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I've done some research into the business this man has gone into. I'm glad he hasn't paid much to join when I find this article on Wiki about multi-level marketing outfits

The outfit he is joining is listed as one of this type. Hardly anybody makes any profit at all. His company may be one of the better ones, but we'll see.


As part of our conversation, I did say that it was always advisable for people to research the product and market before starting a new business, and gave him a couple of actual clients who hadn't and had lost money as a result. So he can't say he wasn't warned.

El Loro

Good evening all.    Started out dull but turned out to be a sunny day here.


Glad all went well with the dentist Yogi.  Haven't read the article about your dentist Squiggle but I also had a strange time when I was a patient of a local doctor (Dr Jones of Coggeshall) when I was expecting No.1 son.  He was accused of killing his wife!!!


Not been on earlier as I've been having one of those "this time next week days" and thought it best to stay away.  I'm feeling better now and have come to the conclusion that "what will be, will be".  I've also been trying to cut out the smoking (really sorry Squiggle as I know you are very anti) and it's been a really HARD day I can tell you. 

Originally Posted by El Loro:



I also gave him a small number of business cards, and the mentor also took a card (as he does his own tax and doesn't have an accountant). So who knows, maybe I'll get the mentor as a client in due course. It would be rather ironic if having failed to sell their product to me, I get him as a client as well.

Indeed it would.

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening all.    Started out dull but turned out to be a sunny day here.


Glad all went well with the dentist Yogi.  Haven't read the article about your dentist Squiggle but I also had a strange time when I was a patient of a local doctor (Dr Jones of Coggeshall) when I was expecting No.1 son.  He was accused of killing his wife!!!


Not been on earlier as I've been having one of those "this time next week days" and thought it best to stay away.  I'm feeling better now and have come to the conclusion that "what will be, will be".  I've also been trying to cut out the smoking (really sorry Squiggle as I know you are very anti) and it's been a really HARD day I can tell you. 

Dodgy dentists and murdering doctors.

Good luck with quitting the ciggies, Joyron.

I have never smoked but hubby does. He has given up twice already (for 9 years and then for 2 years) and I know it can be really difficult. Hubby says he is going to try to stop again, as soon as he can get into the right frame of mind.

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening all.    Started out dull but turned out to be a sunny day here.


Glad all went well with the dentist Yogi.  Haven't read the article about your dentist Squiggle but I also had a strange time when I was a patient of a local doctor (Dr Jones of Coggeshall) when I was expecting No.1 son.  He was accused of killing his wife!!!


Not been on earlier as I've been having one of those "this time next week days" and thought it best to stay away.  I'm feeling better now and have come to the conclusion that "what will be, will be".  I've also been trying to cut out the smoking (really sorry Squiggle as I know you are very anti) and it's been a really HARD day I can tell you. 

I'm not very anti really Joyron, its just that the health of your loved ones worries you.  I am glad you are feeling better now, its not easy when facing an operation, all I can say is to believe with every part of your being that all will be well and after that just trust in the Lord.  He will be with you every step of the way and I know that He will comfort and reassure you

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I have replied Joyron, make sure that you come in here as much as possible over the next few days so that you can feel the love and support from your friends here.


We all care about you so much, and can hardly wait for when we can congratulate you on a successful operation and a pain free future

Absolutely right, Squiggle.



I met a lovely dalmation yesterday Yogi.  This lady came to give a talk from the Leprosy Mission.  She is undertaking the South West Coast Path walk starting on the 1st of May and hoping to raise ÂĢ10,000.  She has not yet told William (her dalmation) that they are going  


He is a lovely dog and will no doubt enjoy every step.  He is very intelligent and when the lady who gave him some biscuits said 'last one' he immediately looked away after he had eaten it so he knew just what she said.


He looked just like this he has 491 spots (there had been a competition before to guess the number of spots)




I'll think I'll give that one a miss . I don't mind jigsaws from time to time, but I don't have the inclination to do the impossible ones which can only be done through trying every single permutation until you get a fit, and even then you are reliant on high quality pieces. So many jigsaws have pieces which should fit perfectly, but because of poor quality they don't.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I met a lovely dalmation yesterday Yogi.  This lady came to give a talk from the Leprosy Mission.  She is undertaking the South West Coast Path walk starting on the 1st of May and hoping to raise ÂĢ10,000.  She has not yet told William (her dalmation) that they are going  


He is a lovely dog and will no doubt enjoy every step.  He is very intelligent and when the lady who gave him some biscuits said 'last one' he immediately looked away after he had eaten it so he knew just what she said.


He looked just like this he has 491 spots (there had been a competition before to guess the number of spots)



What a beautiful dog, Squiggle.

I hope the lady manages to raise lots of cash for the Leprosy Mission. I'm sure William will enjoy himself, as dalmations tend to be quite energetic.


I quite like doing jigsaws, but I think the bean one and the dalmation one would be beyond me.


You are in my thoughts Joyron please read Psalm 121 and read it every day. 


