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Yogi19 posted:

I forgot The Disappearance was on tonight (BBC4), good job I'm recording it.

I'm going to get off and watch it. It's in French so I need to concentrate on the subtitles as my French is not as good as it used to be.

Goodnight and sweet dreams Moonie. Hugs for the night owls

Enjoy Yogi

Then, nite nite, sleep well. Sweet dreams


Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here  - forecast to get to 25C this afternoon so the warmest day of the year so far (forecast to be cooler after today).


I'm having a pleasant weekend with my brother. We finished off playing Grim Fandango yesterday morning and played the first half of another adventure game called Broken Age. Both games were written by the same person - Tim Schafer - though GF was in 1998 and BA is much more recent. In the world of adventure games he's famous and did quite a few of the Lucas Arts games, the most famous being the original Monkey Island games.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I am glad your weekend is going so well EL.  Isn't it odd this blip in the weather with the temperature suddenly shooting up so high?  It's quite chilly here at the moment but the forecast is definitely for it to shoot up this afternoon, not forecast to be sunny just hot!


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning ta sunny and warm, im outside having breakfast on the patio! I think suncream is required for our walk today  

fankoo moonie I am, it was a situation at work where 1 colleague pulled a sickie (I'm 99% sure she was not sick) and left us short staffed on a very busy end of half term, weekend  

I hope you are having a nice weekend  


el, I'm glad your brother and yourself are having a good time  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good morning ta sunny and warm, im outside having breakfast on the patio! I think suncream is required for our walk today  

fankoo moonie I am, it was a situation at work where 1 colleague pulled a sickie (I'm 99% sure she was not sick) and left us short staffed on a very busy end of half term, weekend  

I hope you are having a nice weekend  


el, I'm glad your brother and yourself are having a good time  

Hi Sweet  

It has now tuned into a scorcher here  


That's not good when someone does that on a very busy day, especially if  you think they are not really ill 


My weekend is going well fankoo. Lawns front and back all cut, some weeding done but it's too hot out there now tbh. So that's me  finished for a while 

More weeding when I get some shade from the trees later. Lawns have to be edged too but that's not a problem now they are cut


I hope you and Miss Bramble have a lovely walk and a great rest day  

Last edited by Moonie

I've dropped my brother off at the railway station after a pleasant weekend. He thinks his next visit will be in 6 weeks but that depends on the trains with all the engineering work going on. As i've mentioned before it's do to with the crossrail project which has a direct impact on the line between London and Reading as far as his trains to here are concerned.


Summer, I'm sorry you had such a heavy day yesterday after that colleague pulled a sickie and I hope you are able to relax today


I don't know if you've noticed but it's rather warm today

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:

Hi El 

Glad you and your brother had a good weekend together 

Don't suppose there is any point in asking if there are any spare cakes left over? 

Its 24 degrees here 

You had them on Friday You'll have to make to with

That's will do nicely El fankoo 


~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Evening oh my what a gorgeous day! I did get the grass cut and 3 loads of laundry dried outside, we also had a nice walk with some friends and I'm going to cook a prawn curry in just a mo... 


El, I hope your brother is able to come back in 6 weeks time  

Hi Sweet

You have had a busy 

Enjoy your prawn curry. Leaves half of El's offering for afters

Still some of my lawns have to be edged and a small path to be weeded. Then that's it


Evening all.

It has been a gorgeous, sunny day. My youngest son and his fiancÃĐe were visiting and stayed for dinner. The weather was so nice, we had dinner on the patio.


El, I'm glad you had a nice weekend with your brother and hope his next visit goes ahead as planned.


Well done on getting your grass cut, Summer and Moonie. I did mine yesterday.


Squiggle, I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine too.


Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here and forecast to be another warm day. There's a possibilty of some thunderstorms but that seems to be a fairly low risk here.


I have a client to see this morning to get her signature on her tax return (and my cheque ). Another client has lost all their accounts spreadsheets from last year and wants me to email him with my copies. He says they got lost in the transfer from one computer to another. It's just as well I've got my copies.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's much fresher this morning which is delightful - joins Yogi in a happy dance

I hope your double oven can be saved Yogi.  Goodness EL your client was a bit foolish not to back up those important spreadsheets - super EL to the rescue - fanfare!


Summer how lovely that you think of me when you drink your hot chocolate.  You would smile to see my hot drinks cupboard, as well as the Twinings Hot Chocolate I have Ovaltine, Bournvita and Horlicks!!


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here and forecast to be another warm day. There's a possibilty of some thunderstorms but that seems to be a fairly low risk here.


I have a client to see this morning to get her signature on her tax return (and my cheque ). Another client has lost all their accounts spreadsheets from last year and wants me to email him with my copies. He says they got lost in the transfer from one computer to another. It's just as well I've got my copies.


I hope everyone has a good day

Oops norty client  

It's always good to get a cheque for services  provided 

Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.


Weather is sunny again. *does a happy dance*


El, it was lucky for your client that you still had your copies.


Hoping to find out today if my double oven can be given the kiss of life  - or if I need to buy a new one.


Have a good day everyone.

Good afternoon Yogi  

Nice mover 

I hope your cooker doctor can save your cooker without surgery  

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, it's much fresher this morning which is delightful - joins Yogi in a happy dance

I hope your double oven can be saved Yogi.  Goodness EL your client was a bit foolish not to back up those important spreadsheets - super EL to the rescue - fanfare!


Summer how lovely that you think of me when you drink your hot chocolate.  You would smile to see my hot drinks cupboard, as well as the Twinings Hot Chocolate I have Ovaltine, Bournvita and Horlicks!!


Enjoy your day everyone

Good afternoon squiggle  

I love that "happy dance" smiley 


Finally, good afternoon Buddies  

It's so hot here already. It is forecast to be 24 degrees by mid afternoon but I would guess it is close to that now 


Shopping done, rent payed, washing on line. Back and front garden finished when it was cooler this morning. Have a few weeds and one pathway to clear but it's definitely to hot to venture out now 


Have a super day everyone 


Drivers have been warned to watch out for ducks on the motorway this afternoon.


A flock is waddling around on the M5 southbound and police are asking drivers to proceed with extra care.


The ducks are on the M5 southbound at junction 11A with the A417 Gloucester/Brockworth bypass.


Police advise approaching with care, although traffic is moving well through the area.

El Loro
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