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Good morning everyone


It sounds like the solicitors need a wake-up call EL.  It does go to show they can move quickly when they want to as friends of mine have just moved and 3 days before they were due to sign contracts their purchaser told them the chain had broken as his purchaser had let him down.  My friends were horrified and thought the deal was off but he said no go ahead I have found another house and I will push the solicitor to complete quickly and it was all done on the original due date.  That Chinese Wall business came up on Silk didn't it?









Good afternoon everyone.    Had a lovely time with No.2 son last night and this morning.  He's just left to get back for work at 4.00 pm.  No.1 son is due here in and hour or so.


I slept really well last night.  I think that's because I'd written down all I need to do and sort out before I go into hospital on Thursday.  Actually had a job getting out of bed this morning!!


Sorry to hear about your problems with solicitors El Loro.  I think you need to ring them in the morning and tell them to get everything sorted quick smart (as my sons would say).  You've had all this planned for quite a time now so there should have been no delays.


Won't be back again today but will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Hope everyone is having a good day.  Love you all. 


Joyron, I'm glad you had a good night's sleep


I have told my brother to chase the solicitors tomorrow. I don't think I can chase the solicitors myself as my parents' house is still in their names (the solcitor at the time of my mother's death thought there was no point in incurring costs in getting the title in the property transferred to myself and my brother), and because I was in hospital when my mother died, I relinquished my role as executor, so my brother is the only executor and therefore has to deal with the legal side of selling the property. Technically the executorship of my mother's estate continues until all assets are distributed to the beneficiaries. So my legal position at present is one of being a beneficiary under my mother's will rather than anything more.


I could have retaken on the role of executorship, but that process would have incurred more solcitors fees.


Yogi, it is possible that the law works in a different way where you are as there are differences between English and Scottish law.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good afternoon everyone.    Had a lovely time with No.2 son last night and this morning.  He's just left to get back for work at 4.00 pm.  No.1 son is due here in and hour or so.


I slept really well last night.  I think that's because I'd written down all I need to do and sort out before I go into hospital on Thursday.  Actually had a job getting out of bed this morning!!


Sorry to hear about your problems with solicitors El Loro.  I think you need to ring them in the morning and tell them to get everything sorted quick smart (as my sons would say).  You've had all this planned for quite a time now so there should have been no delays.


Won't be back again today but will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Hope everyone is having a good day.  Love you all. 

You sound brighter Joyron, I am so pleased, I am sending you an email from that wonderful site that EL found

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, I'm glad you had a good night's sleep


I have told my brother to chase the solicitors tomorrow. I don't think I can chase the solicitors myself as my parents' house is still in their names (the solcitor at the time of my mother's death thought there was no point in incurring costs in getting the title in the property transferred to myself and my brother), and because I was in hospital when my mother died, I relinquished my role as executor, so my brother is the only executor and therefore has to deal with the legal side of selling the property. Technically the executorship of my mother's estate continues until all assets are distributed to the beneficiaries. So my legal position at present is one of being a beneficiary under my mother's will rather than anything more.


I could have retaken on the role of executorship, but that process would have incurred more solcitors fees.


Yogi, it is possible that the law works in a different way where you are as there are differences between English and Scottish law.

I hope your brother is able to light a fire (not literally) under the solicitors, and get things sorted out a.s.a.p.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

You sound brighter Joyron, I am so pleased, I am sending you an email from that wonderful site that EL found


Yes I am feeling a lot brighter today.  I've given up worrying about the smoking for now and, of course, I've had my two wonderful sons with me today.  Your email has come through but I'm not going to look at it until tomorrow when I'm on my own.  Hope you understand.   

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

You sound brighter Joyron, I am so pleased, I am sending you an email from that wonderful site that EL found


Yes I am feeling a lot brighter today.  I've given up worrying about the smoking for now and, of course, I've had my two wonderful sons with me today.  Your email has come through but I'm not going to look at it until tomorrow when I'm on my own.  Hope you understand.   

I really do understand, you must be very tender with yourself at the moment.  You have enough to deal with, no stress is the way forward


Signing out, hope its been a good day for you all


squiggle, I think you can guess how I feel about the thought of BB on for most of August to January. I wouldn't be surprised if OFCOM get involved as Channel 5 do have a public service remit, and it is questionable whether this quantity of BB complies. BB appeals to a lot of people, but even more people don't watch it. I also have a suspicion that the other two 5 channels, which are not covered by the public service remit, will become subscription only, so that those who want to have round the clock BB would have to pay for it.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

squiggle, I think you can guess how I feel about the thought of BB on for most of August to January. I wouldn't be surprised if OFCOM get involved as Channel 5 do have a public service remit, and it is questionable whether this quantity of BB complies. BB appeals to a lot of people, but even more people don't watch it. I also have a suspicion that the other two 5 channels, which are not covered by the public service remit, will become subscription only, so that those who want to have round the clock BB would have to pay for it.

