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Originally Posted by Joyron:



Going by the replies about any entries I might make after the operation, whilst under the influence of strong painkillers, I think I will avoid the use of any internet connection to this site until I'm really sure I'm not going to make any stupid comments!!!



 That's my job  


 Hope you're bearing up Joyron  

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Joyron:



Going by the replies about any entries I might make after the operation, whilst under the influence of strong painkillers, I think I will avoid the use of any internet connection to this site until I'm really sure I'm not going to make any stupid comments!!!



 That's my job  



We still love you, Velvet.


Good morning everyone


It's grey and cloudy here as well. Good luck with the blood test squiggle . I had a blood test for my thryroid a few days ago (just routine) and the nurse at the surgery managed to do it in such a way that it was hardly noticeable. I hope your test is first thing this morning.


Love your picture

El Loro

Good morning again, just had my breakfast   I was early for my blood test and as the previous patient hadn't shown up I was all done and dusted and out of the surgery before my appointment was due   The nurse was telling me she lives next door to a wildlife park very near here and she can hear the lions roaring at night not what you would expect really in sleepy North Devon

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning again, just had my breakfast   I was early for my blood test and as the previous patient hadn't shown up I was all done and dusted and out of the surgery before my appointment was due   The nurse was telling me she lives next door to a wildlife park very near here and she can hear the lions roaring at night not what you would expect really in sleepy North Devon

Or is it the dinosaurs there?


I'm glad you didn't have to wait long for your blood test and your breakfast

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning again, just had my breakfast   I was early for my blood test and as the previous patient hadn't shown up I was all done and dusted and out of the surgery before my appointment was due   The nurse was telling me she lives next door to a wildlife park very near here and she can hear the lions roaring at night not what you would expect really in sleepy North Devon

Or is it the dinosaurs there?


I'm glad you didn't have to wait long for your blood test and your breakfast

Have you been researching EL?


Good afternoon everyone.    It was bright and sunny here this morning but is dull and dismal now.  The ironing is done and I've just about managed to catch up on all the other jobs that needed doing.


Squiggle, I have my fasting blood tests tomorrow too!!  The coincidences in here are really spooky (car MOTs last week and blood tests this week).  Unfortunately I have to have a double appointment with a two hour break in between as I am having my annual GTT test this time, as well as the six monthly cholesterol test.  That means I won't get anything to eat and drink until around 11.00 am tomorrow, worse luck.  Lovely picture today. 


That sounds like quite a tough day Joyron, but it will be so nice when its all behind you. You know we will all be thinking of you and looking forward to when its over and done with.


I wish I didn't get so stressed about having my blood pressure taken, it puts your blood pressure up   There was an article in the paper this morning about 300,000 people in this country taking blood pressure tablets unnecessarily because of 'white coat hypertension' and I think I am one of them because I get so stressed for ages beforehand when I know they are going to take my blood pressure, I try to think calm thoughts and everything


I've just come back from seeing a client this afternoon. We were chatting and she mentioned that this morning she had to fast overnight last night and had no breakfast as this morning she had her GTT test. And I come back home and see your post Joyron, and

What's going on? Maybe everyone is having fasting blood tests today and tomorrow - I'm feeling left out as I didn't have to fast for mine last week


squiggle, you are not alone in white coat hypertension - I have that as well. I do have to take high blood pressure tablets, have done so for a few years. I bought myself a blood pressure monitor and for the 2-3 weeks before I have my test I take my own reading each day and record that. I work out the average and give a copy of the readings to the nurse. My readings are well within the normal levels and are typically somewhat below the nurse's reading. Last week the nurse's readings were just at the top of the normal range, but it's reasonable to say that that is as high as it gets.


It may be worth your while buying your own meter as that will give a more reliable reflection of what your normal blood pressure is. You can get them from Boots and Lloyds - go for upper arm ones rather than wrist ones as these are more accurate. The one I have is a cheaper version of the ones at my doctors. Having your own is also likely to make you less stressed about the one at the doctors.


It is advisable not to have a full bladder before a test, and also not to have caffineated coffee or tea in the couple of hours before. Either a full bladder or caffeine in the body will tend to give higher readings.

El Loro

I swear this place gets spookier and spookier!!  I too suffer from white coat hypertension and, like El Loro, I have my own blood pressure monitor and take readings a week or so before I go for my check ups.    My readings are always much lower than when the nurse takes it.


I always hate the GTT blood test done because you have to have the blood taken then drink a big glass of what I assume is a glucose solution, go away for two hours and then come back and have more blood taken.  It's a right pain and I'm glad it's only done once a year.


Joyron, you are right - it is a glucose solution.As I understand it, the glucose tolerance test is designed to first check what your blood sugar level is having fasted so it should be at a low level. Then you have the glucose, have to wait a couple of hours for the glucose to get into the blood stream which is quick but then reduces over the two hours, so the following blood test can see how well the body has coped with the glucose intake.


To date, I haven't needed one of those tests, just the routine urine test and sometimes a one-off blood test. But I'm not seen as a potential diabetic, so it's just a routine checkup. Many years ago when my thyroid became overactive, they thought at that time I might have been marginally diabetic, but since then I never have sugar in coffee or tea, and have little in the way of sweets. That keeps the risk of developing diabetes reasonably low, and neither parent suffered from that.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone  Its like a Doctors surgery in here !  
Just finished my work, after being off on hols the first day back is exhausting, and a 12 shift at that! Going to have my tea and watch Scotland Debates, to see what they have to say for themselves, trying to get our votes .

I need to psyche myself up before I start listening to politicians.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone  Its like a Doctors surgery in here !  
Just finished my work, after being off on hols the first day back is exhausting, and a 12 shift at that! Going to have my tea and watch Scotland Debates, to see what they have to say for themselves, trying to get our votes .

 Thanks for the reminder Sky 



Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, i may not watch it all , Alex Salmond annoys me and they will talk drivel , i imagine! I want to know what their plans are for the NHS tho, but what they say to get votes and what they  actually do afterwards are two different things !

That's the problem Skylark, they will promise us the moon to get our votes and then they don't deliver.

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