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Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
El Loro posted:

People in the UK are being asked by conservationists to look out for hummingbird like moths in their gardens. Clip of these best seen full screen:

I saw some of those in Tuscany! They were adorable, and loved the lavender beds. 


Good afternoon all, and a big de-fuzzy hug for moonie I hope you are able to take things easy today 


I'm just finishing my lunch break, hope to be back later  

Summer, I love lavender. Maybe I should plant some in the herb garden?

I vote yes!  

do you recommend any particular herbs? I've got a rhyme and it's got space near it for more herbs if I wanted to plant some 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
El Loro posted:

People in the UK are being asked by conservationists to look out for hummingbird like moths in their gardens. Clip of these best seen full screen:

I saw some of those in Tuscany! They were adorable, and loved the lavender beds. 


Good afternoon all, and a big de-fuzzy hug for moonie I hope you are able to take things easy today 


I'm just finishing my lunch break, hope to be back later  

Summer, I love lavender. Maybe I should plant some in the herb garden?

I vote yes!  

do you recommend any particular herbs? I've got a rhyme and it's got space near it for more herbs if I wanted to plant some 

Good morning everyone. We've got rain!

I'm had to get up early as I'm expecting a delivery.


Summer, I find most herbs are quite easy to grow outdoors (except basil which is better grown in a greenhouse or indoors). I've got rosemary, thyme, parsley, chives, coriander, sage and mint, and they are all doing well. Mint does tend to go a bit wild and can take over - you can sink the pot into the ground (rather than remove it from the pot and plant it directly into the ground) and that should contain it.


Havea good weekend everyone.


Good morning everyone, it's very cloudy here and we've had some rain, none forecast until the early hours and then it should go on for a bit.


Yogi you've had some wonderful success with your herbs.  I remember being sent out to the garden to pick fresh mint for mint sauce when we had roast lamb.  I wonder what herbs you will grow Summer.


Moonie I hope you are feeling better this morning.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning, no wait- good afternoon! I've just got a break at work so quickly popping in  


thanks yogi, that's really helpful. I could grow basil in my utility room, it would be perfect. I'm planning a trip to the garden centre tomorrow so I'll see what herbs are available  

i too used to pick mint out of the garden as a child, I remember painting some mint leaves with melted chocolate and setting them in the fridge, then peeling the leaves off after to get fabulous mint chocolate leaves 

~Sparkling Summer~

I received my new M&S credit card this morning. I could see that my credit card details (name, 16 digit code & expiry date) were clearly visible on the letter (a reverse image of the embossed characters on the card). I shredded the letter for security reasons. At least the 3 digit security code wasn't visible. I rang M&S Bank customer services to alert them as they need to tighten up on this.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

I received my new M&S credit card this morning. I could see that my credit card details (name, 16 digit code & expiry date) were clearly visible on the letter (a reverse image of the embossed characters on the card). I shredded the letter for security reasons. At least the 3 digit security code wasn't visible. I rang M&S Bank customer services to alert them as they need to tighten up on this.

 That's shocking El 


I was in the bank this morning and in front of me was someone who looked very much like Bamber Gascoigne in the days when he presented University Challenge from 1962 to 1987.

As we were waiting I asked him if he was related but he's not. It's not the first time the similarity has been noticed, similar face, glasses and hair.

El Loro

Evening yogi I hope you've had a good day. I can't believe mr yogi has chosen football over big brother, he must be mad  

I'm actually watching it tonight  


ive had a busy but good & very funny day thank you. We finish earlier on Saturdays so I had time to pop to the garden centre, I came home with 7 alpines, a hebe and 4 osteospermum. All of which have already been planted! 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, already rained this morning, and more expected today through to Thursday.


Yogi, it was the letter with the card inside the envelope which showed my credit card details. So it would not have been visible to the postman. However if I had put the letter in the recycling box to be collected, then anyone going through that would have been able to see the details.


Squiggle, I'm like Summer and do lots of Sudoku puzzles


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Summer, you might want to try hexadecimal sudoku puzzles as a more complex version of suduko. Instead of a 9 x 9 grid it's a 16 x 16 one. Some versions use numbers 1 to 16, others use the hexadecimal numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A(10), B(11), C(12), D(13), E(14) and F(15). The rules as as with ordinary suduko.


I haven't tried any as they probably take a lot longer to solve, there being more than three times the number of squares.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, oh good heavens EL, I have enough trouble with the normal Suduko, you would need a brain the size of a planet to solve those hexadecimal thingies   Summer I am glad you like Sudoku, I am pleased that thanks to that app which shows me instantly if I make a mistake I can now do an easy Sudoku without any mistakes at all.  I am enjoying them and hope to get better.  Yogi there is a definite knack to them, I always thought you had to guess some numbers but I can see that there is always a clue somewhere.


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, you will find that the more Suduko puzzles you do, you will learn some of the methods used by people to solve them. They are logic puzzles, rather than guesswork as you have found out.


