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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good morning everyone. We had some snow last night but it didn't lie. It's raining ATM.
Squiggle, I saw your choice in Velvet's "smooth lounge" thread. I always get emotional when I hear it, as we played it at my brother's funeral.
Yogi it is those songs that bring back the memories for that song it was my first Sunday at church following Alan's funeral, I was holding it together and then when I got back in the car they were playing 'I'm Everything I am Because you Loved me' and I was gone.

At a dear friend's funeral they played 'One Moment in Time' and I can't hear it now without thinking of her.  Her daughter was in pieces and the worst thing was that when she died she was lying in the funeral home on Mother's Day .

Good evening everyone.    Sorry I've not been into the thread befor.  Having a very busy time at the moment, as it looks like you all are bearing in mind Squiggle's entry was 11.36 am.

Don't get me talking about hymns/songs which mean something to you.  "Be Still for the Presence of the Lord" is my special one. Won't go into details but it affects me every time I hear it.  Have a very busy week coming up.  Dentist Wednesday, out all day Thursday,  orthopaedic surgeon on Friday.  Will pop in when I can but have great a week whatever you are doing. 
Talking of emotional music, a number of years ago, I saw my own double bill of classic Italian films at home one evening. First I saw Miracle in Milan, then I saw Cinema Paradiso. Both films are powerfully emotional, but the final scene in Cinema Paradiso has to rank as almost beyond great, particularly if you have a love for films. The old projectionist has died, but has left a reel of film for his young assistant who is now a man. The man sits down to watch the reel, not knowing what to expect. And then he realises that the projectionist had spliced together all the romantic clips which the over zealous local censor decided were too much for the local population and so had ordered them to be cut out.You need to have seen the whole film to get the full impact, but this is an orchestral version of the music:

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good morning everyone. We had some snow last night but it didn't lie. It's raining ATM.
Squiggle, I saw your choice in Velvet's "smooth lounge" thread. I always get emotional when I hear it, as we played it at my brother's funeral.
Yogi it is those songs that bring back the memories for that song it was my first Sunday at church following Alan's funeral, I was holding it together and then when I got back in the car they were playing 'I'm Everything I am Because you Loved me' and I was gone.

At a dear friend's funeral they played 'One Moment in Time' and I can't hear it now without thinking of her.  Her daughter was in pieces and the worst thing was that when she died she was lying in the funeral home on Mother's Day .

That's so sad, Squiggle.
Music does evoke emotion and memories - good ones as well as sad.
El, Joyron and Skylark.
Good morning everyone. It's snowing quite heavily this morning.
Is the man taking the piano away today, El?
Is the engineer coming to fix your boiler today, Squiggle? Hope it is sorted soon.
My landline is on the blink. There is no dialling tone, so I can't make or receive any calls. Virgin are sending an engineer out tomorrow.
Off to put some trousers into the dry cleaners before the snow gets too bad.
The piano man has now collected the piano - the deed is done and dusted (literally ), and I have the cash. He took away all the sheet music, and in the process uncovered a few more books, but nothing of interest.

Skylark, yes I have mixed emotions, some sadness but more of relief that soon I won't need to keep on having to check up on my parents' house. It's been many years since I lived there, and it is not the house I lived in as a child. And I still have the items which are family orientated such as photos and paintings by I think my great grandfather.He and his father, also an artist, were friends with James Whistler, the American artist, who settled in this country.

No, we don't have any paintings by James Whistler - easily his most famous being of his mother. The closest we have is a copy of a biography of him which acknowledges my great grandather and is signed by the writer (not Whistler himself) to him.
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
The piano man has now collected the piano - the deed is done and dusted (literally ), and I have the cash. He took away all the sheet music, and in the process uncovered a few more books, but nothing of interest.

Skylark, yes I have mixed emotions, some sadness but more of relief that soon I won't need to keep on having to check up on my parents' house. It's been many years since I lived there, and it is not the house I lived in as a child. And I still have the items which are family orientated such as photos and paintings by I think my great grandfather.He and his father, also an artist, were friends with James Whistler, the American artist, who settled in this country.