Some friends of mine had a little trip recently and stayed at a pleasant little hotel.  At the end of their trip they packed everything up, made sure their bible was packed and set off home.  When they got home they unpacked the bible and then realised that they hadn't taken their bible as they were sure there would be a Gideons bible in the room.  Yes you guessed it they had taken the Gideons bible   They phoned the young couple who had recently taken over the running of the hotel to explain and all had a laugh about it.  Can you imagine the headline "Christians Steal Bible"


I thought I had shed as many tears as I can today but watching that was beautiful El Loro!!


In answer to your question Yogi. I am okay but feeling a little tearful at the moment.  All my wonderful buddies in this thread are doing their very best to lift my spirits but I'm afraid I'm not feeling in a good place at the moment.  Trying to stop smoking is certainly not helping me, although I have managed to cut down by one third in just two days!!


I'm sad that it's Mother's Day on Sunday but No.2 son won't be able to get home, although my trusty No.1 son will be here.  Sorry for rambling!!


Will catch up with you all over the weekend, as and when I feel able, but at the moment I find that when I read what you all write and try to reply I just start crying again.  That sounds really selfish and self-centred!!  I really must shake myself out of this!!  Hope you all have a great weekend.  I love you all. 


Joyron it certainly does not sound selfish and self-centred, you silly sausage.  Don't be so hard on yourself, have you been told to stop smoking for the operation because now does not seem to be a good time to quit.


Nothing wrong with shedding a few tears, you are feeling very emotional at the moment, hope your hubby is being supportive and although No. 2 son won't be there he will be with you in spirit and your No. 1 son will be there to supply lots of hugs for a mum under pressure.  God Bless, here have another


Joyron, I echo what Squiggle has posted^^^^^.

It isn't selfish to be apprehensive about an operation, and it's perfectly understandable that you are feeling a bit teary.

Although your No.2 son won't physically be with you on Mother's Day, I am sure he will be thinking of you. Perhaps you could have a nice, long natter with him on the phone?

You know we are here for you if you need to chat.


Good morning everyone, it was very rainy and grey earlier but its lovely and sunny now, don't know what its going to do later but I will enjoy it while I can.  Have a good day Yogi.  Thinking of you Joyron


EL that site you found is so beautiful, I watched the first one, Love Letter, this morning and it brought tears to my eyes.  Its so good as well because you can send them all as e-cards completely for free, I have been busy


Speak later, have a good day wherever you are









Good evening all.    Sorry I've not been about but it has been a busy day.  Just heard that No.2 son is on his way home.  He has changed his shift tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be at work until 4.00 pm, so he will be staying overnight and will be here in the morning.  I get the feeling No.1 son has been bending his ear, but it will be nice to see him anyway!!!


I'm afraid to say I was awake most of the night with thoughts buzzing round in my brain but I eventually managed to write them down and get back to bed, and sleep for a few hours. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening all.    Sorry I've not been about but it has been a busy day.  Just heard that No.2 son is on his way home.  He has changed his shift tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be at work until 4.00 pm, so he will be staying overnight and will be here in the morning.  I get the feeling No.1 son has been bending his ear, but it will be nice to see him anyway!!!


I'm afraid to say I was awake most of the night with thoughts buzzing round in my brain but I eventually managed to write them down and get back to bed, and sleep for a few hours. 

Its not an easy time for you I know I am glad you will have your family around you tomorrow, on your special day.

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening all.    Sorry I've not been about but it has been a busy day.  Just heard that No.2 son is on his way home.  He has changed his shift tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be at work until 4.00 pm, so he will be staying overnight and will be here in the morning.  I get the feeling No.1 son has been bending his ear, but it will be nice to see him anyway!!!



That's good, Joyron - and if No.1 son is responsible for his brother's change of heart, well done to him.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening all.    Sorry I've not been about but it has been a busy day.  Just heard that No.2 son is on his way home.  He has changed his shift tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be at work until 4.00 pm, so he will be staying overnight and will be here in the morning.  I get the feeling No.1 son has been bending his ear, but it will be nice to see him anyway!!!



That's good, Joyron - and if No.1 son is responsible for his brother's change of heart, well done to him.

I agree, nice one, signing off now, catch up tomorrow, sleep well now, especially you Joyron, kisses for all I am a soppy thing and you are all allowed to say so


Good morning everyone


The solicitors dealing with the sale of my parents' house are really taking their time. The purchasers had wanted to move in last Friday, but because the solcitors are being slow, the purchasers didn't sign their side of the contracts until Thursday, and my brother, as the executor, has yet to receive the contract to sign. I have told him to contact the solcitors on Monday to see what is going on. Both we and the purchasers are using the same solictors, but in different branches to keep the Chinese Wall. (that's the term accountants and solcitors use where the same firm is being used by both parties so it is necessary to have a wall in place, either by different offices or different parties - this is so that each accountant/solicitor can give independent advice to their client)


El Loro
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