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~Sweet Summer~ posted:

*night owls* popping in to wish you all very sweet dreams and I hope you've each had a good day. 

My day off didn't go at all as planned, but I am feeling well  


i hope olÃĐ youve each had a good day, especially yogi with her adventures of PB & co  

Hi and bye Sweet, sorry your day didn't go to planned. Hope it was nothing serious 

Nite nite  sleep well. Sweet dreams. Have  better tomorrow  

velvet donkey posted:

Noite Jayne  

 She's totally bonkers, I'm only halfway there!

Rosgirl posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Well, that's another hour of my life I won't get back!

Goodnight and sweet dreams Moonie, Velvet and  Ros

Night owl hug for Summer.

night yogi  - OMG what an awful BB  moonsie velvet and hugs for summer

It's the worst one yet! That's saying something, when you think how bad the Helen Woods one was.


Good morning everyone


El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Another cloudy day with more potential downpours here today


Yogi, I'm glad you had a good day with PB


I hope everyone has a good day

Good morning El

We are promised thunderstorms and potential downpours here too


squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, what a lovely heart-warming story EL - we need more like May in my opinion


I don't think I'm missing much with BB this year   I hope your day goes well Yogi.  Summer although yesterday didn't go as planned I hope it was still a good day off.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning squiggle

From what I have read of BB you are better off not watching


Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

A cloudy start to the day.

Planning a less hectic day, with grocery shopping and some housework.

Have a good day everyone. 

Good morning Yogi

I hope your less hectic day comes to fruition though with shopping and housework, it doesn't sound like a promising start  



Good morning Sweet

I hope your day is a good one. It's a shame yesterday didn't go to planned


I may pop out and shop in a while as we are having a "dry bit"

Have a super day everyone and darn the weather

Last edited by Moonie

Good rainy morning everyone I've got a decorator painting inside my house today I wasn't expecting him for a few weeks but this dreadful weather has seen him have to cancel some outdoor jobs, so yay for the rain!  


moonie, you were up late last night, I didn't expect anyone to be around. A friend of mine was having a meltdown yesterday, her MIL has cancer and is very poorly and I think it all just got too much so a good cry was overdue 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good rainy morning everyone I've got a decorator painting inside my house today I wasn't expecting him for a few weeks but this dreadful weather has seen him have to cancel some outdoor jobs, so yay for the rain!  


moonie, you were up late last night, I didn't expect anyone to be around. A friend of mine was having a meltdown yesterday, her MIL has cancer and is very poorly and I think it all just got too much so a good cry was overdue 

Hi Sweet
The weather is undecided here. It was very dark not long ago, then a burst of sunshine now looking like the wet stuff is going to make its first appearance of the day 


Good luck with the decorating
My sister is having two rooms done and it's a nightmare. She is not a happy bunny but it should be done by the weekend. Then just carpets to buy and curtains to install  

Maybe my ear will stop being "bent" then


Awww, very sad news about your friends MIL Sweet

I can sympathise and empathise with her. It's lovely she has a friend like you to unburden herself upon. Talking to someone often helps with the sadness and stress


Have a great day Sweet


When I went to the Co-op on Saturday to get my semi skinned milk there wasn't any due to an error at HQ. Lots of whole milk and skinned milk. So I bought some of each and created my own semi skinned milk by mixing them. (fat content of whole milk 3.5%, semi-skinned 1.7%, skinned 0.1% - average of 3.5% and 0.1% = 1.8%)


I mentioned that yesterday to a Co-op assisstant who was putting out milk. She said she'd never thought of that, it was a good idea and that she'd mention it to customers if neccesary in future. She said I should patent it and that I could get royalties. I said I might have difficulty convincing them that it was an original idea . She also pointed out that it would be difficult to monitor.

El Loro
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