But EL is really quite a minority channel, and there are lots of BB fans.  If they followed the format as on Channel 4 ie one hour per day plus fill in at odd times and the rest on a subscription basis for those who wish to follow live feed surely that would not step on too many toes.


I suppose I'm a bit cynical when it comes to Channel 5 following its purchase by Richard Desmond (he is heavily associated with the porn buisiness). Also I watch The Mentalist and NCIS which would have been on at the times that BB has been shown on Channel 4, so would either be pushed to much later in the evening, or more likely only shown on 5 USA, which if I'm right, would become subscription only. (The Mentalist season tends to start in October, and NCIS in January)

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I suppose I'm a bit cynical when it comes to Channel 5 following its purchase by Richard Desmond (he is heavily associated with the porn buisiness). Also I watch The Mentalist and NCIS which would have been on at the times that BB has been shown on Channel 4, so would either be pushed to much later in the evening, or more likely only shown on 5 USA, which if I'm right, would become subscription only. (The Mentalist season tends to start in October, and NCIS in January)

I see where you're coming from.  With Richard Desmond (as with Rupert Murdoch) I really have no opinion as I don't know much about either of them.  All I do know is that I am very careful what I watch and firmly believe that porn as well as violence and things like vampire programmes, however much they are portrayed as harmless can do harm and coarsen the viewer.  Its just my view and I don't try to inflict it on others.  I suppose also that as I am very used to 'time-shifting' programmes with the Sky Plus I tend to be less dependant on programme schedules.


We really are at the mercy of those who produce the programme schedules and if they think that Big Brother will be a money spinner for them then they will act accordingly. I'm just a fan who has missed the show and also the many discussions (calm or empassioned) that it engenders on this forum.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
All I do know is that I am very careful what I watch and firmly believe that porn as well as violence and things like vampire programmes, however much they are portrayed as harmless can do harm and coarsen the viewer.  Its just my view and I don't try to inflict it on others. 

I would agree with you. Although I watch the occasional violent film, it is only from time to time, and I won't watch them if they go too far. For instance I started watching Wanted on Saturday on ITV. But after a few minutes, I stopped as I was repelled by the level of violence. I don't watch series such as True Blood, but I do watch series such as Medium, and in the past Pushing Daisies and Charmed. I don't believe in them and just regard them as escapist entertainment. I'm certainly not about to go to seances or join a coven - that's a different matter.


I fully understand the feelings of those who have missed BB and would be glad to see it back, but, as you know, I'm not one of them - there's just something about BB which makes me feel uncomfortable about it. Let's just agree to disagree about it 

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
 Let's just agree to disagree about it 



EL I had to smile when I posted about missing BB and who would agree with me because I knew you would not be one.  You are probably much more sensible than those, like me, who are glued to it but there we go, happy as always to agree to disagree  


And I break my own guidelines at times, I was an avid watcher of the dramatisation of the times of the Roman Caesars which I found fascinating despite the extreme violence and in places explicit sexual scenes


Good afternoon everyone.    Cloudy and cold here today.


Seems like you have quite a heavy conversation going El Loro and Sqiuggle.  I would love it if BB came back. 


Squiggle, thank you so much for your email.  I played the clip this morning and, as expected, it brought tears to my eyes.  I'm feeling much more at peace with what is to come now. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good afternoon everyone.    Cloudy and cold here today.


Seems like you have quite a heavy conversation going El Loro and Sqiuggle.  I would love it if BB came back. 


Squiggle, thank you so much for your email.  I played the clip this morning and, as expected, it brought tears to my eyes.  I'm feeling much more at peace with what is to come now. 

I am so glad that you are feeling at peace now Joyron, all will be well.


Wouldn't life be dull if we all thought the same way, it would certainly make for a very dull forum that's for sure.   I respect EL's views on BB and I am sure he respects mine, and the rest of the looney BB fans he mixes with on this forum.


Joyron, I'm also pleased that you feel more at peace now


My mother had extremely strong views against all forms of gambling, and so does my brother. I'm not a gambler as such, but I'm happy to go to the bingo sessions in the church hall which are held every couple of months. The sessions are both social and to raise some money for the church, and the prizes are fairly modest. But my mother and brother would not approve. The way I look at sin is that God wants us to live our lives in a full way, and a sin is where we fall short in one way or another. So gambling in itself isn't a sin, it only becomes a sin when the person betting is either putting themselves or those they are looking after at some financial risk. My mother could see the merit in what I was saying.


So, squiggle, although we all break our guidelines, there is a difference between a mature sensible adult such as yourself from watching what I assume was Rome where you have the moral integrity not to decide to emulate the characters, and someone who chooses to live on a diet of violent or pornographic films, where such a person can easily become so accustomed to what they see that they think it is acceptable.


