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Good morning everyone, no real blue sky and only one shower - and of course that was when I was halfway through filling the bird feeder


Sorry to hear you've been unwell Skylark, I hope you will soon feel tickety-boo again.  Happy birthday to your son.

Great smiley EL   Imagines Moonie with his skates on

Enjoy your day everyone
Last edited by squiggle

Great skatey smiley squiggle


With all those discoveries of "missing links" it shows that there's a lot still to be discovered about the past. For instance yesterday they had the news about the bronze age village discovered in Cambridgeshire. I'm waiting to hear that they've since unearthed a bronze age iPad there. That would really be something

El Loro

Looking at the weather forecasts it looks as if the main snow risk for my area is early Friday morning. Where I live is at a low altitude so it's more likely to be sleet. Saturday and Sunday seem to be the coldest days with the temperature not much above freezing. Temperatures forecast to get closer to normal by next Wesnesday or Thursday.


The workmen are still chipping away at the hole at the back of the neighbour's house. I guess it's roughly six foot by five foot now. The product of about 3 days work so far.

El Loro
velvet donkey posted:

Had a look at the weekend forecast and looks okay for incoming and outbound traffic      Still changeable I'd imagine though.


Are the antibiotics doing their job?    

I've given up on the weather forecast. I just look out of the window to see what's happening - usually raining!

Still in quite a bit of pain. Antibiotics due to finish on Friday.

Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Had a look at the weekend forecast and looks okay for incoming and outbound traffic      Still changeable I'd imagine though.


Are the antibiotics doing their job?    

I've given up on the weather forecast. I just look out of the window to see what's happening - usually raining!

Still in quite a bit of pain. Antibiotics due to finish on Friday.

 hope you feel better soon

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone

Some sunshine here and cold. It rained last night but should be dry today. There may be snow in my area very early tomorrow morning but may be sleety rather than snow.


Uogi, I'm glad you had a pleasant time with PB and I hope you are in less pain. Did your dentist make a follow up appointment to check progress because they should?

El Loro

Good morning everyone.


A dry and chilly start to the day.


El, the dentist didn't arrange a check up appointment but she did say I could see someone if I had any problems. If I'm still in pain after the antibiotics finish tomorrow, I'll make sure I get to see one of the dentists.


Busy day today but I'll pop in later.


Good morning everyone, at least it's dry here, so far.  I hope for those who are due to get snow it doesn't hang around for long.


So sorry to hear you are still in pain Yogi, that's very bad luck having a dry socket.  You are very sensible going back to the dentist if you still have any pain after the antibiotics are finished.


Sounds like you are very busy with things going on in your life Summer, I hope you have a nice calm day and feel refreshed.


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, I hope your busy day goes well and that you are no longer in pain


Summer, I hope the snow doesn't cause problems for you and that your day goes well

I'm busy with work but am on top of it. There's one client who has yet to get his papaers to me. He keeps his accounts on a cloud accounting package which means that I can look at it online. He was supposed to see me mid November but when I looked online it was showing 478 unexplained bank transactions for the year. Pointless me doing anything at that stage so the meeting was postponed to end of November. He rang me the day before to say that there had been internet access problems but the engineer was coming out the following day. He would contact me when he was ready. I looked at it on Monday last week. No progress whatsoever. So I wrote to him to say that I though it unlikely that I could do his accounts and tax return by 31 January. I haven't heard anything back from him. when I look at it today he has made some progress. There are now 424 unexplained bank transactions.

El Loro

Good lord El! How does your client sleep at night?! he's going to get a fine for missing the deadline!

the snow hasn't caused any disruption here, but it's very cold so we're not having many walk in's today. 

Thanks squiggle although it's busy personally, it's all good and I have a lot of phone calls/messages off friends who are being very supportive and of course, like to know the latest goings on as they happen 


~Sparkling Summer~
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