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Evening all.

We woke early to the sound of a thunderstorm, and it's been very muggy all day.

We had a lovely day with PB and BB, and were joined by eldest son and DiL for tea.

Moonie, I hope you are back with us soon, we miss you when you aren't here.

Summer, I hope your dental check up went well and you were able to help your friend.

El and Squiggle, I hope it's been cooler for you today.


*night owls* I hope you've all had a cooler evening and that you sleep well tonight.

my dentist said that everything was great and my back aches a bit from weeding my friends garden but it looks gorgeous now, and I was happy to help 


squiggle your plans sounded lovely, I hope you've enjoyed the day


yogi i I hope the continuing adventures of granny are as fun as ever  


im turning in, sweet dreams   


moonie, it's good to see you pop in

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


A bit cooler here than the last couple of days. Still warm though,


Summer, I'm glad your dental check went well and well done for your work on your friend's garden


Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB and BB


I've a straightforward client meeting this morning.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone beautifully fresh and cooler today. I've changed the sheets after those very hot nights, nice to crawl between fresh sheets tonight.  I hope everyone had a better night's sleep.


Hard work but very satisfying Summer I hope her  beautiful garden will lift your friend's spirits. I'm glad you had another lovely day with the little bundles of joy  Yogi.


I had a lovely day with my friend, we watched the film and managed to fit in 2 absolutely brilliant sermons. One from a young guy only 27 but filled with The Holy Spirit, a very great blessing to us both and one we needed. 


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Afternoon all.

Joe, I hope you are winning in your battle against bindweed.

Squiggle, I'm glad you and your friend had such an uplifting time.

Summer, I hope your back isn't aching any more.

El, I loved the moon link, and the Michelle Obama link - I like her a lot.

Velvet and Moonie, I hope you are having a good day.

Went shopping and to the bank this morning, then cut the back lawn this afternoon. It's quite warm and sunny up here.

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Evening night owls  


i love michelle Obama too, she's fabulous! However, James cordon, not so much. I've tried really hard but I just cannot take to him 


velvet, wherever you end up, we'll send you rations & supplies! 

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

I'm going to Churchill, sweet dreams all  

Sorry to have missed you, Summer. Stupid Ch5 should keep BB at 9pm!

Goodnight and sweet dreams.


Albinoni's Oboe Concerto in D minor published in 1722 - the second section (adagio) is one of the most beautiful pieces of music written.

That is not the famous adagio which carries his name but was published in 1958 by Rimo Giazotto which may have been based on music written by Albinoni but lost in the WW2 Dresden bombings, all but a tiny fragment.

El Loro

Scientists have made a super hard metal by melting titanium and gold together.

It's 4 times harder than titanium and is compatible with living tissue so this may have a major impact on things such as replacement joints where the exisitng titanium ones tend to have a life expectancy of around 10 years. The article doesn't say they would last 40 years but it could mean that one day people may be able to have hip and knee replacements which last for the rest of their lives and that it'e possible that replacements can be carried out on people earlier in their lives if it can be shown that such replacements do last much longer. Of course there's the cost issue.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
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