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Fantastic owl picture, squiggle


Skylark, your post reminded me of the July 2007 floods in my part of the country. There was one day where there were power cuts locally. Mine was only off for a couple of hours but my mother's electricity was off for much of the day. I hadn't realised hers was still off when I rang her during the afternoon. Her house was electicity only. So I boiled a kettle of water, filled up a thermos flask with tea and boiling water, and took it round to her. She was extremely grateful as she had had nothing hot for hours. She later said it was the best cup of tea she had ever had.

El Loro

Afternoon all 


We had a nice visit from youngest son and his fiancee.


Skylark, I'm glad the problem with your power has been sorted.


Summer, I hope the dentist can sort your chipped tooth.


Squiggle, that eagle pic is stunning! 


Moonie, well done on getting your errands done.


El, I liked Olivia de Havilland's films

Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all 


We had a nice visit from youngest son and his fiancee.


Skylark, I'm glad the problem with your power has been sorted.


Summer, I hope the dentist can sort your chipped tooth.


Squiggle, that eagle pic is stunning! 


Moonie, well done on getting your errands done.


El, I liked Olivia de Havilland's films



Pleased you had a lovely visit from your youngest and his fiancÃĐe 

Last edited by Moonie
Skylark posted:


Glad you all well and survived the bad weather x
We had a bit of a day yesterday. Had a power cut from 6.30 am till 1pm, then it went off again, then on then off. By tea time, it was pitch black, street lights off too. Anyway with lots of candles and a chippy tea to get something hot we got through, but the house was so cold. Power seems fine today, workmen out side and in next street, they been digging up the streets. Dont know the problem but hope its sorted!  Been up the shops and stocked up with more candles, just incase......
Hope you all having a good day xx

I have some candles "somewhere" too Skylark, though we are not prone to power cuts that often, thank goodness

Glad you are sorted

~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Afternoon all sorry I vanished yesterday, I needed some quiet reflection time. I hope you're all warm & well  

today is glorious! So clear, sunny and chilly, I've been out walking for hours. Now I have to go get my tooth fixed and take bramble for a health check. Will be back later  

as for clootie dumplings.. Omg yes! I have a friend with Orkney ancestry and she makes those dumplings for me when I go for dinner, I love them!!!!!!!! 

Hi Sweet
I hope your dentist visit went well and that Bramble's MOT was a pass


Evening sorry I missed your post earlier skylark, we must have been typing at the same time. I'm glad you have power back now and hope you're much more comfortable tonight

my tooth is ok and just needed a little filing , it only took 3 minutes and my lovely dentist didn't charge me  

bramble got the thumbs up too, she's in real good shape. The vet observed that she has a large bladder, which was no surprise as I often joke that she has the bladder of a camel lol 

i hope you are all having a good day..? 


~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Evening sorry I missed your post earlier skylark, we must have been typing at the same time. I'm glad you have power back now and hope you're much more comfortable tonight

my tooth is ok and just needed a little filing , it only took 3 minutes and my lovely dentist didn't charge me  

bramble got the thumbs up too, she's in real good shape. The vet observed that she has a large bladder, which was no surprise as I often joke that she has the bladder of a camel lol 

i hope you are all having a good day..? 


Evening Sweet and Buddies  

Awww really please Bramble has the thumbs-up  

Glad you had your tooth sorted too 


Yesterday I started my annual weeding out of old client papers. There was one file of someone who is no longer a client. I took out the oldest year's papers but kept the money laundering documents which I have to do for all clients. Things like ID checks and the checklists I have to do, much as banks and solciitors have to do for their clients. I kept it just in case though I thought it unlikely I would ever need it.


Today I got an email with attachments from my institute. They are doing a practice review. They do that for all accountants such as myself and I hadn't had one since 2008. One of the things I have to do is to provide them with a specimen money laundering set of documents for a client. I'm not using the client I mention above as they are no longer a client but it's still a bit of a coincidence that this happens within 24 hours.


It's just as well that they waited until now rather than in January as I have the time to get all the information required, though I think they may well avoid January knowing that it's such a busy month.

El Loro
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