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Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Too many showers to cut the grass. That's my excuse!

I hope you've all had a good day? We went out for lunch then just chilled out.

Hi Yogi  

That's good enough for me too

I think you need to be chilled if you are gonna watch BB, which I presume you are 

Hi Moonie.


Yes I am suffering BB 


Awwww poor you, have a sympathy  

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Too many showers to cut the grass. That's my excuse!

I hope you've all had a good day? We went out for lunch then just chilled out.

Hi Yogi  

That's good enough for me too

I think you need to be chilled if you are gonna watch BB, which I presume you are 

Hi Moonie.


Yes I am suffering BB 


Awwww poor you, have a sympathy  

 Thank you 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Too many showers to cut the grass. That's my excuse!

I hope you've all had a good day? We went out for lunch then just chilled out.

Hi Yogi  

That's good enough for me too

I think you need to be chilled if you are gonna watch BB, which I presume you are 

Hi Moonie.


Yes I am suffering BB 


Awwww poor you, have a sympathy  

 Thank you 


~Sweet Summer~ posted:

*night owls*  


what a gorgeous little sunshine smiley moonie and yes lol, yoga is lovely. It's very gentle and you don't have to be a contortionist to do it  

have you had a good day? 


Yogi yours sounds blissful  



Hi Sweet  

I do go smiley hunting when I can be bothered 

My day had been OK fankoo. It sounds like yours has too 

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

I love smileys, they are great fun are you feeling any better? And how's the sport been this weekend? 


We walked 10 miles! And I had a Greek salad instead of cake then I had a long hot bath & read my book 

Especially when you find some you have seen before 

Not watched much sport tbh. More detective programs and have some recorded music on the telly right now. ELO at Hydye Park 

Yogi19 posted:

Well done on your 10 mile walk, Summer.


I'm off to get some sleep. PB is coming tomorrow morning for her sleepover, so granny has to be rested and full of energy for our little duracell bunny

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie, Summer, Ros and Velvet.

Nite nite Yogi, sleep well. I hope you have lovely day with PB. Sweet dreams  

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Forecast to be dry here this morning, then rain this afternoon.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB and some time with BB at PB not being a happy bunny.


Ros, my maternal grandfather was hit by a mustard gas attack in one of the battles during WW! but I don't know which one as he never talked about his time there.


I hope everyone has a good day

no-so stoic -i have so much respect as they were so brave

Rocking Ros Rose
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

I love smileys, they are great fun are you feeling any better? And how's the sport been this weekend? 


We walked 10 miles! And I had a Greek salad instead of cake then I had a long hot bath & read my book 

So a feta worse than death by chocolare cake


~Sweet Summer~ posted:

What's ELO..? And did you beat the detectives in figuring it out? I like trying to do that


yogi it did stay dry but the wind was a bit strong for my liking. What did you have for lunch?

ELO = The Electric Light Orchestra formed in 1970. One of their best known songs Mr Blue Sky was used on a M&S advert back in 2005 (the first one which featured Twiggy).

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Haha! Not likely squiggle the yoga is to set me up for the day, it's mentally very calming and loosens up the body. The walking is for fun, and the salad was because my cake habit has been outweighing my good habits lately  


good morning everyone a cloudy day here today but spirits are high in general  

Yogi I hope you have a fab day with PB

~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone   

The weather is sunny, well just clouded a little 

Yogi, have a lovely day with PB 

Looking forward to hearing what little gems she comes out with today 


Hi squiggle 

I hope your day goes well 


Hi Sweet, pleased your spirits are high  


El, I hope your visit to your clients goes well


Have a lovely sunny day everyone 


Good morning everyone, lots of grey cloud this morning and definitely fresher and cooler.  I hope your book has a happy ending Summer, what are you reading? I should finish my book today as well, the first I have read by Jane Costello 'Summer Nights at the Midnight Hotel', I've enjoyed it.


I hope all is going well with the sleepover Yogi and that you managed to sleep well, you will need all your energy to keep up with little miss whirlwind.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone

Dull here but no rain promised. Breezy and cool too 


Yogi, I hope you had a lovely day with PB and the sleepover went well. You will need a day to recover now 


Sweet, I hope you managed to finish your book and enjoyed its conclusion


El, good news indeed indeed about the Juno probe. I wonder what we will learn


squiggle, pleased you enjoyed you book
Not a book reader myself these days. Many years ago I was into sci-fi and Westerner books


I used to work with a guy who use to belonged to a westerner club. We are not cowboys he would say, we are Westerners

On Fridays he used to dress up in all the correct gear to go to that club. Even had a replica gun and holster. Rifle too


Have a super day everyone


Moonie, It's likely to be months before much information from Juno is known about Jupiter as it's only just arrived there. Much of the information will be in data form. Although there is a camera on the probe I don't think it has been switched on yet and because Jupiter is mainly gas or liquid hydrogen, don't expect to see much if anything of a solid surface.


I used to read quite a lot of science fiction but not much now.

El Loro

nooooo!!!! That would be like Downton Abbey getting rid of Mrs Patmore 

i loved cluedo  


good afternoon and the waving smiley is one of my favourites Moonie 


oh squiggle, my book was lovely! I can't wait to pass it on.. It's called Summer at the Lake by Erica James, I loved it from start to finish. It's the first of hers that I've read and I will definitely look for more, she's up there with Carole Matthews & Millie Johnson  



~Sparkling Summer~
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