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Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Joyron
Originally Posted by Skylark24: if you are on a high level of painkillers your posts should be hysterical !

I'm sure that could be the case.  I just hope you don't all tell me how badly I behaved afterwards!!!

Signing out for the weekend.  Be back on Monday. 

We promise not to say a word, but we might giggle a bit, take no notice



Good news that you'll be able to keep in touch with us, Joyron.


Good morning everyone.


Good morning everyone


Very cloudy today, but dry - don't think there's much rain until Wednesday when it will be wet.


Hope you remember to change the time setting on this forum today (Personal Settings - GMT+1). And if you use any of the other Livecloud/ Strata sites, you will need to change the settings there as well. In the past one change did it for all of the sites, but since the major change late last year, each site is separate.


I will be out much of the day as after church I have another meal with the church couple where I had rather a lot a few weeks ago. Have a great day.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, slightly hazy today but not too bad.  Have a good day EL I find it a little more difficult to adjust to the change in time when they put the clocks forward, I keep working out in my mind what time it really is


PS I tried to update my time and I don't know how to do it I can't change my time zone and I don't see how else to do it, help!


Good afternoon everyone


squiggle, to change the time setting, from Manage at the top of the page, select Your Personal Settings. Then on Time Zones (towards the bottom of the page) select GMT +1 (the C EST one). Then click on Update Settings at the bottom of the page.


If you use any of the other sites, the way of getting to the Personal Settings page may be different. It is likely that you will have to click on your ID at the top right of the page You may see a link to Personal Settings once you've done that or you may have to go through via Manage as above, but the way of changing the Time Zone is the same.


I has a nice lunch with the church couple, but this time I didn't overeat. (Apart from when I had bananas in caramel followed by apricot crumble )

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Birling cogs driving me nuts!  Going off , will try to be back for DOI x

You lost me there Skylark

Skylark is being plagued by the whirling cogs appearing when she tries to post replies - the problem with using IE. I only use Firefox nowadays and hardly ever have that happen - possibly once this year so far.


And I've now found out that birling is the sport played by lumberjacks when two of them balance on a floating log whilst spinning it with their feet.

El Loro

Yogi, I think you should try to pursuade your son to tell you how he got your internet back so easily in case it goes again and he's not around. I know how cut off one can feel if the internet connection goes wrong. Now that I'm on Virgin I don't have any problems, but you will remember I had serious problems when I was with Orange, and it's no laughing matter.

El Loro

Good evening everyone.    Had a great weekend with hubby, No.1 son and the grandchildren.  I think they were trying to cram a lot into a couple of days to get me out and about before I become housebound for a while!!


Going by the replies about any entries I might make after the operation, whilst under the influence of strong painkillers, I think I will avoid the use of any internet connection to this site until I'm really sure I'm not going to make any stupid comments!!!


Signing out for tonight.  Will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Pleased to hear that your dog is now feeling much better and is back to her normal self Yogi. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:



Going by the replies about any entries I might make after the operation, whilst under the influence of strong painkillers, I think I will avoid the use of any internet connection to this site until I'm really sure I'm not going to make any stupid comments!!!



You spoilsport Joyron (You know we would never laugh at you 'cos we love you)


Wow, now I have mental pictures of Skylark balancing on logs in the river   I managed to change my settings now, thanks for the advice.  Which is more than I did last year, I just mentally changed it in my mind every time I logged on just like we used to do when they went decimal (now what is that in real money )


2 puds EL!!!


Yogi you make sure your son 'fesses up.  Did I tell you that story of the guy who asked the kid next door to fix a fault for him and it took the boy about 20 seconds and the guy said to him what was it and he said oh it was an ID 10 T problem, write it down and when the guy did it said









Good morning to all my wonderful buddies.    It's dull and dismal here at the moment. 


It would appear from reading your latest comments that I don't need strong painkillers to say the wrong thing!!  I really need to assure each and everyone of you that I was not in the least bit offended by what you wrote, in fact your comments made me smile.  The mental image I had of myself following Skylark's initial comment actually made me laugh.  I really must learn how to express myself in a better manner.  I most certainly would not wish to upset anyone of you by giving the wrong impression with what I've written.  Please forgive me. 


As I've done absolutely no work at all this weekend I have an enormous pile of washing and ironing to do, just for starters, so I may not be about on here as much as I would like.  I will catch up with you all when I can but, once again, please be assured that my absence has nothing to do with "taking umbrage" at your comments.  Love you all. 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Another cloudy day, but dry.


Joyron, I don't think any of us were upset, more that we were concerned if we had upset you. Your forgiveness is reciprocated 


You put it so well EL.  Good morning everyone, a nice day but a little cold here.  Its nice to be among friends in this thread and to know that no-one is 'trying to have a little dig' we can relax


Good luck with the pile of work Joyron, knowing how quick you have been in the past I am sure all will be tickety-boo in no time

Originally Posted by squiggle:




Yogi you make sure your son 'fesses up.  Did I tell you that story of the guy who asked the kid next door to fix a fault for him and it took the boy about 20 seconds and the guy said to him what was it and he said oh it was an ID 10 T problem, write it down and when the guy did it said








I love that, Squiggle.

Son went out to the cinema last night but he has promised to show me "the secret" tonight.

Joyron, glad you weren't upset and will still post from hospital.

Skylark, I have a whole new mental picture of you - as a lumberjack.

Good morning El.

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