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Good morning everyone


Still cloudy here but forecast to brighten up during the day.


Summer, I'm glad you are back home safely. I know long journeys are tiring.


I hope eberyone has a good day


Today's Google doodle is about Frankie Manning who was a dancer and choreographer. He created the Lindy Hop. The following clip is from a 1941 comedy called Hellzapoppin'

That's guaranteed to wake anyone up

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning everyone.  I am sure you enjoyed that bath after that long drive Summer and enjoying being back in your own snug house again with Bramble.  The World of Beatrix Potter sounds wonderful Yogi, I bet it is enchanting.


I was phoned for a survey on leaving the EU yesterday.  It was the last question that cracked me up, 'if you were voting to join the EU today, would you?'   The lovely Irish guy on the other end of the phone and I both burst out laughing.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry and cloudy.


Wow El, that lindy hop dancing was so fast!


lol Squiggle @ the EU survey.

Enchanting is the perfect word to describe The World Of Beatrix Potter.


Summer, I hope you've had a good sleep after your long journey. Are you back at work today?


Grocery shopping and housework awaits. Have a good day everyone.



Good morning Buddies  

Its looking drab outside. Plenty of cloud. Not been out to see what the temperature is like yet. Weather app say 10 degrees 


El, I wonder if that dance clip was done all in one take? 


squiggle, what a strange question to end on 


Yogi, Sweet and Velvet, have a lovely day. Sweet, don't work to hard on you first day back 


Happy Thursday everyone 

Last edited by Moonie

Squiggle, I had someone ringing up about a survey yesterday but the accent was so heavy (possibly Chinese) it was difficult to make out what he was saying so I cut him off. I doubt that it was anything to do with the EU.


Yogi, that dance was very energetic the World of Beatrix Potter does sound enchanting as you say.


Moonie, it's quite likely that the dance was filmed in one take. Those taking part were called the Harlem Congeroos who specialised in that type of dance and performed live around the world.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Squiggle, I had someone ringing up about a survey yesterday but the accent was so heavy (possibly Chinese) it was difficult to make out what he was saying so I cut him off. I doubt that it was anything to do with the EU.


Yogi, that dance was very energetic the World of Beatrix Potter does sound enchanting as you say.


Moonie, it's quite likely that the dance was filmed in one take. Those taking part were called the Harlem Congeroos who specialised in that type of dance and performed live around the world.

I have seen that type of dance before El but not that particular clip. Brilliant 

You have to be fit to do that 


I'm back from seeing a client. On the way there I go via a ring road. At one roundabout a driver in the middle lane decided to move into the inner lane where I was without looking. I noticed him in time so I was able to show down to make room for him otherwise he would have hit my car - he missed me by a matter of inches.


Furher down, just past another roundabout I saw another cyclist a few yards in front who decided that he didn't want to go further down the ring road but turn right down another road. So he spun round on his bike and went across immediately in front of me. It's just as well that I had spotted him and had slowed down so I didn't get close to hitting him.


Summer, as you say it's just as well you have a tumble dryer

El Loro
El Loro posted:

I'm back from seeing a client. On the way there I go via a ring road. At one roundabout a driver in the middle lane decided to move into the inner lane where I was without looking. I noticed him in time so I was able to show down to make room for him otherwise he would have hit my car - he missed me by a matter of inches.


Furher down, just past another roundabout I saw another cyclist a few yards in front who decided that he didn't want to go further down the ring road but turn right down another road. So he spun round on his bike and went across immediately in front of me. It's just as well that I had spotted him and had slowed down so I didn't get close to hitting him.


Summer, as you say it's just as well you have a tumble dryer

Sounds like you had an eventful journey  

velvet donkey posted:

Me too      


In fact I've still got two Intercontinental ballistic missiles under the bed.


Used to work with 8 inch floppies in 83 then the fives. The first mobile computer I took home was a Pericom I think. Heavy bulky suitcase thing.

Well, I hope you is keeping your eyes on em so no one nicks em 


Something completely different but I saw a mobile brought into a factory where I worked, back in the day. It was like a house brick with a handset attached, literally  


Hiya Velvet 

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here. Could be a day of some sunny periods at times and also potentailly thundery downpours in the evening.


Summer, thanks I agree that some people don't look around when they are on the road. I didn't mention that further down the ring road I saw a van ahead where it was obvious that the exhaust was emitting lots of smoke so I slowed down not to get close to it as I didn't fancy breathing in that smoke. It went off down a side road fairly quickly.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I am glad you got home safely EL, it's frightening when you get days like that when you're driving.  I don't know why it just seems to happen some days, when I see a vehicle kicking out stuff like that I switch the air intake to just circulate the air in the car until I'm away from it.  Thank goodness your turning was near.


We had some rain overnight - Yay! just what my new plants needed


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, I'm fine, thank you, and I hope you are too I hope it warms up for you.


I'm seeing two clients today. By coincidence they are the two clients I've known for a lot longer than any other client (they have no connection with each other). One of them used to be a next door neighbour and I've know her since 1975, The other one lived (and still lives there) in a house further down the road. He and his brother came to help us move into our house when we moved in 1965 even though we didn't know them.

El Loro

A Happy 96th birthday to Margaret Barton. You may well not know the name but she is the last survivng member of the main cast of Brief Encounter. Her role was Joyce Carey's assistant in the refreshment room at the railway station.


Near the end of that article it mentions that she recently opened a local tea rooms. Just to clatify that she was invited to open the tea rooms, not that she's started her own tea tooms.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Off to see the client I've known for 40 years. It just to get a signature on the tax return and more a social chat rather than business.

Safe journey El 


squiggle posted:

Moonie I hope you feel better soon and the sunshine makes you feel all sunshiney inside - 2 hugs + 1 kiss - never fails

Awwwww fankoo squiggle, I feel better already  

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