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Good evening everyone.  Sorry I've not been about but it's been lists, lists and more lists today!!!  Also I had to go to the bank to get all the bills, credit cards etc paid, and get some food in before my departure.


Sorry to hear about your continuing problems with the solicitors El Loro.  Just take some deep breaths.  It will all be over soon.


Skylark, hope your grandaughter has had a great birthday today.  I send her lots of love and gifts     (whatever she might want will be there - it's magic!!!).


Squiggle and Yogi (and El Loro and Skylark too) - love you more than I can say.  I will catch up with you all tomorrow.  I promise.    Have to ring the hospital between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm to get time to go in on Thursday morning.  Need to turn up at the hospital between 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm tomorrow evening for a Clexane injection (blood thinning).  Hubby and No.1 son are then taking me out for a meal so I don't have to cook (Last supper) 


Depending on time I have to go in (I was told probably between 10.30 and and 11.30 am depending on where I'm likely to be in the operating list) I will either post here before I go on Thursday morning, or  post tomorrow night before I go to bed.   


Joyron, you have been busy today I hope you have shown Hubby how to use the washing machine because it would be outrageous if he leaves the washing for you to do.


I assume your doctors will have checked as to whether any of your existing medication shouldn't be taken when you have the Clexane injection, but I did see that you need to be careful if you take potassium supplements or if you use potassium salt instead of ordinary salt.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, you have been busy today I hope you have shown Hubby how to use the washing machine because it would be outrageous if he leaves the washing for you to do.


I assume your doctors will have checked as to whether any of your existing medication shouldn't be taken when you have the Clexane injection, but I did see that you need to be careful if you take potassium supplements or if you use potassium salt instead of ordinary salt.


I don't think it would be a good idea for hubby to do the washing!!!  They did check out my medications at the hospital at the pre-admission check up and told me to carry on and take what I would normally do on the day


Good afternoon everyone.    Lovely sunny day here.  It's quite warm but with a nice breeze.


Thank you all for thinking of me.  I really do appreciate it.  Naturally I'm getting more and more nervous as each hour passes.  I've just rung the hospital and I have to be there at 11.40 am tomorrow, so that probably means I'm quite away down the list for my operation in the afternoon!!


Will be off to the hospital for the Clexane injection in a couple of hours, then going out for a meal with hubby and No.1 son.  Hope to report back this evening, if not there should be plenty of time for me to catch up with you all in the morning. 


I am sure that everyone of us gets spam emails. I'm lucky in that I only get them in small numbers at present. I never open them, just delete them. Sometimes the spam message will contain random words to try to fool your ISP email site into not realising that it is spam.


Today I received a spam email where the opening message reads:

Proposal exclusive - rain all the God, Timothy (which happens to be the name of my vicar)... They were peaking no the tears out that a sarcophagus


It probably carries on, but I'm not going to open it to see what it says, but it could almost make sense in a strange way

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I am sure that everyone of us gets spam emails. I'm lucky in that I only get them in small numbers at present. I never open them, just delete them. Sometimes the spam message will contain random words to try to fool your ISP email site into not realising that it is spam.


Today I received a spam email where the opening message reads:

Proposal exclusive - rain all the God, Timothy (which happens to be the name of my vicar)... They were peaking no the tears out that a sarcophagus


It probably carries on, but I'm not going to open it to see what it says, but it could almost make sense in a strange way

I get junk e-mails for Canadian medicines, working from home and viagra.


I found this official warning about fake medicines bought over the internet:


So what are the real facts?
â€Ē Counterfeit medicines can contain
harmful ingredients such as rat poison,
boric acid and lead based road paint
â€Ē They can also contain too little or too
much active ingredient – some contain
no active ingredient at all
â€Ē Fake drugs can cause harm to patients
and sometimes lead to death
â€Ē It is often produced by people who
have no appropriate qualifications
in unhygienic surroundings


Yogi, I do exactly the same as you - delete the spam emails.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I found this official warning about fake medicines bought over the internet:


So what are the real facts?
â€Ē Counterfeit medicines can contain
harmful ingredients such as rat poison,
boric acid and lead based road paint
â€Ē They can also contain too little or too
much active ingredient – some contain
no active ingredient at all
â€Ē Fake drugs can cause harm to patients
and sometimes lead to death
â€Ē It is often produced by people who
have no appropriate qualifications
in unhygienic surroundings


Yogi, I do exactly the same as you - delete the spam emails.

