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Good morning GJ I hope I do get a sunny day to make up for the last couple of extremely cloudy days.


The mandatory filing of 3 monthly accounts data with HMRC is no myth and the papers are not wrong. There's various HMRC & government documents about this but the shortest one confirming this is:

The proposals are going out for consultation fairly soon. The intention is that for self assessment tax people it will be brought in from April 2018, for VAT returns from April 2019, and for companies from April 2020.
This government know that as every self employed person keeps up to date accurate computerised accounting records, there is no issue, no extra work for people, it's just a matter of clicking the "send" button at the end of the quarter. They see no problems. There's an e-petition about this which will get debated in Parliament but the governemnt has zero intention of changing its mind. You might want to read their response on the petition. It's not very nice reading, particularly as it says that the consultation will be about what sanctions to implement.


El Loro

GJ, I think many accountants will retire as a result of these digital tax accounts, as will many self employed people who are not able to do it themselves or cant afford to get someone to do it for them. The government is very shortsighted as whatever savings it thinks it will get will be more than wiped out by the contraction in the economy which will result.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.


Still some snow on the ground, despite the thaw.


Summer, that sounds like a nice pub - dog friendly and a cosy fire is my kind of place.


Trying to psyche myself up to finish the painting. I have to get it done before PB comes tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning Buddies
White all over here, just frost though

Supposed to get a tad warmer, up to the dizzy heights of +2  


Morning Yogi  

I hope you manage to "get yourself going" and finish the painting. Though I am sure PB would just lurrrrrrrrrrrrrve to get her hands on a paint brush and a tin of paint  


Have a good day everyone and stay warm


Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning with a hint of blue sky.  Nice to see you back again Moonie I hope your frost is a pretty sparkling one, and that you don't get heatstroke when it warms up.


Your accountant doesn't sound very on the ball GJ.  It sounds like it could be a time of great upheaval ahead EL not only for accountants but for the whole country.


Unfortunately I can just imagine PB with a teeny pot of paint and a tiny brush - chaos! I hope the painting goes well Yogi and you get it all finished on time - and dry - before little fingers are everywhere.


Enjoy your day everyone


Afternoon it's been a pleasant morning here but clouding over now. 

I hope you're all warm & well  

crumbs, I hope that when those changes come in with self assessment, that I can either learn how to submit the information myself or afford the costs of paying my accountant to do it. Hopefully in time the system will run smoothly and we'll all adjust to it. 


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Freezing fog here and likely to take quite some time to lift. I'm not expecting to need to drive anywhere today so the fog won't be an issue for me. A cold day, but tomorrow should be fractionally warmer, and then it gets warmer on Friday.


Yogi, I hope you have a good day with PB


GJ, I think it likely that there are many accountants who are not aware of the proposed quarterly reporting. A leading tax journalist/accountant had an article on my institute's website asking for other accountants to post their views. There have been 45 replies including mine. 45 is a tiny proportion of the number of accountants.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, we have had our first frost of the winter but it is almost melted away now as it's a beautiful morning.


Those figures are worrying EL, we know how conscientious you are in staying on top of all the latest legislation and codes of practice for your profession.  The public perception of an accountant is of someone just like that, with their fingers firmly on the reins and fully up to date.  It's a little sad to think that some can be so careless as to be totally unaware of something as massive as this.


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, all accountants would have become aware of the changes as we are required to go on courses etc to keep up to date. The changes aren't coming in for a couple of years and are bound to be covered in tax courses during the course of this year. So I would assume that GJ's accountant would have become aware of the changes before the end of this year.


I'm glad youv'e got a beautiful morning. No change here, and not surprisingly the outdoor temperature showing on my very local weather website is -3.5 C. It's still forecast to lift by the afternoon and be sunny, but there's no sign of that yet.

El Loro

Good noon cool and fresh here, I'm just waiting at the dentists to have a filling replaced. Ugh! 

