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El Loro posted:

Yogi, at least with today being wet it's a better day to be stuck in doors waiting for the hub to arrive. Did something go wrong with your exisitng hub?

The old hub is still working fine, this one is supposedly an upgrade.

El Loro posted:

You'll certainly want to watch this :
4 year old saves classmate who was choking

Well done Harvey!

velvet donkey posted:
El Loro posted:

You'll certainly want to watch this :
4 year old saves classmate who was choking

Nice. And some lovely accents   


Hope everyone's okay and Virgin have delivered     

Virgin delivered at 5pm. It's still in the box, we'll set it up tomorrow.

squiggle posted:

Phew! I'm exhausted, you name it we've been there and the baby has paid a visit too - he's walking very confidently but mostly like a crab, sideways


You've all been so 2 doggybags chocolate eclairs lemon muffins Enjoy!!

I bet you enjoyed the visit from the little one.

Loving the idea of his sideways walk.

Thank you for the doggy bags.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Watching Gold Rush. My second favourite programme after This Week.

My eldest watches Gold Rush.

I'm catching up on Back In Time For The Weekend. We're on the Nineties now.

Much as I love the internet and the convenience of a mobile phone, families have lost something special, over the decades.

You're not wrong there Yogi   


We didn't get gifted the internet without an ulterior motive imo. Wasn't it initially limited to military?  US military?


I didn't know that, but I'm not really surprised.


Good morning everyone


Rainy and windy here and outdoor temperature going down from yesterday. Unlikely to be any snow here but the hills may get some.


Yogi, I hope you have no problems setting up your new superhub. I guess that you had an original superhub which had a glossy black exterior. The superhub 2 (which is what I have) has a matt black exterior. I think the new superhub 3 is white though that's based on preview pictures. Apparently that can take 300mbps speed and also has a couple of RJ-211 telephone ports which could be used for VoIP phone services (ie using your computer & hub for internet phone use).

El Loro

Good morning I hope you all slept well and had a good breakfast

good luck with the superhub yogi, it sounds very sophisticated

i've finally got a day off where I have no plans whatsoever! I'm going to be gentle today: do a little yoga, go for a nice walk and cook a nice meal  

what are the rest of you up to? I hope you don't get too much snow 


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, the wind is really violent today and things are blowing around all over the place.  Like you Summer I am planning a nice quiet day after the whirlwind of yesterday, it's been a bit hectic so far today already and I have already finished the upstairs housework.  The wind is certainly blowing some blue sky in so I am hoping that's a foretaste of things to come.


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, I hope you have a nice day off


I'm not expecting to get any snow here as it's too low down. It's more likely over the Cotswolds.


The starter for Monday's University Challenge music question was to listen to the music to an Oscar winning song (only the music was played, and you didn't hear any singing. The question was to give the name of the film and the name of the composer.
The answers given showed that they had not listened to the question as they were both wrong.

One side said Moon River and Frank Sinatra. The other side then said Moon River and Doris Day.

They were correct in identifying the name of the song but that's not what was asked for. I did get the answer right.



El Loro

Good morning everyone  


The weather is, well,   

I don't think it will stick though because the ground was already wet 


Yogi, good pressie hunting 

Sweet, enjoy your day off 

squiggle, don't housework to hard

*passes cuppa for squiggle's break* 

El, it's to early to tax my brain with quizzes 


Have a great day peeps  

El Loro posted:

Squiggle, I hope the wind doesn't cause any damage in your area. It's very windy here but no weather warnings today for me. There's a warning for snow and wind on Friday night for my area but they say the snow risk is on hills.


Moonie, I'll let you off that "quiz" as it's early and you've got snow there



Thanks El 


The snow stopped just after I posted so I decided to go shop and bank. I was just on the way up from the bus stop when we had a "whiteout" type hailstorm 

Still hail isn't to bad because it just bounces off so you don't get wet 

When I was back in the house it went as black as night and the hail was so bad it was like a proper whiteout. Couldn't see across the field at the bottom of the garden. It's sunny now 

El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, is one of the horses white, one red/brown, one black and one pale?