It's quite scary that some people might be tempted to buy this stuff.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I am sure that everyone of us gets spam emails. I'm lucky in that I only get them in small numbers at present. I never open them, just delete them. Sometimes the spam message will contain random words to try to fool your ISP email site into not realising that it is spam.


Today I received a spam email where the opening message reads:

Proposal exclusive - rain all the God, Timothy (which happens to be the name of my vicar)... They were peaking no the tears out that a sarcophagus


It probably carries on, but I'm not going to open it to see what it says, but it could almost make sense in a strange way

I get junk e-mails for Canadian medicines, working from home and viagra.

And they are always trying to interest me in enlarging a part of my anatomy that I do not possess

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

It's quite scary that some people might be tempted to buy this stuff.

I agree with you. I know no-one likes having to pay for medication (in England as you don't in Scotland), but the risks far outweigh any financial gain. And there will be some people who don't bother going to the doctor, diagnose themselves and then get the medication online, and that is crazy.


On the risk of buying online, I am of course excluding the legit online UK pharmacies such as Boots and Lloyds. I assume in any case that these would require evidence that the medication had been prescribed.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

It's quite scary that some people might be tempted to buy this stuff.

I agree with you. I know no-one likes having to pay for medication (in England as you don't in Scotland), but the risks far outweigh any financial gain. And there will be some people who don't bother going to the doctor, diagnose themselves and then get the medication online, and that is crazy.


On the risk of buying online, I am of course excluding the legit online UK pharmacies such as Boots and Lloyds. I assume in any case that these would require evidence that the medication had been prescribed.

I'm sure you are correct and prescriptions are required.

I know you need prescriptions from a vet when buying animal meds online (from legit companies).


Thank you SO much for your thoughts and pictures.  I really, really do appreciate you thinking of me at this time. 


Been to the hospital and had my Clexane injection.  Saw the consultant, who was obviously there visiting patients.  He said I will be later in the afternoon on the list so I don't expect to be "back with the living" until later in the evening!!!


Been out for a lovely meal with hubby and No.1 son.  Had three glasses of wine so I am ready to go to bed now.  How long I will sleep for I don't know but at least I should go off okay!!!


Will speak to you tomorrow before I leave home. 


Good morning everyone.    It's a bright, sunny day here.


Well I'm all ready for the off now.  Will be leaving here in about an hour's time.  I'm not sure whose more nervous.  Poor hubby keeps asking me if I'm alright but I think he's just as worried as a I am.


Probably won't be in touch until sometime late on Saturday afternoon/evening.  No.1 son is going to set up the connection for me when he and the grandchildren visit that afternoon.


Thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes.  It's good to know I have all you lovely people thinking of me at this time.  I love you all very much.  Hope to speak to you again soon. 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keep thinking of the relief you'll feel, once that knee pain has gone.

Bigfor Mr Joyron, too.

You'll be back with us before you know it, Joyron.

Exactly my feelings too Yogi I said a special prayer for Joyron this morning.


Its a lovely morning with the promise of more to come, still a little chilly but it was really hot here yesterday afternoon, I believe it might have been the warmest place in the country?  Have a lovely day everyone, we won't feel really right until Joyron is back with us will we?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keep thinking of the relief you'll feel, once that knee pain has gone.

Bigfor Mr Joyron, too.

You'll be back with us before you know it, Joyron.

Exactly my feelings too Yogi I said a special prayer for Joyron this morning.


Its a lovely morning with the promise of more to come, still a little chilly but it was really hot here yesterday afternoon, I believe it might have been the warmest place in the country?  Have a lovely day everyone, we won't feel really right until Joyron is back with us will we?

Hopefully, it won't be too long before Joyron is back where she belongs - with us.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Well, Joyron's operation should be under way by now, so here's praying for her and her family


I've just rescued a wasp which was flying around in the hallway - the first of the year - that's a sure sign that winter is over

Thinking of you, Joyron.


I saw a big bumble bee in the garden centre yesterday, a sure sign that Spring has sprung.

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