Wow, this is some heavy conversation

El Loro

We have certainly got very philosophical this afternoon EL   I too don't see anything wrong with raising money for church funds with bingo and the like.  I know some people have a problem with it, similarly with drinking I have no issue with it, it doesn't seem to suit me since I had chemotherapy for some reason. Everything in moderation is not a bad motto and I know that God is so loving that he wants only good things for His children, and we are all His children.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good afternoon everyone.    Cloudy and cold here today.


Seems like you have quite a heavy conversation going El Loro and Sqiuggle.  I would love it if BB came back. 


Squiggle, thank you so much for your email.  I played the clip this morning and, as expected, it brought tears to my eyes.  I'm feeling much more at peace with what is to come now. 

I am so glad that you are feeling at peace now Joyron, all will be well.



Agrees with Squiggle, on both counts. Joyron

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:



Wouldn't life be dull if we all thought the same way, it would certainly make for a very dull forum that's for sure.   I respect EL's views on BB and I am sure he respects mine, and the rest of the looney BB fans he mixes with on this forum.

That would be me then.

That would be us then

Originally Posted by squiggle:
and firmly believe that porn as well as violence and things like vampire programmes, however much they are portrayed as harmless can do harm and coarsen the viewer. 


Helloooo! Don't post in here but saw this and I did question the vampire shows in another thread yesterday. I wanted to know how graphic the content was (given my idea of what vampires get up to) - and as with everything, there are some shows that are quite graphic but some that aren't. I don't know enough about these shows but I would imagine its potential effects on the mind and the transition in to day to day life would be all down to the individual perception of the viewer and the ability to separate fiction from fact.


(As an aside, I have seen that there are some rather nice looking gentlemen in the shows and if there was pornographic content involved then I'd most definitely be watching it )


Good morning everyone


It's grey and damp today.


My brother did ring the solicitors yesterday which is just as well as they were going to send the exchange contract to me instead of him. And I wouldn't have been able to sign it as I'm not the excecutor - he is. The solcitor told him that their letter had been drafted and was being typed up. The solicitor also expressed concern that the buyers had been given access to the house without a formal key agreement in place - everything should be done through the solicitors. I think she hasn't taken on board that this has been a private sale to someone I have know for years, he was a client of mine for a long time, and I have known his father for over 40 years.


I sense that the concept that "time is of the essence" is something which the solicitor isn't familiar with, and I can see the sale dragging on for quite some time.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


It's grey and damp today.


My brother did ring the solicitors yesterday which is just as well as they were going to send the exchange contract to me instead of him. And I wouldn't have been able to sign it as I'm not the excecutor - he is. The solcitor told him that their letter had been drafted and was being typed up. The solicitor also expressed concern that the buyers had been given access to the house without a formal key agreement in place - everything should be done through the solicitors. I think she hasn't taken on board that this has been a private sale to someone I have know for years, he was a client of mine for a long time, and I have known his father for over 40 years.


I sense that the concept that "time is of the essence" is something which the solicitor isn't familiar with, and I can see the sale dragging on for quite some time.

It's so frustrating when you are depending on someone else to set the pace.

I hope it all gets sorted out as soon as possible, El.


Hello everyone, x I am in an internet cafe as my computer,s modem broke on Friday and we havent had internet access since. Sky are sending out a new one so its a matter of waiting. Its been awful without it i can tell you. Its my granddaughter,s 3 rd birthday today so have lots to do. Will be back on when i can. Much love xxxxxx
All the best for your operation Joyron, i am sure you will be fine xxxxx


Good morning everyone, its really horrible this morning, pouring with rain. 


Those solicitors don't sound like the cutting edge of efficiency EL but they are protecting your best interests about allowing the purchasers access before the contract is signed.  They have to be ultra cautious.  I remember when my mum died and the purchasers wanted to start knocking walls down before the sale had gone through. They said my darling hubby (who because he was free in the afternoons was dealing with all the nitty gritty stuff while I worked in central London) had agreed to it.  They had just tried to bulldoze him and he was such a nice guy they thought they had put one over on him.


Skylark I really sympathise, as Yogi says its horrible being without internet access (happened to me recently and it wasn't faulty equipment but just my own silly mistake ) hope you're back on line toot sweet


Thinking of you Joyron


Joyron, I hope you are taking things as easy as possible before your op


Skylark, a happy birthday to your granddaughter, and I hope your modem arrives soon


Yogi and squiggle, thanks for your comments on the solcitors . I know the solcitors are trying to act in our best interests, but it is still frustrating. The hope had been that completion would have taken place on the 1st as that would have been best for all parties. We are now having to pay for the council tax and water rates as their new year started on the 1st, so each day costs us something like ÂĢ4. And at some time in the month (my brother is dealing with this so don't have the actual date), the house insurance is up for renewal. So is the contents insurance, but I can't see any point in renewing that one as there are no contents of any note.

El Loro
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