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Yogi, I hope you have a good day with PB


Summer, it's too cloudy here to be any frost but I prefer sunny frosty weather to cloudy damp weather.


I hope everyone has a good day


I got another call from a number which I had blocked. I mentioned it a week or so ago. It's the one which claims to be from the government grant people ringing to say I had been granted ÂĢ8,000. This is nothing to do with grants for boilers or solar panels, it's an out and out criminal scam. Anyone who falls for it will be subsequently told that they need to pay some money to obtain the ÂĢ8,000. Various councils and police websites have done alerts about this. On the Gloucester Police site this alert:

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning Buddies   

Cold and just started to rain here 


Yogi, I hope you and PB have a lovely day together and the pressie shopping goes well 


Sweet, I hope you and Bramble have a super day 


El, I have caller display on my landline and never answer a number I don't recognise 

Sometimes they leave messages. Usually the 'free boiler' one. I go for weeks without having one and then get 3 or 4 in a day, then silence for a while again 


Squiggle, I hope you get your dry weather 


Have a great day everyone  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Grr! I don't like scammers & nuisance callers  

its gone cold here 

Neither do I Sweet 

Passes warm gloves, ear muffs and scarf for Sweet and a doggy coat for Bramble

El Loro posted:

Summer, I don't like scammers or nuisance callers either.


Do you think you are going to get the white stuff

Still cold but at least not wet here now El


I went down the road earlier to get some milk and forgot to take any money 

Good job it's only a 10 minute round trip

Been down again, checking before hand, this time, that I had money on me


Moonie, there have been times when I've gone out only to realise too late that I don't have my house key with me I gave a couple of people from church a key so that I go to them to borrow it. Of course that depends on them being in.
Now I have a key in the zipped part of my wallet so, provided I don't forget my wallet as well, I'm sorted. I don't do things like having a key under a flower pot.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, there have been times when I've gone out only to realise too late that I don't have my house key with me I gave a couple of people from church a key so that I go to them to borrow it. Of course that depends on them being in.
Now I have a key in the zipped part of my wallet so, provided I don't forget my wallet as well, I'm sorted. I don't do things like having a key under a flower pot.

El, I have never left my house keys at home. The only way to lock the doors is with  key. We just have a dead lock on the front and rear doors 


I would never use the 'flower pot' scenario either. It's the first I would look if I was a thief 


Let us hope you don't lose your wallet and keys or forget you wallet then El  

Moonie posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Grr! I don't like scammers & nuisance callers  

its gone cold here 

Neither do I Sweet 

Passes warm gloves, ear muffs and scarf for Sweet and a doggy coat for Bramble

El Loro posted:

Summer, I don't like scammers or nuisance callers either.


Do you think you are going to get the white stuff

Still cold but at least not wet here now El


I went down the road earlier to get some milk and forgot to take any money 

Good job it's only a 10 minute round trip

Been down again, checking before hand, this time, that I had money on me

Oooops lol we've all done it Moonie  

ah fankoo, I appreciate that

im not sure El, I think the sky does look like snow clouds but we'll have to wait and see. It's certainly a very different day from this morning  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:
Moonie posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Grr! I don't like scammers & nuisance callers  

its gone cold here 

Neither do I Sweet 

Passes warm gloves, ear muffs and scarf for Sweet and a doggy coat for Bramble

El Loro posted:

Summer, I don't like scammers or nuisance callers either.


Do you think you are going to get the white stuff

Still cold but at least not wet here now El


I went down the road earlier to get some milk and forgot to take any money 

Good job it's only a 10 minute round trip

Been down again, checking before hand, this time, that I had money on me

Oooops lol we've all done it Moonie  

ah fankoo, I appreciate that

im not sure El, I think the sky does look like snow clouds but we'll have to wait and see. It's certainly a very different day from this morning  

Hi Sweet  


I went to the bank once without my wallet, which has my cards in 

I never carry them on me unless I intend to use them


I hope you have had a good day

Last edited by Moonie
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

That's a wonderful bonus, thank goodness for appointments aw bless them both, it must have been lovely to feed him. Does PB talk to him a lot?

She talks to him (and about him) a lot. She loves him so much, it's really nice to see.

When she was leaving, she informed us she is coming on a sleepover soon.


Good morning everyone, very cold here and we've had some drizzle already despite the weather forecast being for dry all morning.


Sounds like a good day with your two little treasures Yogi what a treat, that snuggly baby feel and a proud big sister


Amazingly clear visibility this morning, through binoculars I can see beyond Worms Head to the Welsh Coast behind.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone  

Cold but dry here so far. Shopping done so that's me finished for the day 


Yogi, lovely to see PBand BB are getting on so well. She really is in 'big sister' mode  

Good  luck withe the pressie hunting 


Sweet, squiggle and El, I hope you all have a lovely 


Just to let you know I may not be around much over the next couple of weeks. No health problems, for a change either 

So it will probably be random posts, apologies if I don't answer your posts on the same day  

Last edited by Moonie
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