 Yes, that are there exact colours El 

The Book of Revelations makes it clear that no-one should take anything away from what is written there or add to it without dreadful consequences for themselves.

Yep, saw that earlier when I googled it 

El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, is one of the horses white, one red/brown, one black and one pale?

 Yes, that are there exact colours El 

The Book of Revelations makes it clear that no-one should take anything away from what is written there or add to it without dreadful consequences for themselves.

I think the JW's are in trouble


Oh my goodness moonie! What's going on down there today? I hope you're warm, dry and cosy now  

squiggle I hope your weather improves soon, you've had it rough for too long IMO 

I've had a lovely day off! We loved the new area that I wanted to explore, and the walk was just under 7 miles. Bramble has been snoozy since we got home, bless her. 

I've had a long hot bath, read my book and have fresh bedding & pj's  

What are you all watching tonight?

~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Sweet  

I am well warm and dry fankoo 


I'm glad you and Bramble have enjoyed your day together 

I don't think I walk 7 miles in a week, let alone a day  

I should think Bramble is snoozy after all that trekking and exploring 


I wonder how long you will last tonight before you 'churchill' tonight Sweet 


My evening will consist of watching live footie and visits to the forum 


Summer, I'm glad you had another good walk in that new found area today


Squiggle, this Huffington Post commentary is about the Jehovah's Witnesses and their book on Revelations.
It's quite a bold assertion for them to say that the elders of their "Jehovah's anointed" congregations are the "angels" referred to in the seven letters of Revelation 2-3.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.


I had no joy looking for a gift. I'll try again tomorrow.


My new hub is up and running.

El, I will change that password later tonight.

I remember you advising me to do it with the last hub, and I did.


I'll be disappearing at 9pm to watch the new series of Grantchester


Hiya Yogi  

Bad luck on the pressie search. Better luck tomorrow 


Thanks for reminding me Yogi. I have just set it to record 

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.


I had no joy looking for a gift. I'll try again tomorrow.


My new hub is up and running.

El, I will change that password later tonight.

I remember you advising me to do it with the last hub, and I did.


I'll be disappearing at 9pm to watch the new series of Grantchester


Hiya Yogi  

Bad luck on the pressie search. Better luck tomorrow 


Thanks for reminding me Yogi. I have just set it to record 

Hi Moonie,


My mum is a nightmare to buy for.


I'm recording the series too - even though I'll buy it on dvd as soon as it's released.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.


I had no joy looking for a gift. I'll try again tomorrow.


My new hub is up and running.

El, I will change that password later tonight.

I remember you advising me to do it with the last hub, and I did.


I'll be disappearing at 9pm to watch the new series of Grantchester


Hiya Yogi  

Bad luck on the pressie search. Better luck tomorrow 


Thanks for reminding me Yogi. I have just set it to record 

Hi Moonie,


My mum is a nightmare to buy for.


I'm recording the series too - even though I'll buy it on dvd as soon as it's released.


My mum was easy. I would just give here the money and she would but what she wanted

I know that isn't what most people like to do but it worked for us


Why not  

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.


I had no joy looking for a gift. I'll try again tomorrow.


My new hub is up and running.

El, I will change that password later tonight.

I remember you advising me to do it with the last hub, and I did.


I'll be disappearing at 9pm to watch the new series of Grantchester


Hiya Yogi  

Bad luck on the pressie search. Better luck tomorrow 


Thanks for reminding me Yogi. I have just set it to record 

Hi Moonie,


My mum is a nightmare to buy for.


I'm recording the series too - even though I'll buy it on dvd as soon as it's released.


My mum was easy. I would just give here the money and she would but what she wanted

I know that isn't what most people like to do but it worked for us


Why not  

I may end up doing that, Moonie.

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