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Evening all.


Summer, I'm glad tou finally got the good news you had been waiting for. 

Sounds like your friend had a tough labour but hopefully she will recover quickly and enjoy bonding with her baby.


Squiggle, I love the idea of PB being an honourary Buddy.


That shocking story is a bit , El.


Moonie, you were lucky getting your washing on the line. It's been raining up here and eldest son and I ended up planting patio trees, vegetables and herbs in the rain.


Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.


Summer, I'm glad tou finally got the good news you had been waiting for. 

Sounds like your friend had a tough labour but hopefully she will recover quickly and enjoy bonding with her baby.


Squiggle, I love the idea of PB being an honourary Buddy.


That shocking story is a bit , El.


Moonie, you were lucky getting your washing on the line. It's been raining up here and eldest son and I ended up planting patio trees, vegetables and herbs in the rain.



Yep, I was Yogi considering it rained several hours after it was dry. I did manage to mow the back lawns too


Enjoy your bath. You deserve it after all that planting


Good mornng everyone


Fairly cloudy here and not much rain expected today. Tomorrow is expected to be wet.


Mars is getting closer to us and for the first time in 10 years will be some 40 million miles away by the end of the month. Look south east at nightfall to be able to see it. It will be even closer in 2018 just 36 million miles away.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, quite cloudy today.  I am glad your mum is having a lovely visit Summer and that your best friend is being looked after in hospital.  Taking the time to get to know her new baby, a time of great change and great blessing for all.


Hi Moonie, you did well getting your washing done and lawns cut yesterday before the rain


Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

Good mornng everyone


Fairly cloudy here and not much rain expected today. Tomorrow is expected to be wet.


Mars is getting closer to us and for the first time in 10 years will be some 40 million miles away by the end of the month. Look south east at nightfall to be able to see it. It will be even closer in 2018 just 36 million miles away.


I hope everyone has a good day



~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Good morning sorry I've been awol, my mum is having a lovely time visiting and my best friend is staying in hospital for a couple of days but the baby is in great shape and looks very content 


back to catch up when I can, have a lovely day  

Hi Sweet  

Nice to see you and your mum are having a nice time and that your friends baby is doing well. Best for your friend to be in hospital where she can get the care she needs 

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, quite cloudy today.  I am glad your mum is having a lovely visit Summer and that your best friend is being looked after in hospital.  Taking the time to get to know her new baby, a time of great change and great blessing for all.


Hi Moonie, you did well getting your washing done and lawns cut yesterday before the rain


Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

Thank you 

More washing on the line though it's overcast right now. No rain forecast but if you could be here you wouldn't believe that with the amount of heavy cloud about 


Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry, chilly and breezy. 


Summer, I'm glad you and your mum are enjoying her visit, and that your friend and baby are doing well.


El, if there isn't too much cloud tonight, I'll have a look for mars.


Of to the garden centre for some thyme and sage. Have a good day everyone.

Hi Yogi 

Happy garden shopping 

If you're going near a cake shop...


Moonie, if Mars is 40 million miles away now and 36 million miles away in 2 years time, at that rate we've got 20 years before Mars hits Earth so you can relax for the time being.



Before anyone panics, that's an example as to how simple maths can be used to give a false answer. It would only be right if Mars was heading directly towards Earth rather than Mars and Earth orbiting the sun. They don't go round the sun at the same speed, Mars takes 687 days to go round the sun compared to our 365 days. The closest Mars can get to Earth is about 34 million miles away and the furthest 249 million miles away.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, if Mars is 40 million miles away now and 36 million miles away in 2 years time, at that rate we've got 20 years before Mars hits Earth so you can relax for the time being.



Before anyone panics, that's an example as to how simple maths can be used to give a false answer. It would only be right if Mars was heading directly towards Earth rather than Mars and Earth orbiting the sun. They don't go round the sun at the same speed, Mars takes 687 days to go round the sun compared to our 365 days. The closest Mars can get to Earth is about 34 million miles away and the furthest 249 million miles away.

Phew! Thank goodness for that El  

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all.


I got sage and thyme plants and they are now planted in my garden.


No cakes Moonie as I'm trying to be good.


El, did your client have views on the referendum or was he asking questions about it?

 They was for me not you Yogi because is not an  like you  

 <- assorted cakes for Moonie.

velvet donkey posted:

She had a steak bake and two sausage rolls. Even I couldn't face a coffee tower after that.


Have a good weekend ye all     



 I could just eat a steak bake or a sausage roll right now. 

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:

She had a steak bake and two sausage rolls. Even I couldn't face a coffee tower after that.


Have a good weekend ye all     



Good job you ran too 

I'm gonna get karate chopped later    


Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:

She had a steak bake and two sausage rolls. Even I couldn't face a coffee tower after that.


Have a good weekend ye all     



Good job you ran too 

I'm gonna get karate chopped later    


More like a Yogi chop and that far worse  

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