For Summer, have a go at this one published in 2012 as the hardest one designed.


That one should only be attempted by those who are expert at Suduko as it is intended to be ultra mega super hard.

El Loro
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Hehe that's brilliant El!  


moonie I very much hope your head is on the mend and that you can watch the football today

Hi Sweet 

Fankoo, I did watch some footie yesterday though not the England game. I knew they would flatter to deceive and they did, as per usual 

I hope you and Bramble have a lovely relaxing day off and are able to go for a long walk together  

squiggle posted:

I liked Bamber Gascoigne, I was on the same tube train as him once, a long long time ago.


Does anyone like Sudoku?  I've always been rubbish at it but I downloaded a new app and I am slowly learning the knack.  Admittedly on the very first level at the moment but I am learning that you do not guess, ever

Hi squiggle 

My sister likes Sudoku. She always had Sudoku books laying around. Now she does them online 

Have a lovely Sunday  

Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

El, do you mean your details were visible to anyone who handled the letter?

Moonie, are you feeling better?

Squiggle, I'm rubbish at Sudoku but one of my DiLs enjoys it. 

Summer, I hope you had a good day at work.

Mr Yogi is upstairs, watching the England game - there's a lot of shouting going on.


Hi Yogi 

I feel much better fankoo. It's wet and very much cooler here. Raining heavens hard and a lovely cool breeze blowing in through the open windows 

From what I heard of the England game, it's a wonder Mr Yogi wasn't throwing things at the telly  

Have a lovely Sunday 

El Loro posted:

Squiggle, you will find that the more Suduko puzzles you do, you will learn some of the methods used by people to solve them. They are logic puzzles, rather than guesswork as you have found out.


For Summer, have a go at this one published in 2012 as the hardest one designed.


That one should only be attempted by those who are expert at Suduko as it is intended to be ultra mega super hard.

Hi El 

I am not a logical person so Sudoku is not for me. I have tried it and I got  and 

Have a lovely day  


Good morning everyone.

It's raining up here.


Moonie, I am not a logical person either. - as Mr Yogi will confirm.

I'm glad you feel better.

Squiggle, I don't have the Sudoku knack, I'm afraid. I do complete Codebreaker puzzles, but that's the only puzzle I do which involves numbers.

I understand what you mean about the M&S letter.

Summer and Ros, BB is no longer BB. Nowadays,  I only watch so I can join in with the thread.

Velvet, I hope you are having a good weekend.


Off to the garden centre for some lavender.


Good morning I've been up & about early, I have a friend coming for afternoon tea so I was at m&s as they opened this morning  


im just getting ready to go walking, but I will get back to that sudoku later. I am a logical person, and very patient, so I think that's why I can (usually) do them. The hardest one ever may be beyond me though the biggest I've done it with 12 numbers 


have a lovely day everyone I'll post my afternoon tea menu later  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good morning I've been up & about early, I have a friend coming for afternoon tea so I was at m&s as they opened this morning  


im just getting ready to go walking, but I will get back to that sudoku later. I am a logical person, and very patient, so I think that's why I can (usually) do them. The hardest one ever may be beyond me though the biggest I've done it with 12 numbers 


have a lovely day everyone I'll post my afternoon tea menu later  

Hi Sweet

Enjoy your afternoon tea with your friend

Coffs...doggy bag...coffs

Last edited by Moonie

It's half way through now but being on Drama it may well get shown again. It's a 4 hour television movie called Young Catherine (1991) and is about the woman who would become known as Catherine the Great. It would be of interest to anyone interested in history, particularly of that time. From what little I saw, it's of high quality for a televison movie. Catherine is played by Julia Ormond. It's directed by Michael Anderson who came from films (his most famous films being The Dam Busters and Logan's Run).

El Loro

I should imagine that's really interesting El, what channel was it on? 


Afternoon tea doggy bag menu;

a selection of sandwiches which includes cheese, egg mayo, beef, salmon & chicken

traditional scones with cream & jam

angel cakes, jam tarts, mini fresh fruit tarts and macaroons 

help yourselves  


Moonie are you feeling any better? And did you enjoy the England match last night?

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

I should imagine that's really interesting El, what channel was it on? 


Afternoon tea doggy bag menu;

a selection of sandwiches which includes cheese, egg mayo, beef, salmon & chicken

traditional scones with cream & jam

angel cakes, jam tarts, mini fresh fruit tarts and macaroons 

help yourselves  


Moonie are you feeling any better? And did you enjoy the England match last night?

 Nice menu Sweet 

*takes a small portion of each, licks lips and tucks in* 

Love scones 

Fankoo Sweet, I hope you had a lovely time with your friend  


Well, I am sleeping better now it's cooler at night, so that certainly helps  

As for England, I seldom watch our games. They always flatter to deceive, as they did last night again, from what I have heard and read  

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