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Good morning everyone  

We had rain overnight and early this morning but it stopped long enough for me to shop and bank. Even having a little sunshine now 


Yogi, a piece of virtual pumpkin for you. Calorie free of course

Have a lovely day with PB and hopefully BB too. I'm sure they will love El's beautiful story 


Hi El, master of all trades including short story writing 


Sweet, I was listening to footie on the radio. Next time I awoke it was after ten pm. By the time I had has my supper it was too late to come online 

Churchilling is catching 


squiggle, I hope your Lavatera live up to your expectations 


Velvet, have a super day 


Back throughout the day, unless churchill comes calling  

El Loro posted:

Moonie, apparently there are only 26 calories per 100 grams of pumpkin and zero fat content (at least that's what a google search shows )

Right, so if 100 grams = approx 3.5 ounces, which google says it does

Then Yogi can have just over a 1lb of pumpkin for approx 130 calories, if google and my arithmetic are even close  

Last edited by Moonie
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, apparently there are only 26 calories per 100 grams of pumpkin and zero fat content (at least that's what a google search shows )

Right, so if 100 grams = approx 3.5 ounces, which google says it does

Then Yogi can have just over a 1lb of pumpkin for approx 130 calories, if google and my arithmetic are even close  

But will Yogi want to eat a pound of pumpkin

El Loro

You may have heard that a couple of new Carry On films are to be made (though not with any of the original cast many of whom have died). Whether or not they will actually get made and distributed only time will tell. CO Doctors and CO Campus. They will be made by a new production company called Hereford Films which isn't based in Hereford but in London.


The chairman is someone that you may recognise - Billy Murray (Don Beech in The Bill), then in Eastenders.

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, apparently there are only 26 calories per 100 grams of pumpkin and zero fat content (at least that's what a google search shows )

Right, so if 100 grams = approx 3.5 ounces, which google says it does

Then Yogi can have just over a 1lb of pumpkin for approx 130 calories, if google and my arithmetic are even close  

But will Yogi want to eat a pound of pumpkin

That is a valid point El  

El Loro posted:

You may have heard that a couple of new Carry On films are to be made (though not with any of the original cast many of whom have died). Whether or not they will actually get made and distributed only time will tell. CO Doctors and CO Campus. They will be made by a new production company called Hereford Films which isn't based in Hereford but in London.


The chairman is someone that you may recognise - Billy Murray (Don Beech in The Bill), then in Eastenders.

He has come a long way since his acting days 


Evening all.


We had a lovely day with PB and got some snuggles with BB too.


El, PB absolutely loved your story. I asked her if she would like me to say thank you to you and she said she wanted to thank you by herself, but as she can't yet read or write or type, she finally agreed that I could pass on her thanks.

She wants me to read it to her again when she comes on her next sleepover.


Thanks for the offer of the virtual pumpkin, Moonie, but I'd prefer some virtual cake!


Evening Velvet. I can't believe Billy Murray is 74! He is certainly wearing well.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Evening aaaaaaaaaw what a cutie pie, I'm glad PB liked her story and I think El is very thoughtful for writing it  

has the baby grown? 

I'm awaiting baby news, my best friend was scheduled to be induced today, so far I've heard no news *bites nails* 

Evening Summer.


The baby has grown and he is filling out. His little legs used to look like sparrows legs but they are getting chubbier now.


Exciting times! You'll be jumping every time your phone goes. Fingers crossed it all goes well.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Aaaaaw bless him! I like it when they fill out a bit does PB have her own nicknames for him yet? 


Yes, I'm so very much hoping it's going smoothly. I hear induced labours can progress slower 

She still calls him her "baby boy" at times but she is using his name more now.


I wasn't induced with any of mine but I believe they can be longer.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Hi velvet how do? 


I hope so, she had an emergency c-section the first time do I hope she's alright trying a natural one. 

Yogi, were your 3 labours very different from each other? 

Fingers crossed this one goes smoothly.


First one was fast for a first baby - two and a half hours.

Second was was very very fast - less than an hour.

Third one was the longest, due to an error by the midwife - six hours.

All were natural births, with only some gas and air for pain relief.



~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Good morning I hope you all slept well 

I awoke a little anxious because there's still no baby news, I hope everything is alright and I hate to think of my best friend in pain. Here's hoping we hear something today 

Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry but cloudy.


Summer, I know the waiting is horrible for you but try not to worry. Hopefully you will hear some good news very soon.


Weather permitting, I have some patio fruit trees to plant today.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, cooler and cloudier today.  I love the mental picture of PB listening to you reading EL's story Yogi, just lovely, I think that makes her an honorary Buddy   And to know the wee one is filling out nicely.


Summer I know it's a worrying time but because your friend is being induced then you know she is under constant medical care and all will be well.  I had toxaemia (they call it pre-eclampsia nowadays) when I had my daughter and so had to be induced.  First of all a doctor broke my waters (and informed me the baby had a lot of hair, which she did) and then they gave me tablets on Sunday morning.  I eventually had her on Wednesday afternoon, and I do hope it won't be as long for your friend but you can rest easy in knowing she will be monitored all the while


Enjoy your day everyone


I've come with good news the baby was safely born naturally in the early evening last night and he weighs 6lbs 4ozs

my friend had some complications & blood loss after and has been in theatre through the night, but she's alright and I've spoken to her not so long ago. I don't think she's likely to go home today, but she has the baby with her and is emotional but very happy  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

I've come with good news the baby was safely born naturally in the early evening last night and he weighs 6lbs 4ozs

my friend had some complications & blood loss after and has been in theatre through the night, but she's alright and I've spoken to her not so long ago. I don't think she's likely to go home today, but she has the baby with her and is emotional but very happy  

Awwww pleased you friend has had her baby. What a boster it is

It's a shame about the complications but at least she was in the right place to get the best care. 

Best wishes to your friend and her new little one 

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