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Did you know that the day of the week for each day of the year is repeated every 400 years. So that, for instance, as today May 13th is a Friday, it means that May 13th 2416 is also on a Friday.


It is more likely that the 13th of a month will fall on a Friday that any other day of the week. In the 400 year cycle, that happens 688 times, but for the other days of the week between 684 and 687 times.

El Loro
Moonie posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Moonie that sounds fantastic, so much fun at the park! I love this time of year. We've got a nest of blackbirds outside our back door at work 

That's lovely Sweet



There you go...what I think are Moor hen chicks

Love the video, Moonie. I think you are right (although I'm no expert!) that they are moorhen chicks. Is that a blackbird singing in the background - I'm not great on birdsong.

El Loro posted:

A new "shop" has opened near the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

But nothing is for sale as everything there is rubbish which has been collected in the forest. It's a new initiative to try to get people dropping litter. If it's successful, this project will be rolled out nationally.

El, I thought the idea was to stop people dropping litter, not to get them dropping it

El Loro posted:

Did you know that the day of the week for each day of the year is repeated every 400 years. So that, for instance, as today May 13th is a Friday, it means that May 13th 2416 is also on a Friday.


It is more likely that the 13th of a month will fall on a Friday that any other day of the week. In the 400 year cycle, that happens 688 times, but for the other days of the week between 684 and 687 times.

El, it's a pleasure to be on the same forum as you  


Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry but cloudy.


I'll try to put everything in here and not spam the thread.


Thanks everyone, I had a lovely day with PB. My son, DiL and BB joined us for tea.

PB likes to play races but only if she wins. She asked me to play and I jokingly said, "No, because you always win". This conversation then followed.

PB "It's okay Granny, I'll let you win this time"

Granny "Are you sure?"

PB "I'm positive!" 


Squiggle, I do inject myself.

A nurse came the first time (when I had to get four injections!) to show me how to do it. She also showed Mr Yogi how to do it as some people can't bear to inject themselves. She came a second time (when I had to get two injections) and supervised Mr Yogi doing one injection and me the other. You have to count to 10 as you inject and it is a bit stingy, but I found I could do the injection myself - and I only have to do one a fortnight now, so it isn't bad.


El, re the high heel issue, I remember my first boss trying to stop the females wearing trousers and boots at work, but the union put a stop to it. We used to joke that the boss must be a "leg man".


Summer, the blackbirds must trust you as they have built their nest nearby. 


Have a good day everyone



Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry but cloudy.


I'll try to put everything in here and not spam the thread.


Thanks everyone, I had a lovely day with PB. My son, DiL and BB joined us for tea.

PB likes to play races but only if she wins. She asked me to play and I jokingly said, "No, because you always win". This conversation then followed.

PB "It's okay Granny, I'll let you win this time"

Granny "Are you sure?"

PB "I'm positive!" 


Squiggle, I do inject myself.

A nurse came the first time (when I had to get four injections!) to show me how to do it. She also showed Mr Yogi how to do it as some people can't bear to inject themselves. She came a second time (when I had to get two injections) and supervised Mr Yogi doing one injection and me the other. You have to count to 10 as you inject and it is a bit stingy, but I found I could do the injection myself - and I only have to do one a fortnight now, so it isn't bad.


El, re the high heel issue, I remember my first boss trying to stop the females wearing trousers and boots at work, but the union put a stop to it. We used to joke that the boss must be a "leg man".


Summer, the blackbirds must trust you as they have built their nest nearby. 


Have a good day everyone



Awwwwwwwww lovely PB story Yogi. What a gem she is, bless

I'm glad you had a lovely day with your family 


Good morning everyone, EL you definitely get the award for the most cerebral post in here   Well I think you're very brave Yogi PB sounds such a hoot, she must have you in stitches.  Moonie it's definitely a blackbird, my favourite bird song of all.  It's simply amazing the difference a spot of rain makes to a garden Summer isn't it, like give a thirsty person a drink.


Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, EL you definitely get the award for the most cerebral post in here   Well I think you're very brave Yogi PB sounds such a hoot, she must have you in stitches.  Moonie it's definitely a blackbird, my favourite bird song of all.  It's simply amazing the difference a spot of rain makes to a garden Summer isn't it, like give a thirsty person a drink.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning squiggle 

Thanks for the blackbird info 

Have a lovely day 


Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB and tea with the family That's good that you can do the injections yourself and that they are now fortnightly - you just have to keep track as to when the next one is due


Moonie, thanks. I've always been interested in numbers. I don't think I would be regarded as hypercalculic though. Hypercalculia is a technical name for a type of autism where the person's arithmetical skills are very high compared to their overall intelligence and their social intelligence,


I think the idea of that shop is to make people think twice about dropping litter though of course it could backfire and increase the amount of litter. That's why it's being done on a trial basis before trying it elsewhere.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, I'm glad you had a lovely day with PB and tea with the family That's good that you can do the injections yourself and that they are now fortnightly - you just have to keep track as to when the next one is due


Moonie, thanks. I've always been interested in numbers. I don't think I would be regarded as hypercalculic though. Hypercalculia is a technical name for a type of autism where the person's arithmetical skills are very high compared to their overall intelligence and their social intelligence,


I think the idea of that shop is to make people think twice about dropping litter though of course it could backfire and increase the amount of litter. That's why it's being done on a trial basis before trying it elsewhere.

Well, you certainly come up with some gems and on all subjects to El 


Just joking on the litter shop front El

I see it all the time. People dropping litter. Some will stand a few feet from a litter bin and still drop,it on the floor. Makes me so 



Squiggle, I can go one better than that for the most cerebral post in here.