Squiggle I hope you enjoyed the frost, they are pretty aren't they  

El, you said exactly what I was thinking. Even though GJ's accountant is currently unaware of the changes, I'm sure he soon will be. I worry about changes but deal with each as and when it comes in, we have no choice but to go with the flow and act accordingly. 

~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I'm glad all went well at the dentist and got the all clear at your checkup

Squiggle's picture was taken by Haslan Baglar in Nicosia in Cyprus and was submitted to the National  Geographic in a photograph competiton back in 2014. It's of a couple of mantis in a defence position. It's normal behaviour for them even if they do look like a couple of smiling dancers.

El Loro
~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

All went well at the dentist I hated the first minute but shut my eyes and relaxed after that. 

I also had a routine annual doctors check up with the nurse, all is well and my blood pressure is perfect  

Squiggle that picture is fantastic! And hilarious wherever did you find it? 



It was on Facebook Summer, it made me laugh it deserves a caption "shall we dance" the insect world takes its cue from Strictly   Well done on getting the filling replaced without too much trauma and on your perfect blood pressure


Evening all.


Squiggle, I love that pic.


Summer, I'm glad all went well at the dentist and doctors.


El, I watched that episode of the Call The Midwife. I knew they had used an animatronic baby but I thought the storyline was handled sensitively. The mother's reaction was perfect. I cried buckets.


I've had a lovely PB day. We went shopping, read stories, made cakes and sang songs together. Eldest son, PB's dad came up in the afternoon to hang my mirror, pictures, curtains and blinds in the hall and stairs - he's much handier than his dad. 


Good morning everyone


The freezing fog has gone here, but it's a cold grey day. Forecast to get a bit warmer later but warmer still tomorrow.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a great day with PB


8 tax returns to complete by the 31st, all in hand, and I'm waiting for missing info to get them finished. The 8 doesn't include that client who has neglected his record keeping.

El Loro

Squiggle, I hope the returns all get filed on time but it depends the clients getting in touch with me and providing me with the missing info. The deadline is Sunday week and I don't want to be having to work on that day. Apart from it being Sunday, the 31st January is the day that so many people are filing the returns on the HMRC website that it becomes much slower than normal.


Earthy Mangold, I hope you aren't too scary

El Loro

Good morning all.

T'is raining.


El, I'm sure you will do your best to get everything finished, so long as your clients get you the required information in time.


Summer, PB is changing all the time. She is smart and funny and has everyone wrapped round her little finger.


Weekly grocery shopping awaits. Have a good day everyone.


Did a bit of local shopiing, bread & milk. As usual I parked in a small cul de sac neat the shop. A man was walking down the middle of the left side of the road carrying a shopping bag. He looked of retirement age. He wasn't crossing the road and made no movement towards the pavement. No roadworks on the pavement. I very carefully drove past on the right hand side making sure my car was several feet away before parking near the end of the cul de sac. I got out of my car and went on the pavement. As I walked on the pavment the man, still in the middle of the left side of the road, said that I had nearly run him over. I knew that I came nowhere near him and said as such. He then said he was just joking and we went on our way.


Very strange man. I think some drivers would have sent him flying.

El Loro

The firm I used to work for did do hospitality events for clients, generally when Gloucestershire was playing cricket at Cheltenham. They also had one when Gloucestershire played cricket in Gloucester but that stopped years ago. The last time I was required to attend at the Gloucester one, the ground was little more than a mud bath. Duckboards had been put down so that visitors could walk on them to get to the hospitality tents.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Just had a phone call from someone saying they provided hospitality services. There were a couple of spaces at Henley Regatta and was I interested in providing some hospitality to my clients.

My simple answer was No.

velvet donkey posted:

Cowes is where it's at El  


Pretty miserable here. Hope someone is at least getting an intermittent bright interval   



I quite fancy a trip to Henley Regatta or Cowes.

Hi El and Velvet.

Weather here is dark, damp and dismal.

Off to watch CDWM, catch up later.

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