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~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Good afternoon everyone I've had a very long sleep indeed- I've only been up for an hour must have needed it. 

Yogi your poor thing I bet you're swollen I'm glad you can relax today, keep warm & watered and rest lots 

i hope you're all enjoying your Sunday so far  

15 hours is about three nights sleep for me 

My Sunday is going well fankoo Sweet, I hope what's left of your does too 

Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.


It rained overnight so the pretty snow has gone.


My mouth started throbbing when I went to bed last night, so I took a couple of painkillers, propped myself up on three pillows and then I did get some sleep, El.


No plans for today, hoping for a relaxing one.


Have a good day everyone.

hope you are feeling better yogi

Rocking Ros Rose

God morning everyone.


Sleet/snow forecast for later.


Squiggle, I hope today goes well for you and your friends.


Been up all night with throbbing pain in my mouth, which feels like an abscess. Phoned the dentist this morning and they think I have a "dry socket" which will need an antibiotic. I have an appointment for later this morning.


Have a good day everyone.



Yogi, I'm sorry that the tooth socket is giving problems. I'm glad you've been able to get an immediate appointment. A dry socket isn't the same as an abscess and can arise where the extraction has been particularly traumatic. Your dentist will probably rinse out the socket and apply medicated dressings. You'll need to continue with the painkillers besides the antibiotic. Should take 7 to 10 days to heal. There should be a follow up appointment to check on progress,


I've only had one extraction and was prescribed painkillers and antibiotics right from the beginning. I suppose with the concern over antibiotics that dentists will now only prescribe antibiotics if required.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, I'm sorry that the tooth socket is giving problems. I'm glad you've been able to get an immediate appointment. A dry socket isn't the same as an abscess and can arise where the extraction has been particularly traumatic. Your dentist will probably rinse out the socket and apply medicated dressings. You'll need to continue with the painkillers besides the antibiotic. Should take 7 to 10 days to heal. There should be a follow up appointment to check on progress,


I've only had one extraction and was prescribed painkillers and antibiotics right from the beginning. I suppose with the concern over antibiotics that dentists will now only prescribe antibiotics if required.

Sorry El, I meant the throbbing was the same level of pain, as when I had an abscess.

It was a dry socket and a nice lady dentist cleaned and packed it and gave me a course of antibiotics. Initially, the pain was worse than before but now it is starting to ease off a bit.

El Loro posted on 30/11/2015:

There's a couple of workmen at a neighbour's house. They've been taking up the concrete on the drive. In the last 4 hours they've removed a patch about 4 foot long and 5 foot wide at the back of that house.

They could be there for quite some time.

You may remember my post above. The hole they made had been left since then (it's at the back of that house which is currently unoccupied), The two workmen have come back this morning and are in the process of removing another stretch of concrete. I think it must be something to do with the drainage system as I can see some sort of concrete pipe under the ground.

El Loro
El Loro posted:
El Loro posted on 30/11/2015:

There's a couple of workmen at a neighbour's house. They've been taking up the concrete on the drive. In the last 4 hours they've removed a patch about 4 foot long and 5 foot wide at the back of that house.

They could be there for quite some time.

You may remember my post above. The hole they made had been left since then (it's at the back of that house which is currently unoccupied), The two workmen have come back this morning and are in the process of removing another stretch of concrete. I think it must be something to do with the drainage system as I can see some sort of concrete pipe under the ground.

Sounds like quite a big job.


