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Good morning everyone


The client meeting went OK. I managed to avoid the heavy rain which started shortly after I got there and had stopped by the time I left so about an hour. 9mm of rain according to my local weather site.


I have a tax course to go to this afternoon. I think it could be the least interesting of the year but I should still attend.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good morning and apologies for not getting back here to leave goodnight messages. I hope you all slept well ?


el, good luck at your course, I hope you have a nice lunch planned for afterwards 


yogi, what's happening with your oven? 

Good morning Sweet and everyone else   

Same with me too 

Cloudy but the sun is beginning to break though. It's looking like another hot day 

It's supposed to get cooler and wetter from tomorrow. That will do me 

Have a lovely day everyone 

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


The client meeting went OK. I managed to avoid the heavy rain which started shortly after I got there and had stopped by the time I left so about an hour. 9mm of rain according to my local weather site.


I have a tax course to go to this afternoon. I think it could be the least interesting of the year but I should still attend.


I hope everyone has a good day

Good luck with the course El, it sounds like it will be a long day for you  


Good morning everyone, it's a beautiful morning here, the blackbirds have been singing all morning.  We have still had no rain and none in the forecast for today.  I hope your tax course goes well EL and that there are at least a few nuggets of gold amongst the dross.


I do hope it cools down for you soon Moonie and for anyone else struggling with those high temperatures   Yogi I think you are the only one in this group still struggling on with BB, I could be wrong though I don't know about Velvet.


Enjoy your day everyone


Thanks everyone re the course. It's one of those where I might learn something which could be of use in the future. If nothing else, I'll have the course notes to refer to and they often have exceptionally nice shortbread biscuits in the break. I think the hotel make them themselves as they are better than the typical ones you can buy.


I had a phone call this morning from some UK register wanting to update my business records. They sounded Chinese with an English first name. Their first question was wanting to know which bank I used and they reeled off the names of the main banks. I told them that I had no intention of telling them and I ended the call. The likelyhood of this being legitimate is remote. My guess is that if I had told them then I would get a call supposedly from my bank claiming that someone had tried to access my account and they were ringing me to advise me to move my account to another with instructions as to how to do this.

El Loro

Ha ha! Sometimes it does feel like that living here.  We used to live in an end terrace on a giant 'between the wars' estate in Ilford.  We now live in the heart of the country and sometimes at night I hear the birds settling down for sleep and it does start to feel a little Disney, I do love it though.  There are drawbacks though, I do miss my beautiful smooth crazy paving front garden and back patio which were so easy to keep clean.  Here the trees are always shedding and it's impossible to keep it so tidy. 


I'm back from that course. The venue is a hotel which has several meeting rooms for things such as courses, seminars, exhibitions, corporate events etc. I went to the Mulberry suite which was the one mentioned on my course form. I looked throught the door and could see people at tables chatting and eating so realised that wasn't the place. Just then some people walked past so I followed them to the Moat suite. Although there wasn't a checking in list of names there were handouts covering entrepreneurs relief and EIS. Those are types of capital gains tax reliefs and schemes.


So I took them and sat down. I didn't recognise anyone and the course started. The first half was about entrepreneurs relief, then there was a break. To be honest, I wasn't impressed with the course as it seemed to be concentrating on things which were unlikely to be of much relevance to the type of clients I have. So I decided to have a coffee with one of those nice shortbread biscuits and then go home.


As I mentioned there wasn't anyone there I recognised and whilst I was chatting with someone I discovered that I was at a course being tun specifically for a large local firm of accountants and that my course was somewhere else in the hotel


So I went searching and found the course in the Hatherley suite. It's the largest room there and there were only about 20 people including people I knew. I asked what had been discussed in the first half of the course.


Entrepreneuers relief


The two courses were organised by different organisations so the chances of two courses being held at the same time covering the same subject is incredibly remote.


The second half of the course was different to EIS (which was at the first course) and was more interesting.

El Loro

Moonie, I hope your head clears up. It could well be down to the too warm and humid conditions. You may be dehydrated so drink more water than on a normal day and that could make you feel better.


Squiggle, yes, I did get one of those biscuits and at least my unusual afternoon was more interesting than it might have been. I do wonder if some of the people who should have been at my course had gone to the wrong one and stayed there throughout. There were quite a few absentees on the checking in list so that's a real possibility. They may never know that they went to the wrong course

El Loro

lol El, at least you found the right course eventually. Did you get some shortbread biscuits?

Squiggle and Summer, I too am a country girl.

Squiggle, Velvet was in the BB thread last night and Ros is still watching too. It's no longer BB as we knew it, that's for sure.

Moonie, I hope your headache lifts soon. I find muggy weather tends to give me a headache.

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. Hugs for the night owls.



Good morning everyone  

Another humid night so consequently not much sleep. Up at 5.30. Feeling tired and grumpy  

Still have a fuzzy head so probably won't be about much today.


Fankoo so much for your lovely posts everyone 

Yogi, pleased you had a cuddlesome, <-- not a real word I know but sounds good, time with PB and BB  


Rain expected here then getting cooler and wetter. That will be a change 

Have a lovely day everyone  



Good morning everyone, we are supposed to have heavy rain now but it's dry as a bone we might get some later on, but who knows!!


Moonie I am pretty sure this humid weather has contributed to your fuzzy head, I hope the clearer fresher weather will have you feeling more like your old self soon   Yogi I am glad you had a lovely time with PB and some cuddles from the wee one.


Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

People in the UK are being asked by conservationists to look out for hummingbird like moths in their gardens. Clip of these best seen full screen:

I saw some of those in Tuscany! They were adorable, and loved the lavender beds. 


Good afternoon all, and a big de-fuzzy hug for moonie I hope you are able to take things easy today 


I'm just finishing my lunch break, hope to be back later  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
El Loro posted:

People in the UK are being asked by conservationists to look out for hummingbird like moths in their gardens. Clip of these best seen full screen:

I saw some of those in Tuscany! They were adorable, and loved the lavender beds. 


Good afternoon all, and a big de-fuzzy hug for moonie I hope you are able to take things easy today 


I'm just finishing my lunch break, hope to be back later  

Summer, I love lavender. Maybe I should plant some in the herb garden?

squiggle posted:

We didn't have any luck with lavender in our old garden, I haven't tried it here.  No the pond dips a little in dry weather but soon picks up when we get rain.

Lavender didn't do too well in our front garden, but I'll try a small plant in the new herb garden and hope that it takes.

Let's face it, we don't usually get too long before the rain comes.

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