clouds at the moment but we had blue sky just now so I hope it will come back again.  My grandson is painting my kitchen, a pale turquoise colour, it's looking very nice.


Your garden sounds very colourful GJ - good luck with the bindweed, my late husband was in a constant battle with it.  I think it's impossible to eradicate it, you just have to keep showing it who's boss.


Enjoy your day everyone


GJ, I hope that things improve in Munich so that you can go to the Oktober beer festival there. And some long lost early radio recordings of Kenny Everett were sold in the last couple of days at an auction in Cirencester, all in the best possible taste


Sends some sunshine to Yogi:


Squiggle, well done to your grandson and I hope your kitchen looks great

El Loro

It's not a series I've ever seen or want to see - Bates Motel is a prequel to Psycho. The recurring characters are obviously Norman Bates and his mother. It's been announced this afternoon that the next series, the final one, will have Marion Crane in it which is logical. The person who is going to play the part (played by Janet Leigh) has announced that she's playing that role.


You've definitely heard of her.

It may turn out to be a hoax of course.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here and some rain forecast for early afternoon.


Squiggle, I think I read something a long time ago about Anthony Perkins being quite a good singer. I found this clip of him singing a song from a muscial called Greenwillow which was on stage.

And this

If he had been born some 20/30 years later he could well have been in musicals such as Phantom of the Opera and Sweeney Todd.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning it's very humid albeit cloudy here today, I've walked Bramble early so that she can snooze in the shade at home for the rest of the day. 

Moonie, I hope you are baring up alright I should send you my fridge because it's started to freeze my milk I've turned the temperature control down but I'm convinced there's something wrong with it 


what are you all doing today?  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone 

Weather is dry and mild but cloudy.

I watched Grease last night with middle son and DiL - tbh middle son was forced to watch it.

Youngest is visiting this afternoon and staying for tea.

Summer, I hope your fridge is working okay now that you've turned down the thermostat.

Have a good day everyone.


Edit: pops back to leave a hug for Moonie, in case he looks in.

Last edited by Yogi19

Summer, it's possible that if it's a frost free fridge that it's frozen so if convenient you could try defrosting the fridge completely then to see if that works. Otherwise it could be the thermostat breaking down and needing to be replaced.


I hope you can get it sorted without having to incur the cost of a new fridge

El Loro

Apparently government sites will be phasing out the use of well known Latin abbreviations in order to promote the use of plain English as some people are confused by them.

So etc (= et cetera) could be replaced with "and other things" or "and so on"
i.e. (id est) could be "that is" e.g (exempli gratia) could be "for example".


If this extends to the BBC, then QED would have to be renamed. Q.E.D (quod erat demonstrandum) would become "Which is what had to be proved".

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Summer, on the Yell site you could look under this heading "Electrical Appliance Repairs & Parts". Some of the results will refer to fridge repairs. I'm assuming that your fridge is out of guarantee or any repair cover as if it is still covered then you would need to contact them before trying anything else.

Thank you El, that's very helpful I've never had a faulty fridge before 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here, could be the best day of the week in my area with rain or showers in the forecast from tomorrow until Friday.


I have been watching that Secret Agent series I mentioned some time ago. Good but hardly enjoyable. The scene I had mentioned in Hitchcock's version called Sabotage has not been included in the BBC series. I think the BBC series has followed the original book. If they had included the Hitchcock scene you would probably have got to hear about it on the news with the BBC general being summonsed to Parliament, having been recalled, and the BBC condemned by all. My father had seen Sabotage back in 1936 and many years told me that he hated that film and it's not surprising given the scene. Hitchcock did have a nasty side to him, and that was him at his nastiest.


I'm off in a while to see a husband and wife client in a while. I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Squiggle, that's quite a dream


Summer, many many years later after Hitchcock made Sabotage he did admit that he had gone too far with the scene I refer to. It's the nature and style of the scene which is shocking rather than being gruesome. In terms of shock and nastiness, it's way ahead of his famous shower scene in Psycho.



El Loro
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