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Good morning everyone


Cloudy here. Dry until late evening when it starts raining and tomorrow forecast to be raining all day long. If it is going to be named it would be storm Imogen.


Summer, I think that if hyperloop was to become a reality it would be just for travelling long distances such as between Edinburgh and London. So it would be more likely to be in the States or mainland Europe or China.


My review is a bit of a hassle but it's at a quietish time of the year from a client work point of view so I've got the time.


Yogi, I hope you have a good couple of days with PB

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone I think my weather is going to be similar to yours EL. I hope you have an easier day today Summer - Pancake Day to look forward to next week! Have a great PB day Yogi 


Enjoy your day everyone

Yes, it's Pancake Day next Tuesday 9th February, just in case Summer hadn't realised it

El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

Breezy but dry here. Rain expected later 


El, good luck with the rummaging 


Squiggle, it's been years since I had a pancake 

"whispers don't tell Sweet though"


Yogi, I hope you have a super day with PB and the sleepover goes well too 

We will want to know how things go too 


Sweet, hope you and Bramble have a good day 


Skylark, hope all is well with you 


Have  great day everyone 


Moonie, I have to be organised when dealing with clients papers. The only thing I had to rummage around for was a professional indemnity insurance certificate. My insurance company sends me stuff every year but not a certificate (similar to a car insurance certificate). I eventually found it in the papers they sent me 5 years ago. They don't send it to me every year as it's a continous policy.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I have to be organised when dealing with clients papers. The only thing I had to rummage around for was a professional indemnity insurance certificate. My insurance company sends me stuff every year but not a certificate (similar to a car insurance certificate). I eventually found it in the papers they sent me 5 years ago. They don't send it to me every year as it's a continous policy.

Excellent El


Aw how sweet I hope she is enjoying her sleepover at Granny's enjoy the CBB final yogi  

ive had one of "those" days, I'm pleased to be in bed and am hoping for a brighter day tomorrow. If you boys have predicted the weather correctly, I'm very glad that Bramble and I will be at work and not out in the rain  

i loved Dad's army, I hope the new movie does it justice. 

Wishing you all sweet dreams  


~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Aw how sweet I hope she is enjoying her sleepover at Granny's enjoy the CBB final yogi  

ive had one of "those" days, I'm pleased to be in bed and am hoping for a brighter day tomorrow. If you boys have predicted the weather correctly, I'm very glad that Bramble and I will be at work and not out in the rain  

i loved Dad's army, I hope the new movie does it justice. 

Wishing you all sweet dreams  


Drat, so sorry I've just missed you, Summer.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


Goodnight and sweet dreams Summer, Velvet and Ros


Good morning everyone, there's been a lot of rain overnight and the area around my pond is flooded again.  I hope there are no severe floods anywhere though I think we have all had enough of those.


Sounds like a lovely day with PB Yogi   Very exciting times with our little boy, he is standing for the first time, just before his first birthday and can take one step but hasn't yet worked out how to get the other leg moving.  There is the sweetest picture of him standing for the first time with this look of amazement on his face.


I hope everyone manages to stay dry today and, like Velvet says, have a great weekend everyone - that goes for you too Velvet I hope you too can treat yourself


Evening all.

We've had miserable weather the last couple of days, which curbed our plans for PB last night, but we played "races" (which PB always wins), read stories and were served hundreds of cups of tea from PB's teaset. 

This morning, we made snowman cakes before she went home at lunchtime. She loves baking, because she loves eating the cake mixture.

Middle son and DiL visited this afternoon and stayed for tea. We had a lovely time together.

Squiggle, I can hardly believe your great-grandson is almost a year, it seems no time since he was born. I'm sure he will soon be toddling around, getting into lots of mischief.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

Last edited by Yogi19

*night owls*  

oh my goodness- the baby is almost 1?! that's gone very quickly Squiggle. I'm pleased he brings so much joy to your heart  

yogi, PB is such a treasure what fun! I like the activities you do with her, and I'm glad you've enjoyed the sleepover 

el I hope you've enjoyed the days sporting action it's lovely to see the flying Scotsman out and about again too 

leaving goodnight hugs for all, including g velvet, moonie & Ros  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a drier and a nicer morning, even a hint of blue sky, rain again this afternoon though.  Yet another storm on the way I don't think I have ever known so many.


Sounds like a lovely day Yogi.  I loved that clip of The Flying Scotsman EL, I noticed they were using proper steam coal - nice clean smoke.  That is how I remember the trains used to be when I was a little girl, we used to like standing on the bridge as the trains went by underneath.  They used to run steam trains alongside the Central Line trains up until the '60's.


Enjoy your day everyone


Morning Buddies  

It finally stopped raining last night after a day of torrential rain 

I was down to my last cupful of milk because I didn't want go out and get soaking wet 

Been down in the dry to replenish my stocks this morning before I even had my brekkie 


Yogi, it's fabby to see you and PB had a lovely sleepover together 

All those cups of tea are not good for you though  

She really is a lovely little lady  


Squiggle, your grandson is nearly a year old? 

Boy, did that go quick 

Its lovely to see he brings you so much happiness. Long may it continue  


Sweet, I hope you enjoy your day off and it's dry enough for you and Bramble to go for a long walk together  


Skylark, I you pop in, I hope you are having a super weekend 


El, I see Cheltenham won and Forest Green only drew. One point in front and a game in hand too 


Have a great day peeps

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone.


Weather is awful, with heavy rain and wind. 


Squiggle, I have a memory of being a young child in a railyway station with my paternal grandmother, and there were steam trains there.  There is almost a romance about steam trains, that modern trains could never have.

I love going to the transport museum in Glasgow and seeing all the old trains, trams and buses. However, it can be slightly disconcerting to see things from your lifetime and they are museum exhibits!


Have a lovely day everyone, and stay warm and dry.






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