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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good morning everyone, sorry I'm late. The sun is shining up here, too.
It's moving out day for middle son and his GF, so things have been a bit hectic this morning. Still got things to do but I'm having a teabreak atm.
Glad you're OK Yogi, sounds like a busy day   Its wall to wall sunshine today

Hi everyone, I've been struggling away most of the afternoon trying to work out how to do an Order of Service booklet for a couple at our church getting married in May on a shoestring budget.  I do not like doing booklets, its so difficult trying to work out how each page prints in relation to the others.  I did it once before at our other church for the Playgroup and vowed 'never again' but you can't say no can you?  I hope I have worked out which way to do it now but its exhausting.  Hope you've all had a better day.
Evening all, just a flying visit.
It's been a busy day, and son and his lovely GF are now settled in their flat.
Squiggle, good luck with the Order of Service booklets. My DiL designed and made her OoS and her invitations too (she's very artistic) - they were really lovely.
Off for a long soak in the bath, goodnight everyone.
Good morning everyone

The vicar at our church is quite used to using publishing software, so he often does the orders of service for weddings and funerals himself. He makes a charge for the wedding ones which would be lower than commercial rates, and the money goes to the church.

squiggle, a couple of weeks ago you posted a comment about seeing a Buster Keaton film where the escalator goes through the roof of a hotel. At the time I couldn't remember seeing such a film, but yesterday evening I saw one of his shorts "The Goat".I think it is likely to be this one you saw.

This is a link to the Youtube copy if you want to check this out. The scene is right at the end of the film. I think I may have seen it before, but I didn't get much out of this one which is why I had forgotten it.
El Loro
After a cloudy start, it's now a sunny day, though slightly windier than yesterday. The church people have now taken from my parents' house what they think is saleable at the auction and fete. I'll go over the house again in the next day or so just in case there's anything else for myself before I let the buyers start clearing out what's left.
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
After a cloudy start, it's now a sunny day, though slightly windier than yesterday. The church people have now taken from my parents' house what they think is saleable at the auction and fete. I'll go over the house again in the next day or so just in case there's anything else for myself before I let the buyers start clearing out what's left.
It has been a lot of work for you El, but the end is in sight now.
I guess you probably have mixed emotions about it all.
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
After a cloudy start, it's now a sunny day, though slightly windier than yesterday. The church people have now taken from my parents' house what they think is saleable at the auction and fete. I'll go over the house again in the next day or so just in case there's anything else for myself before I let the buyers start clearing out what's left.
It has been a lot of work for you El, but the end is in sight now.
I guess you probably have mixed emotions about it all.
I went over the house this afternoon. I did bring back a few things which I thought the people from the church might have taken but didn't. The main thing being a meccano set 5(the old green and red pieces) + set 5a (which converts this into a set 6) + set 6a (which converts this into a set 7) in the original boxes with the manuals. I'm a bit surprised as there is still a considerable fan base for meccano. My father used to have the top set - a set 10. He sold that before I was born and used the money to buy a piano.

I've rung the man who's buying the house and he's coming to pick up the keys tomorrow morning to start clearance. He won't be able to do any work on the house itself until the sale is completed, but it gives them 10 days to clear. I'll have to pop in the house prior to the sale to read the final electricity meter readings.

Mixed feelings, but mainly of relief that the house is off our hands.
El Loro
Good morning everyone. Weather is a bit unsettled - looks like it might be a sunshine and showers day.
This afternoon, we're going to see middle son and his GF in their new flat. They have a few days off work, which is just as well as they have a lot of unpacking to do.
My census form finally arrived yesterday. I did suggest to hubby that he could do fill it in - he looked like this -> , so I guess I'll be doing it.
Good morning everyone, its a grey and misty morning but there is low cloud hanging over the hillside opposite which does look quite pretty (but only from inside of a nice warm room )

I know just what you mean Yogi, my hubby didn't have to deal with any of that nasty form filling stuff, that's what he had me for , lucky we love 'em eh?  And EL I am sure you are the exception to the rule (hope to check out that link later now I have more time )
EL I am pretty sure it wasn't that film!  I was very young when I watched it but I am sure the hero was in the lift and not the baddie, and just kept going up and up.

Also while you are sleuthing I have often wondered which Laurel & Hardy film it was my brother and I watched wide-eyed where there was some business with a hat stand which caused the wall to rotate when a hat was placed on it.  I believe there was some chasing by ghosts involved
Good afternoon everyone.    It's dull and dismal here today and it's supposed to stay like that for the week. 

Things are moving really fast regarding my knee operation!!  I have the pre-admission tests this Thursday morning and, all being well with those, the operation is scheduled for 7th April - just over two weeks away!!  It was either that or wait until the middle of May (I believe the consultant must be having a holiday).  I know if I put it off I won't want to go when the time comes so I suppose it's better this way. 
Originally Posted by squiggle:
EL I am pretty sure it wasn't that film!  I was very young when I watched it but I am sure the hero was in the lift and not the baddie, and just kept going up and up.

Also while you are sleuthing I have often wondered which Laurel & Hardy film it was my brother and I watched wide-eyed where there was some business with a hat stand which caused the wall to rotate when a hat was placed on it.  I believe there was some chasing by ghosts involved
If it was a Laurel and Hardy film, it may be A Chump at Oxford - Stan gets knocked on the head, suffers from amnesia, and becomes rather snobbish. It's many many years since I've seen that, but a search on ghosts on IMDB shows only this one.

If it's not Laurel and Hardy, it could be Abbott & Costello. They did quite a few spooky comedies - IMDB comes up with The Time of their Lives and Hold that Ghost, but I'm not a fan of their films and haven't seen many of theirs.

Hidden panels in spooky comedies are in quite a lot of films of that time. Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard did a couple - The Cat and the Canary and Ghost Breakers, both really good films.
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
EL I am pretty sure it wasn't that film!  I was very young when I watched it but I am sure the hero was in the lift and not the baddie, and just kept going up and up.

Also while you are sleuthing I have often wondered which Laurel & Hardy film it was my brother and I watched wide-eyed where there was some business with a hat stand which caused the wall to rotate when a hat was placed on it.  I believe there was some chasing by ghosts involved
If it was a Laurel and Hardy film, it may be A Chump at Oxford - Stan gets knocked on the head, suffers from amnesia, and becomes rather snobbish. It's many many years since I've seen that, but a search on ghosts on IMDB shows only this one.

If it's not Laurel and Hardy, it could be Abbott & Costello. They did quite a few spooky comedies - IMDB comes up with The Time of their Lives and Hold that Ghost, but I'm not a fan of their films and haven't seen many of theirs.

Hidden panels in spooky comedies are in quite a lot of films of that time. Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard did a couple - The Cat and the Canary and Ghost Breakers, both really good films.
Hi El it was definitely Laurel & Hardy (they were our favourite) and it wasn't A Chump at Oxford because I thought that might be the one and I watched it a couple of years ago and there was no hatstand and revolving wall.  Its a puzzle.
squiggle, I've tracked down a couple of Laurel and Hardy films which might fit the bill.

These are links to the IMDB site for them in case they ring a bell. I haven't seen either so can't say if either of them are.
The less likely one is A-Haunting We Will Go which is one of their full length films.The setting doesn't sound right.
The more likely one is The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case which is one of their shorts and the setting sounds plausible.
I haven't provided a link to their The Live Ghost as this one is set on a ship so that doesn't sound right.
El Loro
Link copied to your clipboard.