In quantum mechanics, there is the concept of quantum superpositions where something like an atom can exist in more than one state at the same time. To explain this, think of an apple tree with one ripe apple which is behind a thick wall which is soundproof. After a short period of time that apple may have fallen to the ground or may still be on the tree. Untill you go over the wall that apple can be both on the tree and off the tree, effectively in two states. That's the same as the Schrodinger's cat example which is used to describe quantum superpositions but that example is rather morbid so I've come up with the apple tree instead.



El Loro
El Loro posted:

My example above also raises a question. If the apple had fallen, as the wall is soundproof, did the apple make a sound?


It's the same question as the one about a tree falling in a forest but no-one is around, did it make a noise?

If the sound proofed wall is not in a vacuum then there has to be a sound  

Same has too apply to the second statement too 

That's my humble opinion, for what it's worth 

*slips out quietly* 


Moonie, you make very good and valid points re the sound question


Sound consists of sound waves. In a vacuum, the waves have nothing to go through which is why no sound can be heard. But with the sound proofed wall the sound waves hit the wall but bounce off so we don't get to hear them.


But to hear a sound there has to be a listener. If there's no listener, there are no eardrums to respond to the sound waves, and the eardrums vibrating is what we sense as sound. So some would argue that there is no sound without a listener.


El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, you make very good and valid points re the sound question


Sound consists of sound waves. In a vacuum, the waves have nothing to go through which is why no sound can be heard. But with the sound proofed wall the sound waves hit the wall but bounce off so we don't get to hear them.


But to hear a sound there has to be a listener. If there's no listener, there are no eardrums to respond to the sound waves, and the eardrums vibrating is what we sense as sound. So some would argue that there is no sound without a listener.


Agreed but in your example....


"My example above also raises a question. If the apple had fallen, as the wall is soundproof, did the apple make a sound?"

You didn't ask if the sound could be heard but if it make a sound...


Pedantic or what? 

Last edited by Moonie

Moonie, as you say dark matter and dark energy are unproven. They've been thought up by scientists to try to explain things but it doesn't mean that they are right. Dark matter is so called because it deosn't interact with what is called baryonic matter (= ordinary matter) and scientific instruments haven't identified it so to us it's invisible. The Hadron Collider is trying to locate such dark material.


Dark energy is not the same thing as dark matter. I assume it's so called because it hasn't been found yet.

El Loro
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, you make very good and valid points re the sound question


Sound consists of sound waves. In a vacuum, the waves have nothing to go through which is why no sound can be heard. But with the sound proofed wall the sound waves hit the wall but bounce off so we don't get to hear them.


But to hear a sound there has to be a listener. If there's no listener, there are no eardrums to respond to the sound waves, and the eardrums vibrating is what we sense as sound. So some would argue that there is no sound without a listener.


Agreed but in your example....


"My example above also raises a question. If the apple had fallen, as the wall is soundproof, did the apple make a sound?"

You didn't ask if the sound could be heard but if it make a sound...


Pedantic or what? 

It's not pedantic as the question raises the philosophical question as to if a sound can't be heard did the sound exist? That's more of a metaphysical question rather than a straight scientific question. 

El Loro

Interesting discussions here today, El and Moonie.

El, I keep a record of my meds in my diary, on a calendar and on a post it note on the fridge/freezer, to make sure I know when to take it. It's my belt and braces approach to my meds.


Squiggle, PB brightens up our lives no end. She is such a little chatterbox (no idea who she takes after) and comes out with such funny things.

Thank you for confirming the blackbird birdsong in Moonie's video clip. I'm not great at identifying birdsong but I do like the blackbird's as it so melodic.


Summer, I hope you've had a good day?


It was a lot cooler here today but Keira and I still had a nice walk.


El Loro posted:

Did you know that the day of the week for each day of the year is repeated every 400 years. So that, for instance, as today May 13th is a Friday, it means that May 13th 2416 is also on a Friday.


It is more likely that the 13th of a month will fall on a Friday that any other day of the week. In the 400 year cycle, that happens 688 times, but for the other days of the week between 684 and 687 times.

I didn't know that, and it was good fun to read

~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi19 posted:

Interesting discussions here today, El and Moonie.

El, I keep a record of my meds in my diary, on a calendar and on a post it note on the fridge/freezer, to make sure I know when to take it. It's my belt and braces approach to my meds.


Squiggle, PB brightens up our lives no end. She is such a little chatterbox (no idea who she takes after) and comes out with such funny things.

Thank you for confirming the blackbird birdsong in Moonie's video clip. I'm not great at identifying birdsong but I do like the blackbird's as it so melodic.


Summer, I hope you've had a good day?


It was a lot cooler here today but Keira and I still had a nice walk.


I've just caught up on the rest of it too these boys have been busy with their brains today! 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here and noticeably cooler than recently.


Yogi, I thought you have some system like that in place for keeping track of your meds


I have banking, shopping and a client meeting (just a signing off one, nothing complicated) this morning so won't be back here until later.


I hope everyone has a good weekend

El Loro

Good morning everyone, cooler and cloudy here but very welcome, I found it a little hot yesterday evening, thankfully it cooled down later but I don't seem to 'do' heat and I don't like it when I get cold either, just awkward that's me


I hope all goes well with your mornings Yogi and EL.  I may drift towards the garden centre next week, there's a bit of a bare patch that's been annoying me for a while.


Enjoy your day everyone


Popping in between my banking/shopping and my client meeting, I've been able to buy that Peach cobbler yoghurt from M&S I mentioned a week or so ago.. I won't be having it for a few days but will let you know what I think of it in due course. I had mentioned that I had seen a review where the reviewe said it was the best peach yoghurt they had ever had (but not to expect much in the way of the cobbler part as it is a youghurt rather than a cobbler),

El Loro
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