Yogi, I had to pop out so went and had a quick chat with the two workmen. They are intending to build a small single storey extension at the back of the house and had found that the extension would go over that drainage pipe. So they had had to get in touch with Severn Trent, hence the delay. What they need to do is to divert the drainage pipe so that the extension doesn't cover it.
The very elderly man who used to live there died a few months ago and his offspring decided to let the house rather than sell it. So the builders have been doing a lot of work on that house to make it more lettable.
The house was the same as mine but my house had an extension built years ago before I bought it. The back lounge would have been too small otherwise, sufficient for a couple of armchairs and a television but not much else. It would have been very cramped.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, I had to pop out so went and had a quick chat with the two workmen. They are intending to build a small single storey extension at the back of the house and had found that the extension would go over that drainage pipe. So they had had to get in touch with Severn Trent, hence the delay. What they need to do is to divert the drainage pipe so that the extension doesn't cover it.
The very elderly man who used to live there died a few months ago and his offspring decided to let the house rather than sell it. So the builders have been doing a lot of work on that house to make it more lettable.
The house was the same as mine but my house had an extension built years ago before I bought it. The back lounge would have been too small otherwise, sufficient for a couple of armchairs and a television but not much else. It would have been very cramped.

I wonder why the offspring are chosing to build an extension and let the property, instead of selling? Are house prices not good in your area atm?


Back from the service, a fine tribute to a very special lady.


Yogi I am glad you have been able to get the treatment you needed and I am sure the pain will ease now and with the antibiotics there will be no risk of infection.


Sounds like a lot of work next door EL but I can see the long-term benefit to the family both from letting and having a more valuable property to sell in the long run.

~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Squiggle I'm very glad your friend had a top send off, very fitting for a lovely friend are you home for the evening now?

el, I agree with squiggle about the house next door and I hope it brings you good quality neighbours too 

Thanks everyone, yes home for the evening now Summer.  It was raining when I was picking my friends up but later the sun came out and it was quite Spring like when we were driving home.


I wonder why on earth the tortoise was able to reach twigs to eat them, I would have thought he was supplied with a very good diet, puzzling.


I am glad the pain has lessened Yogi, and that you have had a good day Moonie.

Last edited by squiggle

Popping in to wish you all goodnight hope to catch up properly tomorrow 

the fog lifted just in time for sunset, then the frost took hold as the stars came out. It's cold but very pretty- much nicer than the grey drizzle of late.

moonie I hope you're having a nice evening, whatever you're up to

yogi, I hope you sleep well and more comfortably tonight


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning  

a very cold but clear and beautifully fresh morning here  

i hope you all slept well what are today's plans?

yogi I too hope that you had a good nights sleep and are feeling better this morning enjoy your time with PB, her coming now is the perfect time to cheer your spirits  

squiggle, I hope this morning brings smiles to you rather than only sadness, I'm sure your friend will be missed very much 


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, good news - it's dry, bad news - we have gale force winds AGAIN!


Have a great day with PB Yogi I am sure it is just the tonic that you need.


I do miss being able to see and talk to my friend Summer but my overall feeling is just happiness that I know beyond doubt that she is now pain-free for the first time in over 50 years.  You are such a sweetheart for thinking about me I think sometimes the state of this world gets us all down.


Enjoy your day everyone


El, I hope there's a cuppa tea somewhere among all that client work  

squiggle, it's wonderful gift that we have the ability to see the loss of a loved one in positive ways. I too am happy for those set free from pain and suffering, sometimes I silently congratulate them when they pass. 

I hope the wind stops howling where you are, is it cold too? 

I have an extra layer of clothes on today but still feel cold as ice! I'm hoping a brisk walk this lunch time will get my circulation flowing 

~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I make sure I have proper breaks amidst the work as a tired accountant is more likely to make mistakes


The wind is making it feel cold. Also because the winter had been warner than normal, the change to more normal winter weather is coming as more of a shock to the system and people feel it more. And people will find that they wake up to see that there's frost around and having to de-ice their cars in the morning over the next week or so.

El Loro

Good news about that company being suspended from making nuisance calls.  I am receiving roughly one call every day from a firm whose number is blocked, it's so long ago I can't even remember who they were, not that I am bothered, but it's nice to know they can't get through.


The wind is just as bad, I haven't ventured out so far.  I will have to tomorrow as the birds are feeding like mad and the feeder needs refilling.  I am just hoping that tomorrow is less windy.

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