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~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Good morning another rainy, grey, cold day here. 

Moonie, I hope it was good things that kept you from retuning here last night, I did notice the at the end of that sentence

i was just getting used to the new way the return key works, but I will happy with it resuming to the old way  


Hi Sweet 


Glad you had a good time last night 

I can just imagine Bramble "dreaming" 

Last night did turn out fine in the end fankoo


Its windy and cold here but it looks like the rain has gone for now 


Have a great day peeps and keep warm and safe 


Any of you trying Jericho which starts on ITV tonight?
Set in 1874 in Yorkshire. Not a costume drama, more of a dark and gritty thriller (mot my words) and a sort of western so a northen. Widow (Jessica Raine) with 2 children made homeless goes to find work. A stranger (Hans Matheson who was in The Christmas Candle) turns up on her doorstep looking for help.

El Loro

I agree with you about being fed up with the rain. By this time next week we'll be saying we're fed up with the cold, when will it start getting warmer and the news could be full of snowy scenes (though that's more likely to be in the north than the south. Forecasters unsure as to how long the cold spell will last, could be a few days, could be the rest of the month.

El Loro
Rosgirl posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Sorry I missed you, Summer, I was in the CBB thread.

Goodnight and sweet dreams Summer, Velvet and Ros.

Night owl hug for Moonie in case he pops in later.

night yogi -not enjoying CBB at all summer velvet and moooons if you pop in

They're concentrating too much on the reality tv people, Ros. I can't stand that Gemma girl from TOWIE.

Good morning all.

Cold enough for a slight frost this morning.

Off to the dentist for an extraction today. 

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone


A bit of sunshine here, may get a bit of rain later this morning.


I saw Death in Paradise last night.
The word paradise originates from ancient Persian and originally meant an enclosed (walled) orchard or hunting ground used by the wealthy. The opening of  Coleridge's Kubla Khan is "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan, a stately pleasute dome decree" That was based in part on Matco Polo's description of Xanadu:
"n Xandu did Cublai Can build a stately Pallace, encompassing sixteen miles of plaine ground with a wall, wherein are fertile Meddowes, pleasant Springs, delightfull streames, and all sorts of beasts of chase and game, and in the middest thereof a sumptuous house of pleasure, which may be moved from place to place."

El Loro

Good  afternoon friends

I was playing with my new toy last night
Trying to sort out the settings 


Yessssssssss, I have a new Ipad Pro 

1-30 am managed to just about get it sorted 

Its a beaut 

Shopped this morning and just been up to see me the swans and cygnets. Still swimming around the pool. Fed them so they are happy now 


Have a great day everyone


I had a phone call this afternoon from a client. She's been summonsed to act as a juror and needed me to do a letter to support her claim for loss of earnngs. She has an unusual occupation as she's a court stenographer (the person who makes a typed record of the proceedings in court when cases are heard). She had hoped she could get out of it as it will impact on her income. She had asked someone she knows if there was any way she could get out of it. As I already knew, the best she could hope for would be that she could get her attendance posponed but not cancelled.
The person she asked will be acting as a judge where she will be attending in the same week. She asked if he would be able to let her off jury service if he was the judge on the case where she was serving. Obviously that's not the case as a juror cannot serve on a jury if they know anyone involved in the case and that includes the judge. She would be put on a different case with another judge.

El Loro

Afternoon all.

Nice haircut, El.

Lucky Moonie, to have such a great new toy to play with.

Squiggle, I have rainbow envy.

Summer, I've got snow!

One side of my face currently looks like I've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. The dentist described the extraction as "tricky". The tooth broke as she was extracting it and she pressed so hard on my lower jaw, I fully expect it to be bruised in the morning! She suggested I start taking painkillers as soon as I got home and to expect it to throb for 2/3 days. 

It was a back tooth but not a wisdom tooth, Squiggle. My wisdom teeth had to be removed years ago, as my mouth was too small to accommodate them - hard to believe! 



That sounds like quite an ordeal Yogi I hope it doesn't bruise too badly and that painkillers are able to take care of the throbbing.

Thank you for posting about The Flying Scotsman EL, there is something about steam trains, I could almost smell that distinctive smell.  We used to love riding on a steam train and take our grandsons to Thomas The Tank days on various restored steam railways here and there including The Bluebell Line.

squiggle posted:

That sounds like quite an ordeal Yogi I hope it doesn't bruise too badly and that painkillers are able to take care of the throbbing.

Thank you for posting about The Flying Scotsman EL, there is something about steam trains, I could almost smell that distinctive smell.  We used to love riding on a steam train and take our grandsons to Thomas The Tank days on various restored steam railways here and there including The Bluebell Line.

Thanks Squiggle. Painkillers seem to be working, the throbbing is bearable atm.

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