No, we don't have any paintings by James Whistler - easily his most famous being of his mother. The closest we have is a copy of a biography of him which acknowledges my great grandather and is signed by the writer (not Whistler himself) to him.
Very interesting El. Yes as you say relief too x   I do hope the piano goes to a happy home x
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Hi squiggle, thanks for that, will try to watch it. I do hope Vanessa lets him speak, i quite like her but she tends to talk over people, which can be a bit annoying x
I have changed my mind so often over Vanessa, don't like, don't mind, not as bad as I thought etc but now I am on to 'definitely don't like her'.  I think I felt a bit sympathetic towards her when her husband was so horrible to her but you're right she don't let people get a word in edgeways.
Skylark, I saw your comment on confidentiality of the census and I have put a reply which should put your mind at rest. Fiona should have read what it says on the census website. Yes, census information will be available to councils etc, but only in the form of statistics - no personal details. Just as an example, I've just looked at the council ward I live in on the 2001 census website for details of car ownership, and I see the number of households with no cars, 1 car, 2 cars, 3 cars, 4 or more cars, but I don't see the actual names.

Personal details only become available after 100 years. That's why the census websites with this info end at 1911.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Skylark, I haven't got my census form, yet.

Off for a long soak in the bath and an early night, see you tomorrow.
Enjoy your long soak Yogi night night to you and Skylark    

I've got my census form (and filled it in naughty I know but the information should be the same on the 27th) There was nothing in it that annoyed me, sort of routine.  In fact if I remember rightly last time I wasn't allowed to put down that me and my hubby were English we were only allowed the option of British which seemed a bit daft.  I suppose because I have gleaned such a lot of information about my parents and grandparents from the censuses that have been published it seems only right that I do my bit and help out the next generation of amateur genealogists.
Good morning everyone

It's a very cloudy day today, but still mild.

squiggle, I'm arranging for someone from church to go through my parents' house for anything that may be of interest for the auction at church next month and the fete in early July. I would hope he does that over the next few days. Then the people who are buying the house can have a set of keys to clear everything else out - they are happy to do that. And if things go according to plan, completion of the sale will be on April 1.

I have received my census form, and also the one for my parents' house, so I have two to do. I'm not doing them yet. I'm not expecting my circumstances to change between now and the 27th, but they could as far as the one for my parents' house is concerned. If legal completion takes place by midnight on the 27th, then it becomes the responsibility of the buyers.
El Loro
Good morning everyone, dry bright and cold sums it up this morning.  It will be nice when the dreaded dentist is over and done with Skylark, we all feel the same.  I will be thinking of you  

Its been a long haul EL but the end is in sight now and I hope all your memories of your parents are happy ones and that you are in no doubt about where they are now

I am glad the weather has improved for you Yogi, must be time for a visit to the garden centre surely  

Hi to Joyron and Ros when you pop in
Good afternoon everyone

This morning I had yet another phone call from the agency which is trying to flog hospitality places for corporate entertaining at the Cheltenham horse races. I'm used to this as this happens every year in the 3 months leading up to the meeting. They are wasting their time (and mine) as I have never been and doubt if I ever will.

But this is the latest they have rung me. The meeting started yesterday and ends on Friday. Even if I was interested, there would be little prospect of finding clients in the time who would go.

The thought which goes through my mind is that this agency must be really desparate if they are having to ferret around looking for prospects at this stage.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good morning everyone. It's raining today, so I hope the last of the snow gets washed away.
Didn't feel too well yesterday, so went to bed at 6p.m. Fell asleep straight away and didn't wake up until 8a.m. Anyway, i feel a lot better this morning.
I'm glad you are feeling a lot better now

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'll be out all morning - have an exciting course on tax to go to - I'll take my pillow
You need some of that Red Bull drink that the teenagers take to keep them awake.
That will give me wings which I can keep as a spare set
El Loro
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