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*night owls* evening


haha moonie! I'm thrilled at the drool, that's a compliment worth accepting the smell is great when you open the tin. 

Ive been babysitting for a friend this evening, the young lady is a very forward 10 though so not much "baby" in the sitting really. We had fun  


El I'm pleased you have a great Aorta, no surprise really though because you look after yourself well  


yogi, aw how wonderful, I will wait with baited breath to hear details of said dress in due course it's lovely of her to invite you, she must adore you 


I have been watching bits of the tennis and managed to catch the last half of the Bouchard/Khonta match tonight, I was rooting for Eugenie so am glad she won 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, may get brighter at times.


Thanks everyonre re the scan Summer, some 20 years ago I was diagnosed and treated successfully for an overactive thyroid. However before I started getting treatment my blood pressure would have been too high for quite some time and that could have caused a weakness in my aorta so it's good to know that it didn't,


Re yesterday's One Show:
The section Squiggle is referring to starts at about 23 minutes in. I saw it yesterday as well and it's beautiful.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone. We were so lucky in the place we stayed in Scotland, near Bridge of Cally, the programme yesterday reminded me of happy times. 


I hope your day is good Summer and that you have a great time with PB Yogi.  The result of the scan must have been very reassuring in view of the thyroid problem EL.


Enjoy your day everyone

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Wow 100! What a lady I hope she's still enjoys some cake these days 

I still have some left El, but I'm pleased to report that my friends liked it when they had some  


I'm really enjoying cherry season at the moment  



Hi Sweet 

Well, I for one like cake. Surprising isn't it?   

Have a lovely day and don't work to hard 


Evening all.

I had a lovely day with PB and spent some time with BB too.

PB decided she wanted to stay on a sleepover but it wasn't possible because she is going out with her other granny and uncle first thing tomorrow morning. She wan't a happy bunny ( to put it mildly) so I agreed to drive her home - following DiL in her car with BB. The things we do to keep her happy!

Off to the BB thread, back later.

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

aw bless! A well intended tantrum though. I'm glad you've had a lovely day yogi, enjoy bb  


sweet dreams everyone (just in case I Churchill)  

It was more crying and pleading than a tantrum.

She's coming on a sleepover on Monday to make up for it.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer, Velvet and Ros

Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

I had a lovely day with PB and spent some time with BB too.

PB decided she wanted to stay on a sleepover but it wasn't possible because she is going out with her other granny and uncle first thing tomorrow morning. She wan't a happy bunny ( to put it mildly) so I agreed to drive her home - following DiL in her car with BB. The things we do to keep her happy!

Off to the BB thread, back later.

aww that's lovely yogi

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Forecast to be dry here this morning, then rain this afternoon.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB and some time with BB at PB not being a happy bunny.


Ros, my maternal grandfather was hit by a mustard gas attack in one of the battles during WW! but I don't know which one as he never talked about his time there.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

I had a lovely day with PB and spent some time with BB too.

PB decided she wanted to stay on a sleepover but it wasn't possible because she is going out with her other granny and uncle first thing tomorrow morning. She wan't a happy bunny ( to put it mildly) so I agreed to drive her home - following DiL in her car with BB. The things we do to keep her happy!

Off to the BB thread, back later.

Hi Yogi b

Glad you had a lovely time with PB and smidgen of time with BB too  

But awwwwwwwwwww when she was  to stay over 

 Still she will be a very happy bunny on Monday  <-- more like that than -->  

Have a lovely day 


Good morning everyone, some blue sky and a slight breeze, all in all quite a nice morning.  Aww bless PB, although she was sad - and she has a happy Monday sleepover to come - it must have touched you to see how much she loves her sleepovers with you and Mr Yogi.


I don't think many of those who fought in the Great War ever wanted to speak about the horrors they experienced.  To my mind all war is filthy.  Harry Patch, the last survivor from that carnage didn't speak about it until he was 100 years old.  He left many quotes, some of which I would not copy onto this forum, they are too heart-wrenching but he did say this, and I agree with every word "War is organised murder and nothing else....politicians who took us to war should have been given the guns and told to settle their differences themselves, instead of organising nothing better than legalised mass murder"


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.

It's showery again.

Squiggle, it is heartwarming to know PB likes spending time with us - almost as much as we like spending time with her and her baby brother.

It occured to me today that Buddies might wonder why BB doesn't come on PB days. It's to give DiL one-to-one time with BB while she is on maternity leave, and so that PB was kept in a routine of being minded by both her grannys and wouldn't be too unsettled when it's time for DiL to return to work. 

Once DiL returns to work, I'll be having PB/BB days.


I have the utmost respect and sympathy for people like Ros and El's grandfathers and what they went through. I also understand why Harry felt the way he did about war.

Middle son and DiL are coming for tea tonight.

Have a good day everyone.

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, my maternal grandmother's family came from the Llandudno area so I've got some Welsh ancestry

You are a multi national El

I hope you pay your required taxes

I think I do


I think many of us are multi national

That's very true El 

Besides Welsh and English ancestry, I've also got Irish and according to what my parents said also Norman and Indian though those are from a very long time ago and may be just family myths.


I may also have a couple of ancestors from the Netherlands

El Loro
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